• WHO | Mapping social science research for #Zika virus response


    Mapping social science research for Zika virus response
    Latin America and the Caribbean

    Social science research is an essential part of effective risk communication and community engagement for responding effectively to the ongoing Zika outbreak, as it is the case for any epidemic or pandemic. The interactive map below allows you to gain an overview of such research to input into the response.

    In March 2016, WHO developed and shared a resource pack for governments, partners or individuals wishing to carry out Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) surveys for Zika virus and its suspected complications, such as microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome. KAP surveys and other social science research allows responders to rapidly obtain valuable and insightful information in order to tailor interventions to better address people’s needs at community level, thereby contributing to the overall public health response to Zika virus and its potential complications. Research information by key partners can be accessed by scrolling over the map. For more information email risk communication.

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