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  • Abdel Bari Atwan conseille à Lakhdar Brahimi de refuser la charge onusienne de succéder à Kofi Annan :

    Personally I hope that Mr Brahimi refuses this serious task and apologises for the sake of his credibility. He must avoid falling into the trap prepared for him to break up Syria as a prelude to the fragmentation of the whole region.

    We should note that Kofi Annan did not fail but the United States and Western countries and other Arab countries deliberately thwarted him because he promoted a dialogue that maintained the territorial integrity Syrian and stopped the bloodshed of the Syrian people, preventing sectarian civil war and interventions of the great powers.

    Kofi Annan wanted to involve all regional powers in a political solution, as he believed that a military solution would be devastating. So, he went to Tehran, Baghdad, Istanbul, Riyadh and Moscow, but the United States and its allies in the region do not want a political solution, they prefer to destroy Syria just like Iraq and the Palestinian resistance were destroyed. They dragged the region into false peace to weaken them in order to serve the ultimate interests of Israel.

  • Abdel Bari Atwan revient sur deux questions qui circulent beaucoup au Liban, et dont l’absence de réponse logique semble plonger les 8 Mars dans un état de sidération total :

    This probe draws two main questions which require honest and clear answers to them.

    First of all, What are the reasons that could drive both Mr Samaha and Damascus to smuggle explosives using Samaha’s own car? Especially as the borders between Syria and Lebanon are opened and the Syrian intelligence bodies along with the Pro-Syrian regime groups in Lebanon are well qualified to do such an operation in their own ways.

    Secondly, why did the Lebanese government take such a serious step that would embarrass their Syrian neighbours and anger them? Especially with the recent tension taking place in the two countries where the political and sectarian conflict is hitting its most dangerous level.

    Lebanon is known to be full of explosives, and known to be full of Syrian regime’s allies too - Hezbollah, Syrian Nationalist Party, Amal, as well as some Palestinian groups associated to Syria. This shows that Syria doesn’t need to smuggle explosives and weapons through Mr Samaha, as such things are available in Lebanon, may be in much more amounts than what is supposed to be.