Immigrant mother seeks sanctuary from deportation in New York City church


  • Immigrant mother seeks sanctuary from deportation in New York City church - World Socialist Web Site

    Immigrant mother seeks sanctuary from deportation in New York City church
    By Josh Varlin
    3 April 2018

    Aura Hernandez, an undocumented immigrant and mother of two, has taken sanctuary in a New York City church to prevent her deportation to Guatemala. She is threatened with deportation despite having reported to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regularly for the past five years.

    Hernandez fled Guatemala to United States in 2005 to escape an abusive relationship. US Customs and Border Protection picked her up shortly after she entered the US and detained her for three days. She charges that she was sexually abused by a Border Patrol officer while in detention before she was released.

    #états-unis #migrations #asile