Why Hopelessness Is Conservative | Current Affairs


  • Why Hopelessness Is Conservative, by Nathan J. Robinson, in CurrentAffairs (2018, May 24).

    I will admit that I hate this philosophy, and everything that sounds like this philosophy, and every piece of rhetoric that even has remote echoes of this type of philosophy. I hate it on a gut level, and my hatred is probably because I have spent much of my life thinking that the battle for my self-confidence and happiness was also necessarily a battle against this type of thinking. What type of thinking, exactly? The type that sounds like this: If you’re sad it’s because you’re weak, if you’re poor it’s because you’re stupid, if you’re marginalized it’s because you’re culturally dysfunctional, if you’re being screwed over you shouldn’t have signed the contract, if you did something horrible it’s because you’re evil, if you don’t understand it’s because you haven’t paid attention, if you’re angry it’s because you’re resentful, if you’re sentimental it’s because you’re not a Man.