
  • Mise à jour matinale du 23 avril 2024 05:31 BST| Middle East Eye

    Alors que la guerre contre Gaza entre dans son 200e jour, l’armée israélienne a lourdement bombardé les villes les plus au nord de l’enclave palestinienne tard dans la journée de lundi et jusqu’à mardi.

    Des tirs d’artillerie ont ébranlé Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia et Jabalia, et des affrontements ont été entendus dans toute la région, selon les médias locaux.

    Le Hamas a déclaré que ses combattants avaient abattu un soldat israélien à Beit Hanoun lors de la reprise des combats.

    Dans la ville de Gaza, les médias locaux ont rapporté que plusieurs personnes avaient été tuées et blessées lors de frappes dans différents quartiers.

    Des tirs d’obus ont également été signalés cette nuit dans le centre et le sud de la bande de Gaza.

    La marine israélienne a ouvert le feu sur les plages de Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat et Zawaida dans le centre de Gaza, a rapporté l’agence de presse Wafa.

    Récapitulatif de la soirée du 22 avril 2024 23:52 BST

    Le ministère de la santé de Gaza a déclaré que 54 personnes ont été tuées dans les attaques israéliennes sur l’enclave au cours des dernières 24 heures, ce qui porte le total à 34 151 depuis le 7 octobre.

    En outre, 77 084 personnes ont été blessées depuis le début de la guerre.

    Au moins 8 425 Palestiniens ont été arrêtés par les forces israéliennes en Cisjordanie occupée depuis le 7 octobre, selon les groupes de prisonniers palestiniens.

    Autres événements :

    Trois personnes ont été légèrement blessées à la suite d’une attaque à la voiture piégée et d’une tentative d’assassinat à Jérusalem, selon la police israélienne.

    Le Programme alimentaire mondial a déclaré qu’il avait pu livrer du carburant et de la farine de blé aux boulangeries du nord de la bande de Gaza « afin qu’elles puissent recommencer à produire après 170 jours d’inactivité ».

    Le chef de l’opposition israélienne, Yair Lapid, a appelé le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu à suivre les traces du chef des services de renseignement de l’armée israélienne, Aharon Haliva, et à démissionner à la suite des échecs du 7 octobre.

    Une cinquantaine de personnes ont été arrêtées sur le campus de l’université de Yale, aux États-Unis, pour « intrusion aggravée » en raison de leur participation à un campement de protestation contre la guerre de Gaza.

    L’agence de défense civile de Gaza a déclaré que les travailleurs de la santé avaient récupéré environ 200 corps au cours des trois derniers jours. Ces personnes auraient été tuées et enterrées par les forces israéliennes dans un hôpital de Khan Younis.

    Le secrétaire d’État Antony Blinken a déclaré que les États-Unis enquêtaient sur les allégations de violations des droits humains commises par Israël lors de ses opérations contre le Hamas à Gaza.

    Google a licencié plus de deux douzaines d’employés qui avaient protesté la semaine dernière contre le contrat d’informatique dématérialisée conclu avec le gouvernement israélien.


  • Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas annonce un nouveau bilan de 33 634 morts

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé un nouveau bilan de 33 634 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre.

    En 24 heures, 89 morts supplémentaires ont été recensés, selon un communiqué du ministère, qui fait état de 76 214 blessés en plus de six mois de guerre.

    Morning update 12 April 2024 06:16 BST
    https://www.middleeasteye.net/live-blog/live-blog-update/morning-update-46 ?

    Une personne a été tuée et plusieurs autres blessées lors d’une attaque israélienne sur une école dans le camp de réfugiés de Nuseirat, au centre de Gaza.
    Les forces israéliennes ont tué un Palestinien lors d’un raid sur le camp de réfugiés d’al-Faria, au sud de Tubas, en Cisjordanie occupée.
    La tentative de la Palestine d’obtenir le statut de membre à part entière des Nations unies a échoué, et les efforts déployés en vue d’un éventuel autre vote la semaine prochaine pourraient se heurter au veto des États-Unis au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies.
    Les États-Unis prévoient que les représailles de l’Iran contre Israël pour l’attaque du consulat de Damas ne seront pas assez importantes pour entraîner Washington dans une guerre.
    Samantha Power, responsable de l’USAID, a déclaré qu’il était « crédible » d’estimer que la famine avait déjà commencé à Gaza. La Maison Blanche a adopté une position plus souple, affirmant que la famine était « imminente ».

    Récapitulatif de la soirée 11 April 2024 23:43 BST

    Bonjour aux lecteurs de MEE. Jeudi, les retombées se sont poursuivies après la menace de l’Iran de riposter contre Israël à la suite de la frappe aérienne qui a visé l’ambassade de Téhéran à Damas, en Syrie, au début du mois.

    Le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken a appelé ses homologues turc, chinois et saoudien pour leur faire part de la nécessité de veiller à ce qu’il n’y ait pas d’escalade au Moyen-Orient à la suite de la guerre menée par Israël à Gaza. L’Iran a promis de riposter à la frappe, qui a tué trois commandants militaires iraniens de haut rang.

    Israël, quant à lui, a déclaré que si une frappe iranienne avait lieu sur son territoire, il répondrait « de manière appropriée », indiquant ainsi qu’il pourrait lancer une attaque directe contre l’Iran.

    Le ministre iranien des affaires étrangères a également déclaré que les États-Unis portaient la responsabilité de l’attaque, alors que Washington a répété à plusieurs reprises qu’il n’était pas impliqué dans l’attaque.

    Au lendemain de l’assassinat par Israël des enfants et petits-enfants du chef politique du Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, ce dernier a déclaré que le Hamas poursuivrait les négociations en vue de mettre fin à la guerre.
    « Les intérêts du peuple palestinien passent avant tout », a-t-il déclaré.

