Manchester bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from Libyan warzone


  • Manchester bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from Libyan warzone

    Décidément, hier comme aujourd’hui, les dirigeants britanniques ont plus de considération pour les islamistes d’Al-Qaïda ou apparentés que pour leurs citoyens lambda,

    Abedi was known to the security services and was being monitored at the time of his [2014] trip to Libya. However, just one month prior to his rescue, MI5 closed his case as a result of mistaken identity.


    Mr Abedi had long been a prominent member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a militant organisation founded to pursue the violent overthrow of Gaddafi’s dictatorship and establish an Islamist state.

    Many of its followers had waged jihad in Afghanistan against the Soviets, and in the late 1980s and early 1990s their aims overlapped significantly with British foreign policy. Britain had cut off diplomatic ties with Gaddafi’s regime after Pan Am Flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie and policewoman Yvonne Fletcher was murdered in London.

    It was even claimed – although denied – that MI6 encouraged a coup attempt in 1996 by the Islamist group.

    Via Mark Curtis