• While Israel is busy blaming the children, women, and men of the Gaza strip for getting themselves massacred, while it’s trying to enjoy Eurovision; let’s take a look at the latest reports on its arms trade.

    In March, reports came in that Israel is the 7th largest arms exporter in the world. An astounding statistic to anyone aware that Israel is the size of New Jersey, competing with the likes of the USA and Russia. That said, Israel has been one of the top 10 arms traders since the 80’s.

    This particular article, coming in while Israel is busy sniping thousands of Palestinians in the #GreatReturnMarch, tells of a 40% increase in arms sales in the past two years, when Israel’s arms exports jumped from $6.5 to over $9 billion dollars a year.

    Yes, “field testing” your killing machines on real, live, actual human beings pays, in this market. Israel shoots the indigenous Palestinians trying to return home, so you can shoot your immigrants with confidence:

    "Ben-Baruch said the defense establishment sees Europe as a significant target for defense transactions, mainly in terms of “border defenses, the consequences of immigration and all aspects of terrorism.”

    But before we throw our hands up in despair and start believing the lie that civilians have no say on the arms market, let’s remember that technology doesn’t necessarily have to be weaponised:

    "Ben-Baruch said. “It’s not simple to compete with European countries in Europe and win. It’s a half-billion-dollar project. This brings about cooperation between various government ministries – such as economy and energy and water. From a security project we end up with additional cooperative ventures.”