    Voici ce qu’il faut savoir de plus sur les événements d’aujourd’hui :

    Au moins six personnes ont été tuées lors d’un bombardement israélien sur le marché de Firas, dans la ville de Gaza.

    Le Commandement central américain a procédé à un nouveau largage d’aide humanitaire, larguant environ 6 000 livres de nourriture dans le nord de la bande de Gaza.

    Zaher Jabarin, membre du bureau politique du Hamas, a appelé les pays arabes à expulser les ambassadeurs israéliens de leur pays.

    Haniyeh, chef politique du Hamas, a nié que ses fils, tués lors d’une frappe israélienne cette semaine, étaient des combattants du groupe.

    Les États-Unis ont informé leurs employés en Israël qu’ils ne devaient pas voyager en dehors des zones de Tel Aviv, Jérusalem et Be’er Sheva, alors que l’Iran menace de prendre des mesures de rétorsion à l’encontre d’Israël.

    Plus de 250 groupes de défense des droits et organisations humanitaires ont signé une déclaration exhortant les pays du monde entier à mettre fin à la vente et au transfert d’armes à Israël.

    Samantha Power, directrice de l’Agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID), a déclaré lors d’une audition au Congrès que la famine sévissait déjà dans certaines parties du nord de la bande de Gaza.


  • 🔴 En direct : Israël accusé d’avoir ciblé un convoi humanitaire à Gaza "voiture après voiture"

    Des membres du personnel des Nations Unies inspectent la carcasse d’une voiture utilisée par l’ONG World Central Kitchen, qui a été touchée par une frappe israélienne la veille à Deir al-Balah, dans le centre de la bande de Gaza, le 2 avril 2024. © AFP

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas annonce un nouveau bilan de 33 037 morts

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé un nouveau bilan de 33 037 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre.

    En 24 heures, 62 morts supplémentaires ont été recensés, selon un communiqué du ministère, qui fait état de 75 668 blessés en près de six mois de guerre.

    Morning update | 4 April 2024 06:15 BST | Middle East Eye

    Overnight Israeli bombings on homes on Rafah have killed eight people, Palestine’s Wafa news agency is reporting
    Israel called up its air defence reservists for duty two days after the reported Israeli strike on Damascus which killed a top Iranian commander and several other people
    Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Israel’s explanation for the killing of international aid workers in Gaza was “not good enough,” while US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin said he expressed his “outrage” to his Israeli counterpart over the incident.
    Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf wrote to British Prime Minister RIshi Sunak asking for an “immediate end” of arms sales from the UK to Israel
    US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller hinted that his country may not support Palestine’s bid for full membership at the UN, saying that the issue of Palestinian statehood should be addressed through “direct negotiations” and “not at the United Nations.”

    Evening recap | 3 April 2024 23:37 BST | Middle East Eye

    The Palestinian health ministry in Gaza said that 59 people were killed by Israeli attacks over the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 32,975 since the beginning of the war on 7 October.

    14,500 children have been killed since the beginning of the war, including 30 of starvation. Of the victims, 73 percent are women and children, while 17,000 children have lost at least one of their parents.

    Additionally, 484 medical personnel have been killed, along with 140 journalists and 65 civil defence members.

    In other developments:

    One in three children below the age of two is now acutely malnourished, the World Food Programme said.
    Belgium’s Foreign Minister says her country is open to recognising Palestine as a state “when the moment comes”.
    Ambulances transporting some of the dead bodies of the World Central Kitchen workers arrived in Egypt.
    Haaretz, Israel’s longest-running newspaper in print, called for an end to the war in Gaza in an editorial.
    The United Nations has implemented a temporary suspension of its night-time operations in Gaza.
    Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz called for the holding of national elections in September.
    Founder of World Central Kitchen celebrity chef Jose Andres told Reuters on Wednesday that an Israeli assault, which resulted in the death of seven food aid workers in Gaza, had “systematically, car by car” targeted them.
    President Joe Biden is scheduled for a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.


  • Morning update | 30 March 2024 09:20 GMT | Middle East Eye

    An Israeli strike hit a car carrying UN observers near south Lebanon border, security sources told Reuters

    The Israeli military struck the Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat and Maghazi refugee camps in central Gaza, destroying residential buildings. It also targeted northern Gaza with massive aerial attacks

    A 13-year-old Palestinian child was shot and killed and two youths were wounded during a dawn raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, according to the Palestinian Wafa news agency

    The US said it welcomes the nomination of a new Palestinian Authority cabinet

    Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel will expand its offensive on the northern border and increase attacks on Hezbollah

    The Israeli army said that it has killed the deputy commander of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile unit, Ali Abdel-Hassan Naim, in an air strike near the southern city of Tyre.


    Late night update 29 March 2024 23:49 GMT

    On Friday, Israel escalated its bombardment campaign against Lebanon and Syria, with a series of air strikes in the Aleppo province that killed more than 40 people.

    Israel also said that it killed a Hezbollah commander in south Lebanon. The escalatory strikes have further raised concerns about Israel’s willingness to seek peace as it continues to increase attacks in the wider conflict amid its ongoing war in Gaza.

    Meanwhile, countries continue to airdrop humanitarian assistance into the Gaza Strip, as the threat of famine grows for the Palestinian population.

    The death toll in Gaza, according to the latest figures from the Palestinian health ministry, stands at 32,623.

