
  • #Derman_Tamimou , décédé le 06.02.2019

    Cadavere di un migrante trovato sulla strada del Monginevro : voleva andare in Francia

    Un uomo di 29 anni proveniente dal Togo sepolto dalla neve.

    ll cadavere di un migrante di 29 anni, proveniente dal Togo, è stato ritrovato questa mattina in mezzo alla strada nazionale 94 del colle del Monginevro. Da quanto si apprende da fonti italiane, sul posto è presente la polizia francese. Le abbondanti nevicate degli scorsi giorni e il freddo intenso hanno complicato ulteriormente l’attraversamento della frontiera per i migranti. Si tratta del primo cadavere trovato quest’anno sul confine italo-francese dell’alta Val Susa dopo che l’anno scorso erano stati rinvenuti tre corpi (https://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2018/05/25/news/bardonecchia_il_corpo_di_un_migrante_affiora_tra_neve_e_detriti_su).

    #décès #mort #mourir_aux_frontières #Tamimou
    #frontière_sud-alpine #asile #migrations #réfugiés #morts_aux_frontières #Hautes-Alpes #mourir_aux_frontières #frontières #Italie #France #Briançonnais #Montgenèvre #La_Vachette


    ajouté au fil de discussion sur les morts à la frontière des Hautes-Alpes :

    lui-même ajouté à la métaliste sur les morts aux frontières alpines :

    • Retrouvé inanimé le long de la RN 94, le jeune migrant décède

      Un homme d’une vingtaine d’années a été découvert en arrêt cardio-respiratoire, cette nuit peu avant 3 heures du matin, sur la #RN_94, à #Val-des-Près. La police aux frontières, qui patrouillait à proximité, a vu un chauffeur routier arrêté en pleine voie, près de l’aire de chaînage. Celui-ci tentait de porter secours au jeune migrant, inanimé et en hypothermie. La victime a été prise en charge par les sapeurs-pompiers et un médecin du Samu. L’homme a ensuite été transporté à l’hôpital de Briançon, où il a été déclaré mort.

      Une enquête a été ouverte pour « homicide involontaire et mise en danger de la vie d’autrui ».


    • Hautes-Alpes : un jeune migrant retrouvé mort au bord d’une route

      Il a été découvert près d’une aire de chaînage en #hypothermie et en arrêt cardio-respiratoire.

      Un migrant âgé d’une vingtaine d’années a été retrouvé mort dans la nuit de mercredi à ce jeudi dans les Hautes-Alpes au bord d’une route nationale reliant la frontière italienne à Briançon, a-t-on appris ce jeudi de source proche du dossier.

      Le jeune homme a été découvert inconscient jeudi vers 3h du matin par un chauffeur routier à Val-des-Près, une petite commune située à la sortie de Briançon. Il gisait près d’une aire de chaînage nichée en bordure de la RN94 qui mène à Montgenèvre, près de la frontière italienne.

      « Il n’a pas été renversé par un véhicule », a précisé une source proche du dossier, confirmant une information du Dauphiné Libéré.

      C’est une patrouille de la Police aux frontières (PAF) qui a prévenu les pompiers en découvrant le chauffeur routier tentant de porter secours à la victime.

      Souffrant d’hypothermie et en arrêt cardio-respiratoire, le jeune homme a été pris en charge par les pompiers et un médecin du Samu, mais leurs tentatives pour le réanimer ont été vaines. Il a été déclaré mort à son arrivée à l’hôpital de Briançon.

      Une enquête pour « homicide involontaire et mise en danger de la vie d’autrui » a été ouverte par le parquet de Gap. Elle a été confiée à la brigade de recherches de Briançon et à la gendarmerie de Saint Chaffrey. L’identité et la nationalité du jeune migrant n’ont pas été communiquées.
      « Nous craignons d’autres disparitions »

      En mai 2018, le parquet de Gap avait également ouvert une enquête pour identifier et connaître les circonstances du décès d’un jeune homme noir dont le corps avait été découvert par des promeneurs près de Montgenèvre.

      En décembre, plusieurs associations caritatives, qui dénoncent « l’insuffisance de prise en charge » des migrants qui tentent de franchir la frontière franco-italienne vers Briançon, avaient dit leur crainte de nouveaux morts cet hiver.

      « Plus de trente personnes ont dû être secourues depuis l’arrivée du froid, il y a un mois, et nous craignons des disparitions », avait affirmé l’association briançonnaise Tous Migrants dans un communiqué commun avec Amnesty, la Cimade, Médecins du monde, Médecins sans frontières, le Secours catholique et l’Anafé.


      Commentaire sur twitter :

      Le corps d’un jeune migrant mort de froid sur un bord de route retrouvé par la police aux frontières – celle-là même à laquelle il essayait d’échapper. Celle-là même dont la traque aux grands voyageurs accule ces derniers à risquer leur vie.


      Deux des compagnons d’infortune de #Derman_Tamimou, décédé jeudi, se sont vu délivrer des OQTF après avoir témoigné à la BRI sur la difficulté à obtenir du secours cette nuit là.
      Ils nous ont raconté les secours qui n’arrivent pas, les tentatives pour arrêter les voitures , les appels à l’aide le temps qui passe une heure deux heures à attendre.


    • Hautes-Alpes : l’autopsie du migrant découvert jeudi conclut à une probable mort par hypothermie

      L’autopsie du jeune migrant togolais, découvert inanimé dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi sur le bord de la RN 94 à Val-des-Prés (Hautes-Alpes), a conclut "à l’absence de lésion traumatique externe et à une probable mort par hypothermie", selon le parquet de Gap. Le jeune homme âgé de 28 ans n’a pu atteindre Briançon, après avoir traversé la frontière entre la France et l’Italie à pied.

      Le procureur de la République de Gap a communiqué les conclusions de l’autopsie du jeune migrant de 28 ans, découvert ce jeudi 7 février le long de la route nationale 94 à Val-des-Prés, entre Montgenèvre et Briançon.
      Absence de lésion traumatique externe et à une probable mort par hypothermie

      "Dans le cadre de l’enquête recherchant les causes et les circonstances du décès du migrant décédé le 7 février 2019, une autopsie a été pratiquée ce jour par l’institut médico légal de Grenoble qui conclut à l’absence de lésion traumatique externe et à une probable mort par hypothermie", détaille Raphaël Balland, dans son communiqué.

      "Le parquet de Gap a levé l’obstacle médico légal et le corps a été rapatrié à Briançon, le temps de confirmer l’identité du défunt et de tenter de contacter des membres de sa famille", poursuit le magistrat de Gap.
      Découvert par un chauffeur routier vers 2 h 30 du matin

      Le corps du ressortissant togolais de 28 ans avait été repéré, jeudi, vers 2 h 30 du matin par un chauffeur routier italien qui circulait sur la RN94. Le jeune homme gisait inanimé sur un chemin forestier qui longe le torrent des Vallons, juste à côté de l’aire de chaînage de La Vachette, sur la commune de Val-des-Prés.

      “A compter de 2 h 10, les secours et les forces de l’ordre étaient informés de la présence d’un groupe de présumés migrants qui était en difficulté entre Clavière (Italie) et Briançon. Des policiers de la police aux frontières (PAF) partaient alors en patrouille pour tenter de les localiser et retrouvaient vers 3 heures à Val-des-Prés, au bord de la RN94, un homme de type africain inconscient auprès duquel s’était arrêté un chauffeur routier italien”, relatait hier Raphaël Balland.

      En arrêt cardio-respiratoire, inanimée, en hypothermie, la victime a été massée sur place. Mais les soins prodigués par le médecin du Samu et les sapeurs-pompiers n’ont pas permis de la ranimer. Le décès du jeune migrant a été officiellement constaté à 4 heures du matin ce jeudi au centre hospitalier des Escartons de Briançon, où il avait été transporté en ambulance.
      Parti avec un groupe de Clavière, en Italie

      "Les premiers éléments d’identification du jeune homme décédé permettent de s’orienter vers un Togolais âgé de 28 ans ayant précédemment résidé en Italie, détaillait encore Raphaël Balland hier soir. Selon des témoignages recueillis auprès d’autres migrants, il serait parti à pied de Clavière avec un groupe d’une dizaine d’hommes pour traverser la frontière pendant la nuit. Présentant des signes de grande fatigue, il était déposé auprès de la N94 par certains de ses compagnons de route qui semblent avoir été à l’origine de l’appel des secours."

