EY - The upside of disruption


  • EY - The upside of disruption

    Our analysis of the future of work now spans these aspects:
    - More than technology. Work is being reinvented, not just by technology, but also by demographic factors (e.g. millennial workers) and cultural drivers.
    - Social contracts and public policy. The changing nature of work is upending social contracts, for example, by widening inequality and undermining aspects of social contracts tied to the employer-employee relationship. This will require new public policy solutions.
    - Learning and education. Preparing workers for the future of work will take a very different approach to education, emphasizing skills over knowledge and lifelong learning over front-loaded educational systems.
    - Corporate response. Perhaps the biggest shift over the last couple of years has been how companies are taking active measures to prepare for the future of work. This includes revamping their approaches to human resources/talent, employee motivation, recruiting, training and skills development.

    Questions :
    - How will machines and humans partner to do what each of them does best? What can business and governmental leaders do to enable this?
    - How do we teach people to learn how to learn?
    - Do your people have the skills they need to work alongside robots and algorithms?
    - What responsibility do businesses and governments have for preparing workers for the era of automation?
    - What is the future of retirement?

    #futur_du_travail #prospective #rapport