    Here’s what else you need to know from Friday’s developments:

    An Israeli strike on a sports centre in Gaza City’s Shujaiyah neighbourhood killed 15 people

    Two Israeli attacks in Gaza City’s Shujaiyah neighbourhood killed several members of the local police force in charge of securing aid convoys to the area

    A UK charity has launched a nationwide billboard campaign calling on the government to end its arms sales and trade agreements with Israel if it continues its bombardment of Gaza

    A senior US State Department official acknowledged that famine in Gaza is both a risk and “quite possibly” present in some areas in the northern part of the enclave

    Israel has destroyed more than 2,000 agricultural sites, including farms and greenhouses, in Gaza since October 2023, according to a report from Forensic Architecture

    The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said on Telegram that it destroyed a Merkava 4 Israeli tank in Tal al-Hawa in Gaza City

    The Biden administration has approved the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel in recent days, according to a report from the Washington Post

    The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement saying that the government will send a delegation back for negotiations over a truce between Hamas.

    • 🔴 En direct : nouvelle manifestation à Londres pour un cessez-le-feu à Gaza
      Publié le : 30/03/2024 - 11:25

      Une deuxième cargaison d’aide, soit près de 400 tonnes de nourriture, a quitté samedi le port chypriote de Larnaca pour Gaza, a annoncé l’ONG World Central Kitchen, qui a co-organisé le convoi.

      Cinq personnes sont mortes et 30 blessées samedi 30 mars avant l’aube dans la ville de Gaza, lors de tirs et d’une bousculade lors d’une distribution d’aide alimentaire, affirme le Croissant-Rouge palestinien.

      Des milliers de personnes ont défilé une nouvelle fois à Londres pour demander un cessez-le-feu permanent à Gaza, pour la 11e manifestation nationale dans la capitale britannique depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre.

      Une frappe israélienne a touché samedi un véhicule transportant des observateurs des Nations unies et en a blessé le sud du Liban, selon la Finul. L’armée israélienne a démenti toute implication.

  • 🔴 En direct : frappes israéliennes et combats dans plusieurs villes de la bande de Gaza
    France 24 | Publié le : 28/03/2024

    La bande de Gaza est le théâtre jeudi de raids aériens et d’affrontements féroces entre l’armée israélienne et des combattants palestiniens du Hamas. Un haut responsable local rapporte, quant à lui, des combats près de la ville de Gaza (nord) et à Khan Younès (sud).

    L’armée américaine a annoncé avoir abattu mercredi quatre drones lancés par les rebelles houthis du Yémen qui ciblaient un navire de guerre des États-Unis en mer Rouge.

    Frappes israéliennes meurtrières sur Gaza et poursuite des combats dans plusieurs villes

    La bande de Gaza est le théâtre jeudi de raids aériens et d’affrontements féroces entre l’armée israélienne et des combattants palestiniens du Hamas à l’heure où le gouvernement de Benjamin Netanyahu rouvre la porte à des discussions avec son allié américain sur une éventuelle opération à Rafah.

    Tôt jeudi, le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a fait état d’au moins 66 morts à Gaza au cours de la nuit, notamment dans des frappes aériennes, tandis qu’un haut responsable local rapportait des combats près de la ville de Gaza (nord) et à Khan Younès (sud). En parallèle, l’agence de presse palestinienne Wafa a dénombré des heurts dans différentes localités de la Cisjordanie occupée.

    L’armée israélienne, qui accuse les combattants du Hamas de se cacher dans les hôpitaux, poursuit son opération lancée le 18 mars dans le complexe hospitalier al-Chifa de Gaza-Ville.

    À Khan Younès, les soldats mènent des opérations dans le secteur des hôpitaux Nasser et al-Amal, distants d’environ un kilomètre. L’hôpital al-Amal « a cessé de fonctionner complètement », a indiqué plus tôt cette semaine le Croissant-Rouge palestinien après l’évacuation des civils qui s’y trouvaient.

    • Late night update
      27 March 2024 23:56 GMT | Middle East Eye

      On Wednesday, Israeli forces continued their raid on al-Shifa hospital for the 10th consecutive day.

      Israel said it killed “dozens” of Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, but Hamas denies having any of its fighters inside the hospital.

      One of the journalists who was inside the hospital, Bayan Abulsultan, has not been seen since 19 March, and Reporters Without Borders is calling on Israel’s military to share any information about the reporter.

      The cross-border attacks between Hezbollah and Israel escalated on Wednesday, with Hezbollah launching a barrage of rockets at the largely evacuated town of Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel. The attack was in retaliation for Israel’s overnight strike on an emergency health centre in al-Habbariyeh, south Lebanon, that killed seven rescuers.

      Israel responded again with two strikes in southern Lebanon that killed at least eight people.

      Here’s what else you need to know from Wednesday’s developments:

      Thousands of Jordanians took to the streets of Amman for another night, protesting against the ongoing war in Gaza.

      A State Department official has resigned from her position, citing US support for Israel’s war. Annelle Sheline became the most significant Biden official to resign from their position since Josh Paul, who oversaw arms transfers at the State Department, resigned in October.

      Al Jazeera Arabic aired footage showing Israeli forces killing two unarmed Palestinians attempting to return to northern Gaza, and then burying them afterwards.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been working to reschedule a meeting with the White House regarding the planning military invasion of Rafah. This comes after he cancelled the meeting in anger over the US abstention on a UN Security Council vote calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

      Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the State Department, accused UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese of having a history of antisemitic comments. Albanese released a report this week stating there are reasonable grounds to believe Israel is committing genocide.

      The White House expressed condolences to the people who drowned while trying to retrieve aid that was airdropped into the water off a beach in Gaza.


  • Late night update
    24 March 2024 23:50 GMT | Middle East Eye


    At least 32,226 Palestinians have been killed, among them 84 in the past 24 hours, and 74,518 injured in Israel’s air and ground assault into the densely populated Gaza Strip, according to the local health ministry.

    Today, Israel informed the United Nations today that it will no longer allow Unrwa food convoys into north Gaza, where 70 percent of people face the highest level of food scarcity.

    UN chief Antonio Guterres denounced “horror & starvation” in Gaza during his humanitarian visit to Egypt, in a series of posts to X.