      Une enquête a été ouverte pour "homicide involontaire et non-assistance à personne en péril" et confiée à la brigade de recherche de gendarmerie de Briançon, qui "poursuit ses investigations" selon le procureur.


      Commentaire de Nos montagnes ne deviendront pas un cimetière :

      Derman Tamimou n’est pas mort de froid il est mort de cette barbarie qui dresse des frontières , des murs infranchissables #ouvronslesfrontières l’autopsie du migrant découvert jeudi conclut à une probable mort par hypothermie


    • Briançon : ils ont rendu hommage au jeune migrant décédé

      Il a été retrouvé mort au bord d’une route nationale, entre Montgenèvre et Briançon, dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. Pour que personne n’oublie le jeune migrant togolais, et afin de dénoncer la politique d’immigration, plusieurs associations et collectifs ont appelé à se réunir, ce samedi après-midi, au Champ de Mars, à Briançon.

      Plusieurs ONG nationales, Amnesty International, la Cimade, Médecins sans frontières, Médecins du monde, le Secours catholique, l’Association nationale d’assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers, ont voulu attirer l’attention sur ce nouveau drame.

      Avec des associations et collectifs locaux, Tous Migrants, Refuges solidaires, la paroisse de Briançon, la Mappemonde et la MJC, l’Association nationale des villes et territoires accueillants... tous se sont réunis au Champ de Mars ce samedi après-midi pour rappeler « qu’il est inacceptable qu’un jeune homme meure au bord de la route dans ces conditions », explique l’un des soutiens de Tous migrants.

      « Ce ne sont pas des pro ou anti-migrants, juste des personnes qui ont envie de protéger d’autres êtres humains »

      Dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, vers 2h30, un ressortissant togolais de 28 ans a été repéré par un chauffeur routier italien qui circulait sur la RN 94. La victime gisait inanimée, à côté de l’aire de chaînage de La Vachette, sur la commune de Val-des-Prés. Le décès a été officiellement constaté à 4 heures du matin au centre hospitalier des Escartons où il avait été transporté.


      #hommage #commémoration

    • Cerca di varcare confine: giovane migrante muore assiderato tra l’Italia e la Francia

      L’immigrato, originario del Togo, aveva 29 anni: è morto assiderato sul colle Monginevro
      Il cadavere di un migrante di 29 anni è stato ritrovato questa mattina in mezzo alla strada nazionale N94 del colle del Monginevro (che collega Piemonte e Alta Savoia), mentre cercava di varcare il confine tra l’Italia e la Francia.

      L’extracomunitario, originario del Togo, è morto assiderato per la neve e le bassissime temperature.

      A notarlo, sepolto dalla neve ai margini della strada, intorno alle tre di note, sarebbe stato un camionista. La Procura ha aperto un fascicolo per «omicidio involontario».

      Le abbondanti nevicate dei giorni scorsi e il freddo rendono ancora più inaccessibili sentieri e stradine della zona e hanno complicato ulteriormente l’attraversamento della frontiera per i migranti.

      Da quanto si apprende da fonti italiane, sul posto è presente la polizia francese: si tratta del primo cadavere trovato quest’anno sul confine italo-francese dell’alta Val Susa dopo che l’anno scorso erano stati rinvenuti tre corpi nelle medesima località di frontiera, un passaggio molto battuto dai migranti.


    • Man trying to enter France from Italy dies of hypothermia

      Death of Derman Tamimou from Togo comes as Matteo Salvini ramps up border row.

      French magistrates have opened an inquiry into “involuntary manslaughter” after a man trying to cross into France from Italy died of hypothermia.

      A lorry driver found Derman Tamimou on Thursday morning unconscious on the side of a highway that links Hautes-Alpes with the northern Italian region of Piedmont. Tamimou, 29, from Togo, was taken to hospital in Briançon, but it is unclear whether he died there or was already dead at the scene.

      “The second hypothesis is the most likely,” said Paolo Narcisi, president of the charity Rainbow for Africa. “He was probably among a group of 21 who left the evening before, despite all the warnings given to them by us and Red Cross volunteers about how dangerous the crossing is.”

      Tamimou was found between Briançon and Montgenèvre, an Alpine village about 6 miles from the border.

      Narcisi said his charity was working with colleagues in France to try and establish whether the rest of the group arrived safely. He said they most likely took a train to Oulx, one stop before the town of Bardonecchia, before travelling by bus to Claviere, the last Italian town before the border. From there, they began the mountain crossing into France.

      “Every night is the same … we warn people not to go as it’s very dangerous, especially in winter, the snow is high and it’s extremely cold,” Narcisi said.

      Tamimou is the first person known to have died while attempting the journey this winter. Three people died last year as they tried to reach France via the Col de l’Échelle mountain pass.

      The movement of people across the border has been causing conflict between Italy and France since early 2011.

      Matteo Salvini, the Italian interior minister, on Thursday accused France of sending more than 60,000 people, including women and children, back to Italy. He also accused French border police of holding up Italian trains with lengthy onboard immigration checks.

      Last year, seven Italian charities accused French border police of falsifying the birth dates of children travelling alone in an attempt to pass them off as adults and return them to Italy.

      While it is illegal to send back minors, France is not breaking the law by returning people whose first EU landing point was Italy.

      “Some of the returns are illegal, such as children or people who hold Italian permits,” said Narcisi. “But there are also those who are legally sent back due to the Dublin agreement. So there is little to protest about – we need to work to change the Dublin agreement instead of arguing.”


    • Message posté sur la page Facebook de Chez Jésus, 10.02.2019 :

      Un altro morto.
      Un’altra persona uccisa dalla frontiera e dai suoi sorvegliatori.
      Un altro cadavere, che va ad aggiungersi a quelli delle migliaia di persone che hanno perso la vita al largo delle coste italiane, sui treni tra Ventimiglia e Menton, sui sentieri fra le Alpi che conducono in Francia.

      Tamimou Derman, 28 anni, originario del Togo. Questo è tutto quello che sappiamo per ora del giovanissimo corpo trovato steso al lato della strada tra Claviere e Briancon. Tra Italia e Francia. È il quarto cadavere ritrovato tra queste montagne da quando la Francia ha chiuso le frontiere con l’Italia, nel 2015. Da quando la polizia passa al setaccio ogni pullman, ogni treno e ogni macchina alla ricerca sfrenata di stranieri. E quelli con una carnagione un po’ più scura, quelli con un accento un po’ diverso o uno zaino che sembra da viaggiatore, vengono fatti scendere, e controllati. Se non hai quel pezzo di carta considerato «valido», vieni rimandato in Italia. Spesso dopo minacce, maltrattamenti o furti da parte della polizia di frontiera.

      Giovedì è stato trovato un altro morto. Un’altra persona uccisa dal controllo frontaliero, un’altra vita spezzata da quelle divise che pattugliano questa linea tracciata su una mappa chiamata frontiera, e dai politicanti schifosi che la vogliono protetta.
      Un omicidio di stato, l’ennesimo.
      Perché non è la neve, il freddo o la fatica a uccidere le persone tra queste montagne. I colpevoli sono ben altri. Sono gli sbirri, che ogni giorno cercano di impedire a decine di persone di perseguire il viaggio per autodeterminarsi la loro vita. Sono gli stati, e i loro governi, che di fatto sono i veri mandanti e i reali motivi dell’esistenza stessa dei confini.

