


      This intertwining of learning and conceptual change, this flexibility, and this evolution of methodology and objectives, have developed historically in a constant dialogue between practical science and philosophical reflection. This is a further reason why so much science has been deeply influenced by philosophical reflection. The views of scientists, whether they like it or not, are impregnated with philosophy.

      And here we come back to Aristotle:

      “Philosophy provides guidance how research must be done.”

      Not because philosophy can offer a final word about the right methodology of science (contrary to the philosophical stance of Weinberg and Hawking). But because philosophers have conceptual tools for addressing the issues raised by this continuous conceptual shift. The scientists that deny the role of philosophy in the advancement of science are those who think they have already found the final methodology, that is, that they have already exhausted and answered all methodological questions. They are consequently less open to the conceptual flexibility needed to go ahead. They are the ones trapped in the ideology of their time.


      #philosophie #science #idéologie_contemporaine