    Meanwhile, the US announced that it sent an airdrop over north Gaza in cooperation with the Jordanian air force.

    The shipment is the 13th humanitarian aid airdrop to the area, however, the UN and other aid organisations have warned that airdrops cannot provide nearly enough aid to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza.

    Other updates from today include:

    In a joint statement, 14 NGOs came together to state that Israel is not in compliance with US President Joe Biden’s national security memorandum that barred recipients of US weapons from obstructing humanitarian aid in conflict zones.

    The US Conference of Catholic Bishops called for a ceasefire in Gaza ahead of the Christian Easter holidays.

    French President Emmanuel Macron warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that forcible population transfer is a war crime that violates international law, condemning “Israeli announcements on settlements” in talks with the Israeli leader.

    Riot police fired tear gas to push back hundreds of Jordanian demonstrators marching to the Israeli embassy in Amman on Sunday in protest at Israel’s latest storming of hospitals in Gaza and mounting civilian deaths.


  • In the West, Israel never initiates violence, it only ’retaliates’
    Joseph Massad | 20 March 2024 | Middle East Eye

    Pro-Palestine protesters hold a banner inside the lobby of The New York Times’s offices during an action criticising the newspaper’s coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza on 14 March in New York City (Michael Nigro/Sipa USA via Reuters)

    One of the remarkable things about western support for settler-colonialism in Palestine is its insistence that the Zionist act of colonisation is legitimate and does not constitute aggression against the indigenous Palestinians.

    On the other hand, it views the resistance that the Palestinians mount against settler-colonialism as illegitimate.

    This is why the massive repression that Jewish colonists visit upon the Palestinian natives is invariably identified by Israel, western governments, think tanks, and the obsequious western press as “retaliations” or “reprisals”.

    Such descriptions have been used by settler colonies more generally for their massacres but are never used to denote the indigenous peoples’ resistance to settler colonialism. From this perspective, the initial violence in settler colonies is always that of indigenous resistance, which is why the colonists’ war against the natives is always an act of “retaliation”.

    This is not confined to the recent genocidal war that Israel waged against Gaza since 7 October, which it and western media identify as “retaliation”. (...)

  • War on Gaza: Torture, executions, babies left to die, sexual abuse… These are Israel’s crimes
    Jonathan Cook
    15 March 2024 11:40 GMT | Middle East Eye

    . Israeli soldiers inside an evacuated compound of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza City on 8 February, 2024 (AFP)

    Why is the same western media obsessively reheating five-month-old allegations against Hamas so reluctant to focus on Israel’s current, horrifying atrocities?

    Hostages tortured to death. Parents executed in front of their children. Doctors beaten. Babies murdered. Sexual assault weaponised.

    No, not Hamas crimes. This is part of an ever-growing list of documented atrocities committed by Israel in the five months since 7 October - quite separate from the carpet bombing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza and a famine induced by Israel’s obstruction of aid.

    Last week, an investigation by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz disclosed that some 27 Palestinians seized off Gaza’s streets over the past five months are known to have died during interrogations inside Israel.

    Some were denied medical treatment. But most are likely to have been tortured to death.

    Three months ago, a Haaretz editorial warned that Israeli jails “must not become execution facilities for Palestinians”. (...)

  • Israeli forces kill 83 Palestinians in past day, death toll over 30,800
    7 March 2024 09:47 GMT | Middle East Eye

    Israeli forces have killed at least 83 Palestinians and wounded 142 more over the past 24 hours in nine “massacres”, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

    This brings the Palestinian death toll in nearly five months to more than 30,800, with nearly 73,000 wounded and at least 7,000 missing, believed to be dead and buried under rubble.

    More than 70 percent of the victims are women and children, according to health officials.


    • It’s 12:30pm (10:30 GMT) in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

      The Israeli military has arrested more than two dozen people during raids across the occupied West Bank.
      UNRWA aims to use a road under the Israeli military’s control bordering Gaza to test its suitability for delivering humanitarian aid to the isolated north, where people are driven towards starvation.
      Israel has “groundlessly” blocked aid operations for Gaza as the enclave falls deeper into famine, according to a report by Refugees International.
      Israel’s orders to evacuate civilians in Gaza are illegal and have been used to forcibly transfer and detain Palestinians, says a UN special rapporteur.
      The Houthis, whose latest attack in the Gulf of Aden killed three sailors on a merchant ship, will continue targeting Israel-linked vessels as long as the Gaza war persists, a group spokesman has reaffirmed.

  • War on Gaza: Jewish opposition to Israel is as old as Zionism itself Joseph Massad | 29 February 2024 14:20 GMT | Middle East Eye

    European and American Jews have been at the forefront of opposition to Zionism since its birth as a colonial-settler movement at the end of the 19th century


    . Protesters demonstrate outside of the New York office of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), a pro-Israel lobby group, for its role in influencing US support for Israel during the ongoing assault on Gaza, on 22 February 2024 (John Lamparski/Reuters)

    Last week, hundreds of people protested at the Manhattan headquarters of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the most formidable pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States, as well as at the offices of US senators who receive funding from Aipac, demanding a ceasefire. New York police arrested 12 people.

    The action was organised by the New York chapter of the anti-Zionist group Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and was the latest of dozens of Jewish protests against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

    In November, Jewish activists occupied the Statue of Liberty, demanding an immediate ceasefire and chanting “Not in our name”. The ongoing protests since 7 October 2023 confirm what pro-Israel groups have feared for the past two decades: that support for Israel is dwindling among American Jews.

    In fact, a survey conducted by the Jewish Electorate Institute in June and July 2021 found that 22 percent of Jews believed that Israel was “committing genocide against the Palestinians”, while 25 percent agreed that “Israel is an apartheid State”, and 34 percent thought that “Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is similar to racism in the US”. Of those under 40 years old, 33 percent believed that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians. These numbers were collated two years before the current genocide.