      Un altro cadavere. Il quarto, dopo blessing, mamadu e un altro ragazzo mai identificato.
      Rabbia e dolore si mischiano all’odio. Dolore per un altro morto, per un’altra fine ingiusta. Rabbia e odio per coloro che sono le vere cause di questa morte: le frontiere, le varie polizie nazionali che le proteggono, e gli stati e i politici che le creano.
      Contro tutti gli stati, contro tutti i confini, per la libertà di tutti e tutte di scegliere su che pezzo di terra vivere!

      Abbattiamo le frontiere, organizziamoci insieme!

      Un autre mort. Une autre personne tuée par la frontière et ses gardes. Un autre cadavre, qui s’ajoute aux milliers de personnes mortes au large des côtes italiennes, sous des trains entre Vintimille et Menton, sur les chemins alpins qui mènent en France.
      Derman Tamimou, 28 ans, originaire du Togo. C’est tout ce qu’on sait pour le moment du très jeune corps retrouvé allongé sur le bord de la route vers Briançon entre l’Italie et la France. C’est le 4e corps trouvé dans cette vallée depuis que la France a fermé ses frontières avec l’Italie en 2015. Depuis que la police contrôle chaque bus, chaque train, chaque voiture, à la recherche acharnée d’étrangers. Et celleux qui ont la peau plus foncée, celleux qui ont un accent un peu différent, ou se trimballent un sac à dos de voyage, on les fait descendre et on les contrôle. Si tu n’as pas les papiers qu’ils considèrent valides, tu es ramené directement en Italie. Souvent, tu es victime de menaces et de vols de la part de la PAF (police aux frontières).
      Le 7 février 2019, un corps a été retrouvé. Une autre personne tuée par le contrôle frontalier. Une autre vie brisée par ces uniformes qui patrouillent autour d’une ligne tracée sur une carte, appelée frontière. Tuée par des politiciens dégueulasses qui veulent protéger cette frontière. Encore un homicide d’État. Parce que ce n’est pas la neige, ni le froid, ni la fatigue qui a tué des personnes dans ces montagnes. Les coupables sont tout autres. Ce sont les flics, qui essaient tous les jours d’empêcher des dizaines de personnes de poursuivre leur voyage pour l’autodétermination de leur vie.
      Ce sont les États et leurs gouvernements qui sont les vrais responsables et les vraies raisons de l’existence même des frontières. Un autre corps, le quatrième après Blessing, Mamadou, et Ibrahim. Rage et douleur se mêlent à la haine. Douleur pour une autre mort, pour une autre fin injuste. Rage et haine envers les véritables coupables de cette mort : les frontières, les différentes polices nationales qui les protègent, les États et les politiques qui les créent.
      Contre tous les États, contre toutes les frontières, pour la liberté de toutes et tous de choisir sur quel bout de terre vivre.
      Abattons les frontières, organisons-nous ensemble !


    • Immigration. Dans les Hautes-Alpes, la chasse aux étrangers fait un mort

      Une enquête a été ouverte après le décès, jeudi, à proximité de Briançon, d’un jeune exilé qui venait de franchir la frontière franco-italienne. Les associations accusent les politiques ultrarépressives de l’État.

      « C ’est la parfaite illustration d’une politique qu’on dénonce depuis deux ans ! » Michel Rousseau, membre du collectif Tous migrants dans les Hautes-Alpes, ne décolère pas depuis l’annonce, jeudi matin, de la mort de Taminou, un exilé africain, à moins de 10 kilomètres de la frontière franco-italienne. Le quatrième en moins de neuf mois... Découvert vers 3 heures du matin, sur une zone de chaînage de la route nationale reliant Briançon à Montgenèvre, le jeune homme aurait succombé au froid, après avoir tenté de passer la frontière. Évitant les patrouilles de police, il aurait pendant plusieurs heures arpenté les montagnes enneigées, avant d’y perdre ses bottes et de continuer en chaussettes.

      « Les premiers éléments d’identification (...) permettent de s’orienter vers un Togolais âgé de 28 ans ayant précédemment résidé en Italie, indique la préfecture dans un communiqué. Il serait parti à pied de Clavières avec un groupe de plus d’une dizaine d’hommes pour traverser la frontière nuitamment. Présentant des signes de grande fatigue, il aurait été déposé auprès de la RN94 par certains de ses compagnons de route qui semblent avoir été à l’origine de l’appel des secours. »

      Une politique ultrarépressive à l’égard des citoyens solidaires

      Postés au milieu de la route, les amis de Taminou auraient tenté de stopper plusieurs voitures, sans qu’aucune s’arrête. Une patrouille de la police aux frontières serait arrivée sur le lieu du drame, deux heures après le premier appel au secours, y trouvant un camionneur en train de venir en aide au malheureux frappé d’hypothermie et en arrêt cardio-respiratoire. Pris en charge par le Samu, le jeune homme a finalement été déclaré mort à son arrivée à l’hôpital de Briançon.

      Une enquête pour non-assistance à personne en danger et pour homicide involontaire a été ouverte par le parquet de Gap. « Les conducteurs des véhicules qui ne se sont pas arrêtés ne doivent pas dormir tranquille », acquiesce Michel, s’inquiétant cependant de savoir qui sera réellement visé par les investigations de la police. « La préfecture pointe régulièrement les maraudeurs solidaires qui tentent de venir en aide aux exilés égarés dans nos montagnes, explique-t-il. À l’image des accusations portées contre les bateaux de sauveteurs en mer, en Méditerranée, on les rend responsables d’un soi-disant appel d’air. »

      En réalité, c’est suite au bouclage de la frontière à Menton et dans la vallée de la Roya que, depuis deux ans, cette route migratoire est de plus en plus empruntée. L’État y mène aujourd’hui une politique ultrarépressive à l’égard des citoyens solidaires et des exilés. En moins d’un an, dans le Briançonnais, 11 personnes ont été condamnées pour délit de solidarité, dont 9 à des peines de prison, et des violations régulières des droits des étrangers y sont régulièrement dénoncées par les associations. Plusieurs d’entre elles, dont Amnesty International, Médecins du monde et la Cimade, ont réuni, samedi, près de 200 personnes sur le champ de Mars de Briançon pour rendre hommage à Taminou, malgré l’interdiction de manifester émise par la préfecture au prétexte de l’ouverture de la saison hivernale.

      Pour elles, c’est au contraire la chasse aux exilés et à leurs soutiens qu’il faut pointer, « les renvois systématiques en Italie au mépris du droit, les courses-poursuites, les refus de prise en charge, y compris des plus vulnérables : ces pratiques qui poussent les personnes migrantes à prendre toujours plus de risques, comme celui de traverser des sentiers enneigés, de nuit, en altitude, par des températures négatives, sans matériel adéquat », accusent les associations.

      Ce mercredi soir, justement, la présence policière était particulièrement importante dans la zone. « Ce drame aurait pu être évité, s’indigne un habitant, qui préfère conserver l’anonymat. Les maraudeurs solidaires étaient sur le terrain. Ils ont vu passer toutes ces personnes et, s’ils ne les ont pas récupérées, c’est soit parce qu’ils se savaient surveillés par la PAF, qui les aurait interpellés, soit parce que les exilés eux-mêmes en ont eu peur, les prenant pour des policiers en civil. » Espérons que l’enquête pointera les véritables responsables de la mort de Taminou.


    • Derman Tamimou e il tema di una bambina di nove anni

      “Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”.

      Derman Tamimou aveva 29 anni, era arrivato in Italia dal Togo e, nella notte tra il 6 e il 7 febbraio, ha intrapreso il suo ultimo viaggio nel tentativo di varcare il confine. Un camionista ne ha scorto il corpo semiassiderato e rannicchiato tra la neve ai bordi della statale del colle di Monginevro. Nonostante l’immediato trasporto all’ospedale di Briancon, Derman è morto poco dopo.

