Foreign fighters join Syria’s rebels - Middle East


  • Notable évolution chez Al Jazeera : la lutte armée à Alep est loin de bénéficier du soutien unanime de la population, et il y a des combattants étrangers parmi les rebelles.

    Rebels in Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, say they are disappointed that more residents have not joined their cause.

    Reporting from the frontline, Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr says the young fighters in the city are mainly from the countryside of Aleppo province.

    It has not been easy to stand up against the Syrian army, especially when the city did not rise up when rebels stormed some poor neighbourhoods and set up bases, she says.

    However, some foreigners are fighting alongside the rebels, including a few who claim allegiance to al-Qaeda.

    “We saw a few Arab fighters from Saudi Arabia and Egypt who didn’t want to be filmed,” our correspondent said.

    “Undoubtedly the majority of the fighters here are Syrians, but this war has attracted Arabs who feel obliged to help the opposition, who are mainly Sunni Muslims.”

    Our correspondent says the authorities still enjoy some backing in Aleppo, either out of fear of the state or fear of an opposition that has no clear agenda apart from overthrowing the government of President Bashar al-Assad.