    Like JVP, a Jewish congregation called Tzedek, founded in 2015, had initially described itself as “non-Zionist” but later redefined itself as “anti-Zionist”. The predominantly younger membership in such organisations also signals a generational shift within US Jewry. (...)

  • Israeli forces kill 118 Palestinians in past day, death toll over 29,300
    21 February 2024 09:27 GMT | Middle East Eye

    Israeli forces have killed at least 118 Palestinians and wounded 163 more over the past 24 hours in 11 “massacres”, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

    This brings the Palestinian death toll in 137 days to more than 29,313, with over 69,300 wounded and 7,000 missing, who are believed to be dead and buried under rubble.

    Over 70 percent of the victims are children and women, according to health officials.


  • Morning update: Day 131 of Israel’s war on Gaza | Middle East Eye

    Releasing Palestinian prisoners is now the “main gap” as truce negotiations continue, according to Israeli and US officials who spoke to Israel’s Walla news outlet

    A US funding bill which bans funding to UNRWA and gives $14.1bn to Israel has been adopted by the US Senate and will now go to a vote in the Congress

    Israeli drones have ordered people to leave Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis but Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) says those sheltering there are afraid to leave after reports people have been shot

    Israeli forces have arrested more than 7,000 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since October 7, according to new figures released by the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society

    • It’s just after 2am (00:00 GMT) on Wednesday, February 14, in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

      Here are some of the main developments:

      “Last night in Rafah was very tough. Hopefully, Maghazi will be safe, God willing,” Nahla Jarwan tells Reuters as she returns to the city she previously evacuated.
      “People are afraid to leave the hospital because they hear reports of people being shot at,” says Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) as Israeli drones order evacuation from Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.
      An Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent and a photojournalist working with him have been wounded in an Israeli air strike near Rafah, in southern Gaza.
      Belgium’s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has warned that Israel’s incursion into Rafah in southern Gaza “would cause a further unmitigated humanitarian catastrophe.
      Another day of truce talks in Cairo has ended without agreement as calls continue for Israel to halt a full-fledged attack on the city of Rafah.

  • [En direct] La riposte d’Israël à Gaza jugée « excessive » par Washingtion qui craint un « désastre » humanitaire
    Publié le : 09/02/2024

    ■ De nouvelles frappes américaines contre les Houthis au Yémen. Les États-Unis ont annoncé avoir mené des frappes jeudi visant quatre drones de surface et sept missiles de croisière « prêts à être lancés contre des navires en mer Rouge » par les rebelles Houthis du Yémen.

    ■ Les forces israéliennes ont intensifié les bombardements dans des quartiers de Rafah, jugés excessifs par les États-Unis qui craignent un « désastre » humanitaire.

    ■ Selon le dernier bilan du ministère de la Santé du Hamas, communiqué ce vendredi 9 février, 27 947 personnes ont été tuées à Gaza depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre 2023. Il a fait état d’un total de 107 morts au cours des dernières 24 heures. Les victimes sont en majorité des femmes, des adolescents et des enfants. On dénombre également 67 317 blessés.

  • [En direct] Gaza : Israël étudie la réponse « positive » du Hamas sur une trêve et poursuit ses frappes à Rafah
    Publié le : 07/02/2024 - RFI

    ■ Le groupe palestinien Hamas a confirmé mardi 6 février avoir remis sa réponse aux médiateurs égyptiens et qatariens à une proposition de trêve formulée fin janvier à Paris par des responsables américains, qatariens et égyptiens. Selon Le Caire et Doha, cette réponse était « généralement positive ». Israël a confirmé l’avoir reçue et l’étudier.

    ■ Alors que les autorités israéliennes réaffirment leur volonté d’étendre les opérations à Rafah, dans le sud de Gaza, l’ONU a prévenu qu’une invasion terrestre sur place pourrait « constituer un crime de guerre ». À la frontière avec l’Égypte, la ville concentre désormais la moitié de la population palestinienne, venue se réfugier, suivant notamment des instructions israéliennes.

    ■ Alors que la guerre entre mercredi 7 février dans son cinquième mois, Israël a de nouveau bombardé Khan Younès, où selon lui se cachent des responsables du mouvement islamiste palestinien. Selon l’armée israélienne, le chef du Hamas à Gaza est actuellement « en fuite » et se terre « de cachette en cachette ».

    ■ Le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken est arrivé mardi 6 février au soir à Tel-Aviv, dans sa tournée diplomatique dans la région, poursuivant les efforts en vue d’obtenir une trêve humanitaire.

    ■ Au moins 31 des 136 otages israéliens capturés par le Hamas sont morts, selon une évaluation interne menée par l’armée israélienne. Des rapports non confirmés des services de renseignement indiquent qu’au moins 20 autres otages pourraient également être morts.

    ■ Selon le dernier bilan du ministère de la Santé du Hamas, mardi 6 février, 27 585 personnes ont été tuées à Gaza depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre dernier. Les morts sont en majorité des femmes, des adolescents et des enfants. On dénombre 66 978 blessés.

    • Morning recap: Day 124 of Israel’s war on Gaza
      7 February 2024 05:53 GMT | Middle East Eye


      It’s 07:50 in Palestine and Israel. Here are the latest developments from Israel’s war on Gaza, which enters its 124th day today:

      Israeli fighter jets intensified overnight air strikes in Rafah, a small border town with Egypt sheltering over 1.3 million internally displaced civilians.

      North of Rafah, Israeli forces tightened their siege of Khan Youni’s main hospital, the Nasser Medical Complex, as fighting raged on elsewhere in the city.

      A suspected Israeli air strike in Syria’s Homs late on Tuesday killed a man, a woman and a child, according to a human rights monitor.