      E’ difficile immaginare cosa abbia pensato e provato Derman negli ultimi istanti della sua vita, prima di perdere conoscenza per il gelo invernale. Quali sogni, speranze, ricordi, … quanta fatica, rabbia, paura …

      Potrebbe essere tranquillizzante pensare a questa morte come tragica fatalità e derubricarla a freddo numero da aggiungere alla lista di migranti morti nella ricerca di un futuro migliore in Europa. Eppure quell’interminabile lista parla a ognuno di noi. Racconta di vite interrotte che, anche quando non se ne conosce il nome, ci richiamano a una comune umanità da cui non possiamo prescindere per non smarrire noi stessi. A volte lo ricordiamo quando scopriamo, cucita nel giubbotto di un quattordicenne partito dal Mali e affogato in un tragico naufragio nel 2015, una pagella, un bene prezioso con cui presentarsi ai nuovi compagni di classe e di vita. Altre volte lo ricordano i versi di una poesia “Non ti allarmare fratello mio”, ritrovata nelle tasche di Tesfalidet Tesfon, un giovane migrante eritreo, morto subito dopo il suo sbarco a Pozzallo, nel 2018, a seguito delle sofferenze patite nelle carceri libiche e delle fatiche del viaggio: “È davvero così bello vivere da soli, se dimentichi tuo fratello al momento del bisogno?”. È davvero così bello?

      L’estate scorsa, lungo la strada in cui ha perso la vita Derman Tamimou, si poteva ancora trovare un ultimo luogo di soccorso e sostegno per chi cercava di attraversare il confine. Un rifugio autogestito che è stato sgomberato in autunno, con l’approssimarsi dell’inverno, senza alcuna alternativa di soccorso locale per i migranti. Per chiunque fosse passato da quei luoghi non era difficile prevedere i rischi che questa chiusura avrebbe comportato. Bastava fermarsi, incontrare e ascoltare i migranti, i volontari e tutte le persone che cercavano di portare aiuto e solidarietà, nella convinzione che non voltare lo sguardo di fronte a sofferenze, rischi e fatiche altrui sia l’unica strada per restare umani.

      Incontri che una bambina di nove anni, in quelle che avrebbe voluto fossero le sue “Montagne solidali”, ha voluto raccontare così: “Oggi da Bardonecchia, dove in stazione c’è un posto in cui aiutano i migranti che cercano di andare in Francia, siamo andati in altri due posti dove ci sono i migranti che si fermano e ricevono aiuto nel loro viaggio, uno a Claviere e uno a Briancon. In questi posti ci sono persone che li accolgono, gli danno da mangiare, un posto dove dormire, dei vestiti per ripararsi dal freddo, danno loro dei consigli su come evitare pericoli e non rischiare la loro vita nel difficile percorso di attraversamento del confine tra Italia e Francia tra i boschi e le montagne. I migranti, infatti, di notte cercano di attraversare i boschi e questo è difficile e pericoloso, perchè possono farsi male o rischiare la loro vita cadendo da un dirupo. I migranti scelgono di affrontare il loro viaggio di notte perchè è più difficile che la polizia li veda e li faccia tornare indietro. A volte, per sfuggire alla polizia si feriscono per nascondersi o scappare. Nel centro dove sono stata a Claviere, alcuni migranti avevano delle ferite, al volto e sulle gambe, causate durante i tentativi di traversata. Infatti i migranti provano tante volte ad attraversare le montagne, di solito solo dopo la quarta o quinta volta riescono a passare. La traversata è sempre molto pericolosa, perchè non conoscono le montagne e le strade da percorrere, ma soprattutto in inverno le cose sono più difficili perchè con la neve, il freddo, senza i giusti vestiti e scarpe, del cibo caldo e non conoscendo la strada tutto è più rischioso. Lo scorso inverno, sul Colle della Scala, sono morte diverse persone provando a fare questo viaggio. Anche le persone che li aiutano sono a rischio, perchè solo per aver dato loro da mangiare, da dormire e dei vestiti possono essere denunciate e arrestate. Oggi sette ragazzi sono in carcere per questo. Io penso che non è giusto essere arrestati quando si aiutano le persone. A Briancon, dove aiutano i migranti che hanno appena attraversato il confine, ho visto alcuni bambini e questa cosa mi ha colpito molto perchè vuol dire che sono riusciti a fare un viaggio così lungo e faticoso attraverso i boschi e le montagne. Qui ho conosciuto la signora Annie, una volontaria che aiuta i migranti appena arrivati in Francia, una signora gentile e molto forte, che è stata chiamata 8 volte ad andare dalla polizia per l’aiuto che sta dando ai migranti, ma lei sorride e continua a farlo, perchè pensa che non aiutarli sia un’ingiustizia. Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”.


    • Reportage. In Togo a casa di #Tamimou, il migrante morto di freddo sulle Alpi

      Da Agadez alla Libia, poi l’attesa in Italia. Il papà: «Non aveva i soldi per far curare la madre». Le ultime parole su Whatsapp: «Ho comprato il biglietto del treno e partirò domani per la Francia»

      Il villaggio di #Madjaton si trova tra le verdi colline di Kpalimé, una tranquilla città nel sud-ovest del Togo. Un luogo dalla natura lussureggiante e il terreno fertile. È qui che è cresciuto Tamimou Derman, il migrante deceduto per il freddo il 7 febbraio mentre cercava di superare a piedi il confine tra l’Italia e la Francia. La sua famiglia è composta da padre, madre, tre fratelli, e una sorella. Sono tutti seduti all’ombra di un grande albero in attesa di visite e notizie.

      «Salam aleikum, la pace sia con voi» dicono con un sorriso all’arrivo di ogni persona che passa a trovarli per le condoglianze. L’accoglienza è calorosa nonostante la triste atmosfera. «È stato un nostro parente che vive in Libia a darci per primo la notizia», dice Samoudini, il fratello maggiore di 35 anni. «All’inizio non potevamo crederci, ci aveva spedito un messaggio vocale due giorni prima della partenza per la Francia. Poi le voci si sono fatte sempre più insistenti – continua Samoudini – e le speranze sono piano piano svanite. Ora il nostro problema principale è trovare i soldi per far ritornare la salma».

      Tamimou è la prima vittima dell’anno tra chi, come molti altri migranti africani, ha tentato di raggiungere la Francia dall’Italia attraverso le Alpi. Il giovane togolese era partito con un gruppo di altri venti ragazzi. Speravano di eludere gli agenti di polizia che pattugliano una zona sempre più militarizzata. «Diciamo a tutti i migranti di non incamminarsi per quei valichi in questa stagione – ha spiegato alla stampa Paolo Narcisi, medico e presidente della Onlus torinese, Rainbow for Africa – . È un passaggio troppo rischioso».

      Prima di avventurarsi tra la neve e il gelo, Tamimou aveva appunto lasciato un messaggio alla famiglia. «Ho comprato il biglietto del treno e partirò domani per la Francia – si sente in un audio whatsapp di circa un minuto –. Pregate per me e se Dio vorrà ci parleremo dal territorio francese». Il padre e un amico, uno accanto all’altro, scoppiano a piangere. La mamma, seduta tra il gruppo delle donne, resta immobile con gli occhi rossi. La sorella pone invece il capo tra le ginocchia ed emette un leggero singhiozzo. Per alcuni secondi restiamo in un silenzio profondo, interrotto solamente dalle voci dei bambini del villaggio che rincorrono cani e galline. Ascoltare la voce di Tamimou riporta la famiglia al momento in cui è giunta la notizia del suo decesso, l’8 febbraio.

      «Non volevamo che partisse per l’Europa», riprende Inoussa Derman, il papà, cercando di trattenere le lacrime. «Lui però era determinato. Si sentiva responsabile per le condizioni di salute di mia moglie che, tuttora – racconta il genitore – soffre di ipertensione e per diverso tempo è stata ricoverata in ospedale. Non avevamo i soldi per pagare le cure». La madre, Issaka, fissa il terreno senza parlare. Sembra avvertire il peso di una responsabilità legata alla partenza del figlio. Tamimou si era dato da fare subito dopo la scuola. Aveva lavorato a Kpalimé come muratore prima di trasferirsi in Ghana per due anni e continuare il mestiere. Non riuscendo a guadagnare abbastanza, aveva deciso di partire per l’Europa nel 2015. Con i suoi risparmi e un po’ di soldi chiesti a diversi conoscenti, ha raggiunto la città nigerina di Agadez, da decenni importante crocevia della rotta migratoria proveniente da tutta l’Africa occidentale e centrale. Dopo qualche mese il ragazzo ha contattato la famiglia dalla Libia. «Ci diceva quanto era pericoloso a causa dei continui spari e degli arresti indiscriminati – aggiunge Moussara, la sorella di 33 anni –. Gli abbiamo detto più volte di tornare, ma non ci ha voluto ascoltare».

