The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : Nasrallah’s priorities


  • Nasrallah and international law

    So Hasan Nasrallah called for an international law to ban any offense to religions (he clearly meant Islam, Judaism, and Christianity), and he specified a ban on any offense against Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. This is the worst idea since Coke came up with a new version of their classic beverage. Why religions and why those individuals only? I mean, if it is up to me, I would ban any offense against Proudhon or Marx or Bakunin or against George Habash. We all have our own figures and personalities that we revere and religious figures should not exercise a haughty attitude whereby they impose their own terms of sacredness on everyone in the world. Now, I understand Arab and Muslims anger at Western hypocrisy when it comes to insults against Islam. They are blatantly hypocritical and cunning and they think they are smart when they don’t fool any Arab or Muslims. What about insults against Satan worshipers or Baha’is? Should they be banned to?? When Nasrallah speaks on any subject other than resistance to Israeli occupation and aggression, I don’t listen. I just don’t.

    • Nasrallah’s priorities

      Hasan Nasrallah has not called for demonstrations or protests in a very long time, as I remember. Yet, today he called for demonstrations tomorrow against that silly hateful film. I don’t get it: the film is more of an outrage than repression in Arab regimes, or than social injustices in Lebanon, or than foreign occupation in our lands?? I don’t get it, really. I mean, I really did not enjoy the last Mission Impossible movie, but you did not see me calling for protests.