      Saudi Arabia rebuffed White House spokesperson John Kirby for saying that a normalisation deal with Israel was separate from a Gaza ceasefire agreement.

      Riyadh insisted “there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognised on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, and that the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip stops and all Israeli occupation forces withdraw from the Gaza Strip”.

    • Israel’s war on Gaza live: Rafah situation ‘more intense by the hour’
      7 février 2024 - 05:00 GMT | Al Jazeera

      It’s 7am (05:00 GMT) in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

      Here are some of the main developments overnight:

      Israeli forces have intensified their siege of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, endangering 300 medical staff, 450 patients and some 10,000 displaced people, the UN reports.

      Israeli forces have stormed the cities of Jenin and Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank, raiding homes, arresting people and destroying infrastructure.

      The Israeli military launched air raids on the city of Homs in Syria, killing many civilians and injuring several more.

      Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry has issued a statement stating there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel without a Palestinian state.

    • Day 124 : Dozens Of Palestinians Killed By Israeli Missiles In Gaza
      Feb 7, 2024 | - IMEMC News

      On Wednesday, Day 124 of the ongoing Israeli onslaught and genocidal bombings of civilian areas, Israeli missiles and shells killed dozens of Palestinians, including women and children, and injured many more, in several parts of the Gaza Strip.

      The Palestinian Health Ministry said the army “committed 12 massacres against Palestinian families in Gaza over the last 24 hours, killing 107 Palestinians and wounding more than 143.”

      The Israeli bombing targeted many areas in Rafah, in the eastern, southern, and western parts, especially in areas near the perimeter fence where dozens of families fled.

      In the Tal Al-Sultan area in Rafah, the army fired missiles and shells at many homes, killing and wounding several Palestinians, including a journalist from the Abu Ghali family along with his mother and his sister.

      The army also fired a missile at a home of the Khaffaja family near the Al-Qadisiya School, in Tal Al-Sultan, killing Ayyoub Yahia Hamad Khaffaja.

      Also in Rafah, Israeli missiles killed a woman from the Arsan and her child in the Zohour neighborhood, bringing the number of slain Palestinians to twelve, in addition to many injuries, in just a few hours.

      The Qatar-based Al-Jazeera said the Israeli Air Force is conducting extensive aerial strikes, and creating massive fire belts in areas north of Rafah.

      Al-Aqsa Satellite TV said the army is firing dozens of artillery shells, tank shells, and missiles targeting all areas east of Rafah, while Israeli navy ships fired many missiles into Palestinian areas near the border with Egypt.

      Over the past several days, the Israeli army has been threatening to invade Rafah where at least 1.400.000, including those who fled northern and central Gaza, are sheltering in make-shift camps, under the cold, and without basic supplies or any infra-structure. (...)

  • [En direct] Israël-Hamas : au moins 27585 personnes tuées à Gaza depuis le début de la guerre

    Des hommes travaillent à la construction d’une tombe dans un cimetière où les Palestiniens déplacés, qui ont fui leurs maisons en raison des frappes israéliennes, s’abritent, dans le cadre du conflit actuel entre Israël et le Hamas, à Rafah, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, le 5 février 2024. © Mohammed Salem / Reuters

    ■ Le secrétaire général de l’ONU Antonio Guterres a annoncé lundi la création d’un comité chargé d’évaluer la « neutralité » de l’agence de l’ONU pour les réfugiés palestiniens (Unrwa) après les accusations visant plusieurs de ses employés. L’Espagne a annoncé envoyer une aide supplémentaire de 3,5 millions d’euros à l’Unrwa

    ■ Alors que la guerre entrera mercredi 7 février dans son cinquième mois, Israël a de nouveau bombardé Khan Younès, dans le sud du territoire, où selon elle se cachent des responsables du mouvement islamiste palestinien. Selon l’armée israélienne, le chef du Hamas à Gaza est actuellement « en fuite » et se terre « de cachette en cachette ».

    ■ Des frappes aériennes ont également visé Rafah, plus au Sud, touchant un jardin d’enfants, d’après le Hamas. Plus d’un million de déplacés palestiniens, menacés par les pénuries et les épidémies, s’entassent désormais dans des abris et des campements de fortune.

    ■ Le secrétaire d’État americain Antony Blinken a entamé une nouvelle tournée dans la région visant à encourager une trêve.

    ■ Selon le dernier bilan du ministère de la Santé du Hamas, mardi 6 février, 27 585 personnes ont été tuées à Gaza depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre dernier. Les morts sont en majorité des femmes, des adolescents et des enfants. On dénombre 66 978 blessés.

    • Morning update: Day 123 of Israel’s war on Gaza
      6 February 2024 05:43 GMT | Middle East Eye

      It’s just after 7:30 in Palestine and Israel. Here are the latest developments of day 123 of Israel’s war on Gaza:

      Israeli fighter jets continued to bomb Palestinians across the Gaza Strip at an intense rate.

      Shelling in Rafah overnight has killed at least four people. Artillery shelling and raids were also reported in Khan Younis and northern Gaza.

      US Secretary of State Antony Blinken finished a visit to Saudi Arabia and is due to fly out to Egypt today. His regional tour, which will include stops in Qatar and Israel, comes amid a push to end the war.

      A cargo ship sailing off the coast of Yemen’s Hodaidah was hit with a projectile, leading to minor damage.

      Amir Ohana, the Israeli parliament speaker, said Monday during an official visit to the US that Israel was seeking the “complete defeat of Hamas” in the war.