      Tamimou ha trascorso almeno 18 mesi in Libia in attesa di trovare i soldi per continuare il viaggio.

      «Ci sentivamo spesso anche quando ha oltrepassato il ’grande fiume’ per arrivare in Italia – racconta Satade, un amico d’infanzia, in riferimento al Mar Mediterraneo –. Con i nostri ex compagni di scuola avevamo infatti creato un gruppo su whatsapp per rimanere in contatto con lui».

      Dopo più di 16 mesi in Italia, il migrante togolese raccontava alla famiglia di essere ancora disoccupato. «Non ho trovato niente – spiegava in un altro messaggio vocale –. In Italia ci vogliono i documenti per lavorare e io non riesco a ottenerli». La decisione di partire per la Francia era stata presa con grande sofferenza. Diversi amici avevano assicurato al migrante togolese che al di là del confine sarebbe stato molto più facile trovare un impiego. Ma di Tamimou, in Francia, è arrivato solo il cadavere. Da giorni è ospitato all’obitorio dell’ospedale di Briançon. La famiglia è in contatto con un cugino che vive da diversi anni in Italia e sta seguendo le pratiche. Parenti e amici vogliono riportare il corpo di Tamimou nel caldo di Madjaton, a casa, per seppellirlo secondo le usanze tradizionali. «Gli avevamo detto di non partire – insiste il padre –. Ma non si può fermare la determinazione di un giovane sognatore».


    • Notre frontière tue : Tamimou Derman n’est plus — Récit d’une #maraude solidaire

      Chaque nuit, des exilé·e·s tentent d’arriver en France par le col de Montgenèvre malgré le froid, la neige et l’omniprésence de la Police. En dépit des maraudes spontanées des habitant·e·s, certain·e·s y perdent la vie. Comme Tamimou Derman, retrouvé mort d’hypothermie la nuit du 6 au 7 février 2019. Cette semaine-là, une vingtaine de membres de la FSGT ont maraudé avec les locaux. Récit.

      D’un mélèze à l’autre, quatre ombres noires glissent sur la neige blanche. Au cœur de la nuit, les ombres sont discrètes, elles marchent sans bruit. Elles traversent les pistes de ski et s’enfoncent vers les profondeurs de la forêt, malgré les pieds glacés, les mains froides et les nuages de leurs souffles courts.

      Les ombres sont craintives comme des proies qui se savent épiées : elles nous fuient.

      Nous les poursuivons sans courir, pour ne pas les effrayer davantage. Nous lançons plusieurs cris sur leur trace, et nous réussissons finalement à les rattraper. Leurs mains sont de glace : nous les serrons et nous disons aux ombres qu’elles ne craignent rien, que nous voulons les sortir du froid et de la neige, que nous sommes là pour les aider.

      Les quatre ombres deviennent des hommes encore pétris de crainte. Leurs yeux hagards demandent : "Êtes-vous la Police ?". Malgré la peur, les ombres devenues hommes montent dans notre voiture. Nous dévalons la route qui serpente entre les montagnes. Les quatre hommes sont saufs.

      Je me réveille en sursaut : ce n’était qu’un rêve.

      Parce qu’hier soir, les quatre ombres se sont enfoncées dans la forêt. Parce qu’hier soir, nous n’avons pas pu les rattraper. Parce qu’hier soir, nous n’avons pas su les rattraper. Parce qu’hier soir, les quatre ombres ont cru voir en nous des officiers de Police venus pour les arrêter.

      Quelques heures après ce réveil agité, la nouvelle tombe.

      Cette nuit, une ombre est morte.

      De la neige jusqu’aux hanches, l’ombre a senti ses frêles bottes se faire aspirer par l’eau glacée. Ses chaussures noyées au fond de la poudreuse, disparues. En chaussettes, l’ombre a continué à marcher entre les mélèzes. L’ombre n’avait pas le luxe de choisir. Épuisée, gelée jusqu’aux os, l’ombre a perdu connaissance. Ses frères de l’ombre l’ont portée jusqu’à la route pour tenter de la sauver, quitte à se faire attraper par la Police. Ils ont appelé les secours.

      L’ambulance est arrivée près de deux heures plus tard.

      L’ombre a été retrouvée sur un chemin forestier, au bord de la route nationale 94, reliant la frontière italienne et la ville de Briançon. L’autopsie confirmera ce que ses frères savaient déjà : décès par hypothermie.

      L’ombre avait dit au revoir à sa famille, puis elle avait peut-être traversé le désert. Elle avait peut-être échappé aux geôles libyennes, aux tortures et aux trafics en tout genre. L’ombre s’était peut-être fait voler ses maigres économies par des passeurs. L’ombre avait peut-être bravé les tempêtes de la Méditerranée entassée avec cent autres ombres sur un canot pneumatique. Et tant d’autres mésaventures.

      L’ombre avait jusque-là échappé aux polices européennes qui la traquaient uniquement parce que ce que l’ombre voulait, c’était arrêter d’être une ombre.

      L’ombre avait traversé la moitié du globe mais son chemin s’est arrêté en France, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière, parce que l’ombre a eu peur de la Police française.

      L’ombre, c’était Tamimou Derman. Tamimou Derman avait notre âge. Tamimou Derman n’était qu’un homme qui rêvait d’une vie meilleure.


      -- Contexte —

      Dans la nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février 2019, j’ai participé à une maraude solidaire dans la station de ski de Montgenèvre avec des amis de la FSGT (Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail), dans le cadre d’un séjour organisé et patronné par cette fédération.

      Ce séjour annuel se concentre habituellement sur les seules activités de loisir de montagne. Cette année, il a été décidé d’organiser cette sortie dans la région de Briançon, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière franco-italienne, afin de montrer notre solidarité envers les locaux qui portent assistance aux personnes qui arrivent en France, au niveau du col de Montgenèvre, situé à 1800m d’altitude.

      Chaque soir, quelques uns et quelques unes de la vingtaine de participants à ce séjour partaient en maraude pour accompagner les gens de la vallée qui eux, toute l’année, sauvent des vies là-haut. La loi ne peut nous considérer comme des passeurs : nous n’avons fait passer la frontière à personne. Nous étions uniquement là pour porter assistance aux personnes en danger de mort sur le territoire français. S’il fallait encore une preuve, Tamimou Derman est mort d’hypothermie, la nuit où j’ai maraudé.

      Bien que légales, ces maraudes semblent être considérées de facto comme illégale par les forces de l’ordre : elles tentent de les entraver par tous les moyens, surtout par l’intimidation. C’est aussi pour cela que j’ai voulu partager ce récit.

      -- #Chasse_à_l'homme

      Dès que les pistes de ski de Montgenèvre ferment, que le soleil se couche et que les vacanciers se reposent, un obscur jeu du chat et de la souris se noue sous les fenêtres de leurs résidences. Une véritable chasse à l’homme.

      Tous les soirs ou presque, des hommes et des femmes tentent de gagner notre pays depuis le village italien de Clavière. À 500 mètres à peine de ce village, de l’autre côté de la frontière, la rutilante station de ski de Montgenèvre. Pour parcourir cette distance ridicule, ils mettent plus de trois heures. Parce qu’ils passent par la forêt, traversent des torrents glacés, parce qu’ils marchent dans le froid et la neige. Enfin, ils tentent enfin de se fondre dans les ombres de Montgenèvre avant d’entamer les 10 kilomètres de chemins enneigés qui les séparent de Briançon.

