Media Manipulation, Strategic Amplification, and Responsible Journalism


  • Media Manipulation, Strategic Amplification, and Responsible Journalism, by danah boyd

    Media manipulators have developed a strategy with three parts that rely on how the current media ecosystem is structure:

    1. Create spectacle, using social media to get news media coverage.
    2. Frame the spectacle through phrases that drive new audiences to find your frames through search engines.
    3. Become a “digital martyr” to help radicalize others.

    (…) Using search to your advantage relies on what Michael Golebiewski at Bing calls a “data void.” When people search for a phrase that does not have natural informative results, it’s easy for manipulators to control the results.

    (...) YouTube is a disaster. First, there’s a lot less content on YouTube, which means that problematic content surfaces to the top faster. Second, YouTube isn’t simply a search engine; it’s also a recommendation engine that encourages people to view more videos and go on a journey. This is great for music discovery, but not so great when manipulators game the recommendation system to create pathways to extremist content

    (…) In addition to playing with algorithmic systems, media manipulators exploit a psychological process known as “apophenia.” By creating connections between random ideas, manipulators warp the cultural imaginary. By inviting people to see artificial patterns, they engage potential recruits to see reality in their terms.