The Future of the Schengen Area : Latest Developments and Challenges in the Schengen Governance Framework since 2016
This Study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE-Committee), takes stock of the main developments that have occurred in the Schengen Governance Framework since 2016. It analyses the legitimacy of a number of States’ decisions to maintain internal border controls. Also, most recent policy proposals in the field of internal police checks are assessed in light of relevant EU legal standards. The paper also questions the legality of the border walls and fences, which have been recently erected at the EU external borders and within the Schengen area.
#Schengen (fin de -) #frontières #murs #barrières_frontalières #contrôles_frontaliers #contrôles_systématiques_aux_frontières #frontière_sud-alpine
#cartographie #visualisation
La fin de Schengen... en gros..
Lien vers l’étude (pdf) :
#timeline #chronolgoie #time-line
Source de la carte (c’est intéressant le fait qu’elle a été faite par le HCR) :