      « Des témoignages parlent de poursuites en motoneige, en pleine nuit »

      Côté français, par tous les moyens ou presque, la police et la gendarmerie les guettent pour les arrêter : des témoignages parlent de poursuites en motoneige, en pleine nuit, forçant ces hommes et ces femmes à fuir pour tenter se cacher par tous les moyens au risque de tomber dans des réserves d’eau glacées ou des précipices. Des récits parlent de séquestration dans des containers sans eau, ni nourriture, ni chauffage, ni toilettes, ni rien ; tout ça pour les renvoyer quelques heures plus tard en Italie, encore congelés. D’autres attestent que la police et la gendarmerie bafouent les droits élémentaires de la demande d’asile. Toujours d’après des témoignages, la police et la gendarmerie se déguiseraient en civils pour mieux amadouer et alpaguer celles et ceux qui tentent la traversée. À plusieurs reprises, la police et la gendarmerie auraient été aidées par les nazillons du groupuscule fachiste "Génération Identitaire" qui patrouillent eux aussi dans les montagnes. Certains de ceux qui tenteraient le passage se seraient vus déchirer leurs papiers d’identité attestant leur minorité par la police et la gendarmerie, et donc se voir déchirer le devoir qu’a la France de les protéger. Et bien d’autres infamies.

      Tous les soirs ou presque, enfin, des habitants de la région de Briançon sont là pour essayer de secourir ces personnes qui tentent de passer la frontière, même quand il fait -20°c, même quand il neige, même quand la police est en ébullition, partout dans la ville.

      Sur place, impossible de ne pas entendre l’écho de l’histoire des Justes dans le vent glacial.

      -- Ce que j’ai vu —

      Dans la nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février, il faisait environ -10°c à Montgenèvre. Plus d’un mètre de neige fraiche recouvrait la forêt. Une vingtaine de personne étaient a priori descendues d’un bus, côté Italien de la frontière. Supposément pour tenter la traversée. Mes compagnons maraudeurs et moi-même attendions dans Montgenèvre, pour essayer d’aller à la rencontre d’un maximum d’entre eux.

      À l’aide de jumelles, des maraudeurs ont alors vu une quinzaine d’ombres se faufiler entre les arbres qui bordent les pistes de ski. Quatre d’entre eux ont été accueillis de justesse par deux maraudeurs.

      Cela faisait vraisemblablement trois heures qu’ils marchaient dans la neige. Ils n’étaient clairement pas équipés pour ces conditions. L’un des quatre avait un centimètre de glace sur chaque main et les pieds congelés. Il était tombé dans un torrent qui avait emporté le reste de ses affaires.
      Les deux maraudeurs lui ont donné des chaussettes de rechange, des gants, du thé chaud et à manger.

      Les maraudeurs racontent qu’à ce moment-là, alors qu’ils les avaient hydraté, réchauffé, nourri et donné des vêtements chauds, les quatre hommes pensaient encore s’être fait attrapés par la police. La peur irradiait le fond de leurs yeux.

      « Nous leur avons crié que nous n’étions pas la Police, que nous étions là pour les aider »

      Précisément à cet instant-là, j’étais ailleurs dans Montgenèvre, avec d’autres maraudeurs. Avec nos jumelles, nous avons vu quatre autres ombres se faufiler entre les mélèzes et traverser les pistes de ski discrètement. Nous savions qu’ils craignaient de se faire attraper par la Police. La nuit, ici, n’importe quel groupe de personnes ressemble à une patrouille de policiers.

      Nous avons décidé de les attendre, un peu dans la lumière, en espérant qu’ils nous voient et qu’ils ne prennent pas peur. Derrière nous, à travers les fenêtres éclairées des résidences, nous voyions les vacanciers regarder la télévision, manger leur repas. C’était surréaliste. Nous avions peur, sans doute moins qu’eux qui marchaient depuis des heures, mais nous aussi nous avions peur de la Police.

      Nous avons choisi de ne pas les aborder de loin, pour éviter qu’ils ne nous prenne pour des flics et qu’ils s’enfuient. Est-ce la bonne solution ? Qu’est-ce qui est le mieux à faire ? Vont-ils courir ? Une dizaine de questions d’angoisse nous frappaient.

      Nous avons attendu qu’ils arrivent non loin de nous. Ils ne nous avaient pas vu. Nous avons attendu trop longtemps.

      Nous avons finalement avancé en leur criant (mais pas trop fort, pour ne pas alerter tout le voisinage — et les forces de l’ordre) que nous n’étions pas la Police, que nous étions là pour les aider, que nous avions du thé chaud et de quoi manger. Les trois premiers n’ont même pas tourné la tête, ils ont accéléré. Nous leur avons crié les mêmes choses. Le dernier de la file s’est retourné, tout en continuant de marcher très vite, et il nous a semblé l’entendre demander : "Quoi ? Qu’est-ce que vous dites ?" Nous avons répété ce qu’on leur avait déjà dit. Mais il était tiraillé entre ses amis qui ne se retournaient pas et notre proposition. Si tant est qu’il l’ait entendue, notre proposition, avec le bruit de la neige qui couvrait très probablement nos voix. Il a préféré suivre ses amis, ils se sont enfoncés dans la forêt en direction de Briançon et nous n’avons pas pu ni su les rattraper.

      Un sentiment d’horreur nous prend. Nous imaginons déjà la suite. Je me sens pire qu’inutile, méprisable.

      Malgré mes deux paires de chaussettes, mes collants, pantalon de ski, t-shirt technique, polaire, doudoune, énorme manteau, gants, bonnet, grosses chaussures, un frisson glacial m’a parcouru le corps. Eux marchaient depuis plus de trois heures.

      « J’étais là pour éviter qu’ils crèvent de froid »

      Nous ne pouvions plus les rejoindre : nous devions rapidement descendre les quatre que les autres maraudeurs avaient commencé réconforter. Nous sommes retournés à notre voiture, le cœur prêt à exploser, des "putain", des "c’est horrible" et d’autres jurons incompréhensibles qui sortait en torrents continus de notre bouche. Mais il fallait agir vite.

      B. et C. sont montés dans la voiture que nous conduisions et nous les avons amenés à Briançon via la seule et unique route qui serpente entre les montagnes. Je n’ai jamais autant souhaité ne pas croiser la Police.

      B. et C. n’ont pas beaucoup parlé, je ne leur ai pas non plus posé beaucoup de question. Que dire, que demander ?

      Quand j’ai raconté cette histoire à d’autres, on m’a demandé : "Ils venaient d’où ?" "Pourquoi ils voulaient venir en France ?" Dans cette situation, ces questions me semblaient plus qu’absurdes : elles étaient obscènes. J’étais là pour éviter qu’ils crèvent de froid et je n’avais pas à leur demander quoi que ce soit, à part s’ils voulaient que je monte le chauffage et les rassurer en leur disant qu’on arrivait en lieu sûr d’ici peu.

      Sur cette même route, un autre soir de la semaine, d’autres maraudeurs ont eux aussi transporté des personnes qui avaient traversé la frontière. Persuadés de s’être fait attraper par la Police, résignés, ces hommes d’une vingtaine d’années ont pleuré durant les 25 minutes du trajet.

      « Les ombres avaient toutes été avalées par la noirceur de la montagne blanche »

      Nous avons déposé les quatre au Refuge Solidaire, dans Briançon. Un lieu géré par des locaux et des gens de passage qui permet aux personnes qui ont traversé de se reposer quelques jours avant de continuer leur route. En arrivant, C. a cru faire un infarctus : c’était finalement une violente crise d’angoisse, une décompensation.

      À peine quelques minutes plus tard, nous sommes repartis vers Montgenèvre pour essayer de retrouver la dizaine d’autres ombres qui étaient encore dans la montagne et que nous n’avions pas vu passer. Alors qu’avant, nous n’avions pas vu un seul signe de la Police, une ou deux voitures tournait constamment dans la station. Vers minuit ou une heure du matin, nous nous sommes rendus à l’évidence : nous n’en verrons plus, cette nuit-là. Les ombres avaient toutes été avalées par la noirceur de la montagne blanche. Frustration indicible. Sentiment de ne pas avoir fait tout ce qu’on pouvait.

