MoD names British Para who was killed during anti-ISIS operation


  • Le premier soldat britannique mort en Syrie pourrait avoir été tué par une bombe d’une milice de l’armée syrienne libre, « soutenue par la Turquie » : MoD names British Para who was killed during anti-ISIS operation

    SAS sources also revealed last night how the terrorists who planted the bomb could belong to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), an affiliation of militia, including jihadi elements, which is backed by Turkey. If the investigation into the incident concludes this was the case, it could lead to a diplomatic row with Turkey, a Nato member.

    A source added: ‘Matt was part of a joint UK-US Special Forces team which was working with local Kurdish troops in a bid to stabilise the city. Manbij was liberated from Islamic State in 2016 but jihadis aligned with the Free Syrian Army are seeking to take over.

    The main reason behind the SAS getting out of there is the fear of a proxy conflict between fellow Nato members.’

    (Après, c’est le Daily Mail… Il faudra surveiller si l’info est confirmée par d’autres sources un peu plus crédibles.)