An Important Announcement | Readability Blog


  • #Readability lève de l’argent pour les éditeurs de sites et… n’arrive pas à le redistribuer

    Thousands of you agreed to spend $5 a month (and sometimes more). But the second part proved difficult. Reading behavior on the Web is incredibly fragmented. Nobody reads from just 15 or 20 sites a month. People read from hundreds of sites a month, creating a vast long tail of publishers.

    And the great majority of those publishers never registered. Out of the millions—yes, millions—of domains that flowed through Readability, just over 2,000 registered to claim their money.

    #presse #hadopi #licence-globale #crowdfunding

    • Premier commentaire :

      « To recap: Money you collected on publishers’ behalf without their consent you will now hold to ransom for a few weeks, then hand over to third parties. All the while, your intentions and actions were noble and morally unimpeachable but not fraud or a violation of droit moral.

      Which part did I get wrong?

      Readability: The most egregiously unethical startup in Internet history. »

      Y’a du vrai là-dedans...