      Nous sommes repartis vers Briançon. Nous sommes passés juste à côté de l’endroit où Tamimou Derman était en train d’agoniser, mais nous ne le savions alors pas. À quelques minutes près, nous aurions pu le voir, l’amener aux urgences et peut-être le sauver.

      « La nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février 2019, une vingtaine de personnes auraient tenté de traverser la frontière franco-italienne »

      En partant de Montgenèvre, une voiture était arrêtée avec les pleins phares allumés, en plein milieu de la petite route de montagne. Nous avons presque dû nous arrêter pour passer à côté. C’était la Police qui surveillait les voitures qui descendaient vers Briançon. Nous sommes passés, notre voiture s’est faite ausculter à la recherche de "migrants".

      Les "migrants", ils étaient dans la montagne, de la neige jusqu’aux hanches et en chaussettes, en train de mourir pour éviter précisément ce contrôle.

      La nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février 2019, une vingtaine de personnes auraient tenté de traverser la frontière franco-italienne. Nous en avons accompagné quatre à Briançon. Quatre autres ont eu peur de nous, pensant que nous étions la Police. Ils seraient a priori bel bien arrivé au Refuge Solidaire, à pied. D’autres ont été interceptés par la police et renvoyés en Italie, à l’exception de deux jeunes mineurs confiés au Département. Tamimou Derman, lui, a été retrouvé sur le bord de la route, mort d’hypothermie.

      Le 15 mars prochain, une maraude géante est organisé à Montgenèvre. Pour médiatiser ce qui se passe là-bas. Pour que les chasses à l’homme cessent. Pour que les droits des personnes exilées soient enfin respectés. Et pour que plus personne ne meurt dans nos montagnes.

      Avec d’autres membres de la FSGT, nous y serons.


    • Hautes-Alpes : un nouveau décès, conséquence tragique des politiques migratoires [Alerte inter-associative]

      Dans la nuit du 6 au 7 février, un jeune homme est mort entre Montgenèvre et Briançon. Il avait rejoint la France depuis l’Italie après avoir passé plusieurs heures dans la montagne.

      Un drame qui alerte nos associations (Anafé, Amnesty International France, La Cimade, Médecins du Monde, Médecins sans Monde, Secours Catholique-Caritas France, Tous Migrants) qui, depuis plus de deux ans, ne cessent de constater et de dénoncer les violations des droits de la part des autorités françaises à la frontière : renvois systématiques en Italie au mépris du droit, courses-poursuites, refus de prise en charge y compris des plus vulnérables. Ces pratiques poussent les personnes migrantes à prendre toujours plus de risques, comme celui de traverser par des sentiers enneigés, de nuit, en altitude, par des températures négatives, sans matériel adéquat.

      En dépit d’alertes répétées, ces violations perdurent. Dans le même temps, les personnes leur portant assistance sont de plus en plus inquiétées et poursuivies en justice.

      Alors que les ministres de l’intérieur de l’Union européenne se sont réunis à Bucarest pour définir une réforme du régime de l’asile et des politiques migratoires, nos associations demandent le respect des droits fondamentaux des personnes réfugiés et migrantes pour que cessent, entre autres, les drames aux frontières.

      Un rassemblement citoyen à Briançon est prévu
      Ce samedi 9 février 2019 à 15h
      Au Champ de Mars
      Des représentants des associations locales seront disponibles pour témoigner


    • REPORTAGE - Hautes-Alpes : une frontière au-dessus des lois

      Humiliés et pourchassés, des migrants voient leurs droits bafoués dans les Hautes-Alpes.

      Un mort de froid, une bavure et des maraudeurs : le reportage d’Anna Ravix à la frontière avec l’Italie.

      #vidéo #mourir_aux_frontières

      Témoignage d’un migrant qui a fait la route avec #Tamimou, trouvé mort en février 2019 :

      « Au milieu des montagnes, on était perdus, totalement. On s’est dit : On ne va pas s’en sortir, on va mourir là. Tamimou, il ne pouvait plus avancer, il avait perdu ses deux bottes. En chaussettes, il marchait dans la neige. Ses pieds étaient congelés, ils sont devenus durs, même le sang ne passait plus. Et puis je l’ai porté, il me remerciait, il me remerciait... Il disait : ’Dieu va te bénir, Dieu va te bénir, aide-moi. En descendant, on a vu une voiture, un monsieur qui quittait la ville. On lui a expliqué le problème. Il a pris son téléphone et il a appelé le 112. Il a dit : ’Si vous ne venez pas vite, il va perdre la vie.’ C’est là qu’ils ont dit qu’ils seraient là dans 30 minutes. Il était 1 heure du matin, ils ne sont pas arrivés avant 3 heures du matin. »

      Tamimou est mort à l’hôpital à 4 heures du matin.

      « La mort du jeune », continue le témoin, « sincèrement, je peux dire que c’est le problème de la police. Le fait qu’on a appelé la police. Si ils étaient arrivés à temps, le jeune serait encore en vie ».

      –-> Le témoin a été interrogé par la police. Et ils ont reçu un OQTF.


      Témoignage d’un maraudeur :

      Il n’y a pas de RV, on est là. Peut-être il n’y a personne aujourd’hui, je ne sais pas...
      Ce qui n’est pas évident, parce que quand ils nous voient, ils ont tendance à nous prendre pour les forces de l’ordre. ça, c’est quelque chose qu’ils ont mis en place l’été dernier. On a commencé à voir descendre des fourgons de la gendarmerie des personnes en shorts et en baskets. Les migrants, quand ils croisent ces personnes, ils les prenaient pour des randonneurs, ils demandaient des renseignements, et ils tombaient dans le panneau, quoi.


      Témoignage d’un migrant (mineur au moment des faits), il revient sur des événements ayant eu lieu une année auparavant :

      « On est parti dans la forêt et c’est là que la police nous a attrapés. Ils nous ont obligés à retourner à la frontière de Clavière.
      Après, j’ai fouillé tous mes bagages et je trouvais plus mon argent, plus de 700 EUR. »

      Du coup, il va à la police et il enregistre la conversation. C’était le 04.08.2018
      –> cette conversation avec la police a été recensée ailleurs (sur seenthis aussi). Un policier avait dit :

      « Tu accuses la police de vol, ce soir tu es en garde à vue ici, demain t’es dans un avion »

    • Voir aussi le témoignage de #Marie_Dorléans de Tous Migrants :

      Au-delà de ces personnes qui ont survécu et échappé au pire, on voulait absolument rappeler aussi aujourd’hui celles qui n’ont pas eu cette chance et notamment parce qu’il faut pas s’habituer, parce qu’il ne faut pas que ces gens tombent dans l’anonymat. Le 7 février 2019, Tamimou, un jeune togolais de 28 ans, est mort d’épuisement et de froid au bord de la route nationale que la plupart d’entre vous viennent de monter. »

      Et de #Pâquerette_Forest de SOS Alpes solidaires :

      « Ils marchent quelques fois avec google maps sur le portable, si le portable fonctionne, parce que si il fait trop froid ils n’ont plus de batterie, et au bout d’un moment ça marche plus. Après il y a un peu des traces de gens qui se promènent et du passage quand il y a des gens qui passent tous les jours, donc ça peut aussi les aider. Après ils se repèrent aux lumières des villages. #Tamimou qui est décédé, il a perdu ses bottes au-dessus de La Vachette. Ils ont coupé, et on a bien compris qu’au début ils étaient sur une espèce de piste et puis à un moment ils ont coupé la piste et ils avaient de la neige jusque là [elle montre la hauteur de la neige avec ses mains sur les jambes, on ne voit pas sur la vidéo]. Lui il a perdu ses bottes, après ils ont essayé de le porter, et puis il était épuisé et puis il est mort »


