Thousands of Wisconsinites turn out to protest outgoing Republicans’ plan to seize power after electoral defeat / Boing Boing


  • Thousands of Wisconsinites turn out to protest outgoing Republicans’ plan to seize power after electoral defeat / Boing Boing

    8 years after Scott Walker and his Koch-backed GOP used voter suppression and gerrymandering to steal control over Wisconsin, Wisconsites finally pried his crooked ass out of the governor’s chair, but Walker and Co want to blow up the state on their way out.

    The lame-duck session of the Wisconsin legislature is about to pass a suite of undemocratic and illegal reforms to the state’s legislative and regulatory system that will allow them to steal a state supreme court seat (their nominee is a homophobic bigot who says that affirmative action is indistinguishable from slavery), gut the power of the attorney-general to reverse the state’s subversion of Obamacare and poisoning of Medicare, and even force the capital to allow firearms.

    Last night, thousands of Wisconsinites protested outside the capital — after the GOP sponsors of the bill failed to turn up and testify in favor of it — in subzero weather.

    Michigan is in the same boat, and there, too, anger is roiling in the streets and around the capital.

    #USA #politique #élections #charcutage_électoral