    • Israel’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 123
      6 Feb 2024 | Al Jazeera

      People look for salvageable items at al-Maqoussi towers area on February 3, 2024, amid the rubble of buildings destroyed during Israeli bombardment on Gaza City [AFP]

      Humanitarian crisis in Gaza

      At least 27,478 people have been killed and 66,835 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.
      A convoy of trucks waiting to bring food into the Gaza Strip was hit by Israeli fire on Monday, according to UNRWA director Thomas White. There were no casualties but goods were damaged.
      The Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City received a “surge of injured people” after the “rapid deterioration” of al-Shifa Hospital, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
      Some 6,000 people are also waiting to be evacuated from the Strip for crucial medical care, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says.
      Around 8,000 people sheltering in al-Amal Hospital were able to leave after two weeks of siege, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS).
      OCHA says 66 percent of planned humanitarian missions to distribute food and water and to provide hospital support were denied by Israeli authorities in January. Meanwhile, Jordanian and Dutch troops jointly airdropped aid supplies into Gaza, as well as medical supplies.

      Regional tensions and diplomacy

      US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting the Middle East to push for a truce between Israel and Hamas as well as the release of captives in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
      A Barbados-flagged, UK-owned cargo ship was attacked by a drone in the Red Sea, 57km (around 35 miles) west of the Yemeni city of Hodeidah. Yemen’s Houthis have been attacking cargo ships in the Red Sea since November in protest at Israel’s war on Gaza.
      The UN has appointed an independent panel to investigate its aid agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, following accusations that its staff were involved in Hamas’s October 7 attacks in southern Israel, and the subsequent cut to funding from main donors like the United States and Germany.
      China and Russia representatives at a UN Security Council meeting said the US is escalating tensions and had impinged on other countries’ sovereignty by carrying out air strikes in Syria and Iraq over the weekend. The strikes were in response to the killing of US troops in Jordan last week but the US has admitted it did not give Iraq prior notice of strikes.
      Amir Ohana, speaker of the Knesset, met with UN national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Monday and said Israel’s goal in Gaza was the “complete defeat of Hamas”. Ohana also said that “the Iranian-led axis of evil must feel the resolve of the free world in the shape of a diplomatic and military iron curtain”, referring to rising tensions in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.

      Occupied West Bank

      Israel has been accused of withholding the body of a 14-year-old Palestinian boy, killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank on Monday, from his relatives. Defence for Children International, a civil society organisation, said the action violates international law.
      Israeli forces have arrested a minor from the village of Aqqa and two young brothers from the village of Asfi, both in the hamlet of Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency reports. Raids have been reported in five other areas of the West Bank in the past few days.

  • Morning recap
    10 January 2024 | Middle East Eye

    It’s just after 11 am in Palestine and Israel. Here are the latest developments:

    Israeli attacks continued across all provinces of the Gaza Strip on Wednesday morning, killing civilians in their homes, cars markets and farmland.

    An Israeli MP from Netanyahu’s party repeated his call to “burn Gaza”, saying there were no innocent people there.

    Hamas condemned US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his “attempt to justify the genocide” committed by Israel after claiming fighters hide among civilians.

    Israeli forces raided several cities across the occupied West Bank, arresting citizens and destroying infrastructure.

    The Israeli army said a soldier was killed in Gaza on Tuesday, bringing the death toll among troops to 520.

  • War on Gaza: The West will stand in the dock alongside Israel at the genocide court
    Jonathan Cook | 9 January 2024 11:48 GMT | Middle East Eye

    (...) The aim of the 1948 Genocide Convention, drafted in the immediate wake of the Second World War and the Nazi Holocaust, was not simply to punish those who carry out genocides.

    It was designed to help identify a genocide in its early stages, and create a mechanism - through the rulings of the International Court of Justice - by which it could be halted.

    In other words, the purpose of South Africa’s case is not to arbitrate what happens once Israel has annihilated the Palestinians of Gaza, as far too many observers appear to imagine. It is to stop Israel from annihilating the people of Gaza before it is too late.

    Based on strange logic, Israel’s supporters imply that the genocide charge is unwarranted because the real aim is not to exterminate the Palestinians of Gaza but to induce them to flee.

    Israeli leaders have encouraged this assumption. In an interview on Sunday, the national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, noted of Gaza’s population that - after being bombed, made homeless, starved and left vulnerable to disease - “hundreds of thousands will leave now”. Duplicitiously, he termed this a “voluntary” mass emigration.

    But such an outcome - itself a crime against humanity - entirely depends on Egypt opening its borders to allow Palestinians to flee the killing fields. If Cairo refuses to submit to Israel’s violent blackmail, it will be Israel’s bombs, the famine it inflicted, and the lethal diseases it unleashed that decimate Gaza’s population.

    The International Court of Justice must not adopt a wait-and-see approach, pondering whether Israel’s bombing campaign and siege lead to extermination or “only” ethnic cleansing. That would strip international humanitarian law of all relevance.
    British and US media have given airtime to Israeli officials who openly incite genocide.

    All that would have to stop immediately after a ruling. The police in western nations would be expected to investigate and the courts prosecute those inciting genocide or providing a platform for incitement.

    States would be expected to deny Israel weapons and impose economic sanctions on Israel - as well as on any states that collude in the genocide.

    Israeli officials would risk arrest for travelling to western countries.

    Double standards

    In practice, of course, none of that is likely to happen. Israel is far too important to the West - as a projection of its power into the oil-rich Middle East - to be sacrificed.

    Any effort to enforce a genocide ruling through the UN Security Council will be blocked by the Biden administration.

    Meanwhile, the UK, along with Canada, Germany, Denmark, France and the Netherlands, have already demonstrated how unabashed they are about their own double standards.

    Weeks ago they submitted formal arguments to the International Court of Justice that Myanmar was committing genocide against the Rohingya ethnic group. Their central argument was that the Rohingya were being subjected “to a subsistence diet, systematic expulsion from homes, and the induction of essential medical services below minimum requirement”.

    But none of these western states is backing South Africa’s genocide submission to the same court - even though conditions in Gaza engineered by Israel are even worse.

