The City Talks : Noam Leshem on Rethinking No Man’s Land : Sanctuaries in the Urban Dead Zone


  • Re-inhabiting No-Man’s Land. FROM DEAD ZONES TO LIVING SPACES

    Nearing the centenary of the First World War, this project explores the ongoing relevance of no-man’s lands in the 21st century. Rather than merely empty, divisive spaces, the project considers the material substance of no-man’s lands, their changing social-cultural meaning and their relevance as productive political and geopolitical spaces.

    As a figure of speech, No-Man’s Land is applied to anywhere from derelict inner-city districts and #buffer-zones to ‘ungovernable’ regions and tax havens. But what is no-man’s land? What are the conditions that produce it? How is it administered? What sort of human activities do no-man’s lands harbour? These are the questions that prompt us to think about the no-man’s lands not as dead zones, but as living spaces.
    #géographie #histoire #espace #cimetière #toponymie (apparemment le mot « no-man’s land » tire son origine d’un cimetière à la périphérie de Londres utilisant durant la peste")

    Conférence « The City Talks : #Noam_Leshem on Rethinking No Man’s Land : Sanctuaries in the Urban Dead Zone »

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