    The truth is that a genocide ruling by the court will open up a can of worms for the West, and its readiness to accept that the provisions of international law apply to it too.

    Israel has been at the forefront of efforts to unravel international law in Gaza for more than a decade. Now it is ostentatiously flaunting its perpetration of the crime of genocide, as if daring the world to stop it.

    Perversely, it is reversing the very international safeguards put in place to stop a repeat of the Nazi Holocaust.

    Will the West defy Israel or the court? The post-war consensus that serves as the foundation for international law - already shaken by the failure to address the West’s war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan - is on the verge of complete collapse.

    And no one will be happier with that outcome than the state of Israel.


  • 01/01/2024
    Ce qu’il faut retenir - Publié le : 01/01/2024 - 06:19

    ■ La guerre n’a pas connu de répit pour le Nouvel An : les raids aériens, les tirs d’artillerie et les combats au sol sont poursuivis dans la bande de Gaza.

    ■ Benyamin Netanyahu affirme que la guerre menée par l’armée israélienne dans la bande de Gaza est « d’une moralité sans équivalent ». Il réagissait aux accusations d’« actes de génocide » portées par l’Afrique du Sud devant la Cour internationale de justice (CIJ).

    ■ Des hélicoptères de la marine des États-Unis ont coulé trois bateaux des rebelles houthis du Yémen, qui avaient attaqué un porte-conteneurs en mer Rouge, a annoncé ce dimanche l’armée américaine.

    ■ Face aux raids israéliens des dernières semaines, à Gaza, environ 1,9 million d’habitants ont dû fuir leur foyer et 1,5 million d’entre eux sont sans-abris.

    ■ Selon un nouveau bilan annoncé dimanche par le ministère de la Santé du Hamas, 21 822 personnes ont été tuées à Gaza depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre. Les morts sont en majorité des femmes, des adolescents et des enfants. On compte 56 451 blessés. Le Bureau central palestinien des statistiques indique que 22 141 personnes sont décédées dans les Territoires palestiniens depuis le 7 octobre, dont 98% à Gaza. L’armée israélienne a affirmé jeudi avoir tué plus de 2 000 combattants palestiniens depuis la fin de la trêve, début décembre. 167 soldats israéliens ont été tués depuis le début de l’offensive terrestre de l’armée israélienne dans la bande de Gaza le 27 octobre, selon les derniers chiffres de l’armée.

    • 01/01/2024 - 00:03 GMT

      A recap of the latest developments

      It’s just after 2am (00:00 GMT) on Monday January 1, 2024 in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

      Here’s a recap of recent developments:

      The Gaza government’s media office says it recorded 1,825 Israeli “massacres” in Gaza in the past 85 days.
      Israeli attacks resulted in 28,822 people killed or missing, including 9,100 children, the government media office added.
      US forces in the Red Sea will not prevent Houthis from supporting Gaza, Houthi Brigadier-General Yahya Saree says after a US attack reportedly killed Houthi fighters.
      The Israeli army says it will withdraw five combat brigades from Gaza and that some reservists will return home.
      A spokesperson for Tony Blair denies Israeli news report that the former UK prime minister will have a role in Palestinians’ “voluntary evacuation” from Gaza.

    • Morning update
      1 January 2024 06:02 GMT | Middle East Eye

      Good morning Middle East Eye readers,

      It’s just over 8 am in Palestine and Israel on the 87th day of the war on Gaza.

      The new year began in the besieged Palestinian enclave with Israeli bombing as the death toll near the 22,000 mark.

      Here are the major developments from the last few hours:

      Heavy tank shelling was reported Monday morning in refugee camps in the central and northern Gaza Strip.
      Several people were killed and wounded in air strikes on Khan Younis, according to medics.
      Palestinians across the West Bank marked the new year with rallies calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
      Israeli forces raided West Bank cities and arrested several people, local media reported.
      An armed drone was shot down over Iraq’s Ain al-Assad air base, which houses US forces.

  • Red Crescent condemns attacks near al-Amal hospital in Khan Younis
    28 December 2023 | Middle East Eye

    The Palestinian Red Cresent Society (PRCS) has condemned the Israeli targeting of al-Amal Hospital in Gaza that killed 10 people and injured 21
    “The PRCS expresses its deep concern for the safety of its staff working in the hospital and the headquarters of the Society, especially since the latest targeting; today is the fifth targeting of the hospital and its surroundings in less than a week,” PRCS said in a statement published on X.

    “The occupation’s intensification in targeting the vicinity of al-Amal Hospital during the past few days may be considered a prelude to targeting it directly,” it added.

    The PRCS condemns the targeting of Al-Amal Hospital by the occupation forces and calls on the international community to provide urgent protection for the hospital.#NotATarget#IHL #AlAmalHospital https://twitter.com/PalestineRCS/status/1740372039507099684
    — PRCS (@PalestineRCS) December 28, 2023

  • Guerre Israël-Palestine : Gaza à travers le regard d’un photographe tué dans une frappe aérienne
    Par Aina J Khan | Dimanche 12 novembre 2023 - 09:15 | Last update : 11 hours 52 mins ago
    | Middle East Eye édition française

    Les mains ridées d’une vieille Palestinienne qui passe au crible des olives vertes ; un jeune homme qui fait un saut périlleux sur une plage de Gaza ; la silhouette floue d’un paon qui court ; les éclatants couchers de soleil et les arcs-en-ciel qui descendent sur le camp de réfugiés de Nuseirat.

    Voilà les images du quotidien de Gaza que le photographe palestinien Majd Arandas désirait offrir aux yeux du monde.

    Mais le 1er novembre, des photographes de tout le Moyen-Orient ont pris le deuil en apprenant que le jeune homme de 29 ans avait été tué par une frappe aérienne israélienne. (...)