    • Extrait du livre de Maurzio Pagliassotti,

      Ancora dodici chilometri


      « Trovato da una camionista lungo la statale, come un cane abbandonato. Si muore così, lungo la rotta apina : si muore sempre così, solo che, a volte,capita che il cadavere finisca come una pietra d’inciampo nel cammino di qualcuno che non può evitarlo, che non può non vederlo. Noi, non vediamo cosa succede in questi boschi la notte, e la natura provvede a nascondere le nostre vergogne, a far sparire le prove della nostra miseria.
      Morto. Nella buia e gelida notte di questo febbraio, mentre l’Italia gioca a far la guerra alla Francia e questa richiama l’ambasciatore a Parigi. Si muore così, lungo la rotta alpina, nel tentativo di una fuga sempre più assurda, e disperata.
      Ventinove anni, dal Togo, si chiamava #Derman_Teminou. Aveva superato il campo da golf, la frontiera presidiata dalla gendarmeria, il paese del Monginevro silenzioso, le piste da sci e gli ultimi nottambuli che uscivano dalle discoteche. Ma non è riuscito a superare il freddo polare che piano piano lo ha stroncato, portandolo ad accucciarsi come un animale ferito in un cantuccio. Chissà cosa ha pensato in quelle ore di marcia da solo, forse da solo, se ha visto lontano il fondovalle da raggiungere, le luci delle città sempre più fioche negli occhi che si spengono, stroncati dal sonno.
      Molta neve è caduta questi giorni, e le montagne si sono trasformate in un mare bianco in cui nuotare. Una distesa farinosa in cui i migranti affondano passo dopo passo, con la coltre bianca che carpisce fino alle ascelle. Si vedono così, in questi giorni : come se fossero caduti nel Mediterraneo, annaspare con le braccia larghe e il collo teso, le bocche spalancate, naufraghi a 2000 metri di quota. I volontari tentano di recuperarli, di avvertirli, le raccomandazioni minacciose di questi bianchi sconosciuti devono suonare vagamente ridicole per chi arriva dai campi di sterminio della Libia.
      La procura di Gap apre un fascicolo per omicidio involontario : chissà cosa vuole dire. Chi sarebbe l’omicida involontario da trovare ? Qualcuno che lo ha abbandonato ? Un militare ? Un governo ? Sui quotidiani esce qualche sparuto articoletto che parla di ‘migrante morto’. Ma l’uomo trovato, ridotto ad essere un pezzo di ghiaccio, non è un ‘migrante’. L’uomo morto questa note, e tutti gli altri che non vengono nemmeno trovati perché dispersi in qualche dirupo o divorati dagli animali di queste foreste, sono fuggiaschi. Uomini, donne e bambini che scappano dall’Italia, che percepiscono, e vivono , come un paese pericoloso e ostile, da attraversare il più velocemente possibile o da abbandonare dopo anni di vita.
      Lo hanno portato all’ospedale di Briançon ancora in vita : ma il freddo gli aveva ormai ghiacciato il sangue e il cuore. Si muore così, lungo la rotta alpina. Lontani da ogni pietà, con i gendarmi che danno la caccia ai fuggiaschi e volontari : gli mancavano nove chilometri di strata lungo la statale. Non poteva farcela, in quelle condizioni, da solo, senza un amico, qualcuno a cui dire l’ultima parola della sua vita.
      Passa qualche giorno, finisco in una cena dove mi raccontano cosa è accaduto realmente la note in cui quell’uomo di ventinove anni è caduto. Uno dei tanti, delle decine di cui non sappiamo nulla dato che valgono solo qualche trafiletto nelle ultime pagine dei settimanali locali.
      Derman Tamimou arriva a Claviere insieme ad altri ‘migranti’ come sempre accade: con l’autobus serale che parte da Oulx e li scarica di fronte alla chiesetta. Sono ventuno : un gruppo imponente. Ma l’ordine di grandezza di questi plotoni che quotidianamente si arrendono e scappano è stabile. Partono e seguono la pista da sci di fondo : dopo circa mezz’ora vengono intercettati dai gendarmi, che ne prendono tredici. Otto riescono a fuggire nei boschi. Superano il piccolo villaggio del Monginevro e si dividono ulteriormente : cinque si gettano lungo la statale, tre rimangono lungo i sentieri che attraversano il ripido pendio che conduce a Monginevro.
      Tra questi tre c’è Darman che, a circa quattro chilometri dalla sua meta, si arrende e si sveste. E’ completamente bagnato, perché la neve da subito si è fatta strada nelle scarpe e nei vestiti. La neve nei piedi che dà un delirio e provoca l’illusione di un senso di calore che uccide passo dopo passo la percezione stessa della morte, che sale dai piedi fino al cuore.
      Si fermano e accendono un fuoco con i pochi legni secchi che trovano nei boschi. Impresa non semplice. Derman si spoglia ed espone al calore delle fiamme i suoi vestiti e il suo corpo. I suoi compagni intanto si gettano lungo la statale alla ricerca di aiuto : e qui accade qualcosa di incredibile. Qualcuno si ferma, ma dato che si tratta di due africani che chiedono aiuto per un loro amico che sta per morire, tutti decidono di proseguire.
      Una letale miscellanea di paura, buio, uominii neri e morte spinge in avanti il tempo senza che nulla accada. Le ore della notte diventano ore dell’alba, e i primi raggi di sole altro non sono che mezze illusioni. Derman si attorciglia su se stesso, ormai lasciato solo a morire nel suo buco. Le fiamme spente, i vestiti ghiacciati e rigidi che pendono da una croce di rami come un Cristo senza dignità. Lo trova un camionista, la corsa all’ospedale, la morte.
      Passano i giorni, si scopre che i suoi compagni vengono intercettati dai gendarmi che mostrano loro le foto di alcuni italiani : ‘Diteci chi vi ha aiutato a passare il confine’, questa la richiesta, che spiega la singlare accusa di ‘omicidio involntario’. Scorrono le foto dei volontari che sul fronte italiano di questa guerra ‘aiutano’ : colpa suprema, peccato totale da cui redenzione non può esistere ».
      (Pagliassotti, 2019 : 172-175)

    • Migranti. L’ultimo viaggio di Tamimou

      Il corpo del giovane morto di freddo sulle Alpi è tornato in Togo. L’articolo che «Avvenire» gli aveva dedicato, facendo visita alla sua famiglia, è stato ripubblicato da un giornale togolese

      Sono le 2:07 di giovedì mattina all’aeroporto internazionale Gnassingbé Eyadema di Lomé. L’aereo della Royal Air Maroc è appena atterrato. All’interno c’è la bara di Tamimou Derman, il migrante togolese morto assiderato tra le Alpi mentre cercava di attraversare a piedi il confine dall’Italia verso la Francia: https://www.avvenire.it/attualita/pagine/migrante-morte-assiderato-tra-italia-e-francia.

      Da oltre tre ore, un gruppo formato da una decina di familiari e amici attende paziente ai bordi della strada. Le guardie dell’aeroporto gli hanno detto di aspettare fuori dalla struttura. Sono solo uomini: padre, fratelli, cugini, zii e qualche amico d’infanzia. Hanno percorso tre ore di strada da Madjaton, il villaggio dove è cresciuto Tamimou. Il furgone bianco noleggiato per il viaggio avrà il compito di riportare indietro il corpo del ragazzo morto a 29 anni. Dopo essersi seduti al tavolo dell’unico bar ancora aperto, il gruppo spiega cosa è successo in queste settimane. «Un nostro cugino che vive in Italia ci ha dato la notizia settimana scorsa», racconta ad Avvenire Samoudine Derman, il fratello maggiore. «Ha raccolto i soldi per rimpatriare Tamimou. Siamo molto contenti – continua Samoudine –, finalmente potremo seppellirlo».

      Il migrante togolese era ancora vivo quando è stato trovato da un camionista lo scorso 7 febbraio sul ciglio della strada statale 94 del Colle del Monginevro. Come altri suoi compagni, Tamimou ha rischiato la vita per raggiungere clandestinamente la Francia dall’Italia. L’ambulanza l’ha trasportato nell’ospedale di Briançon dove il giovane ha però esalato il suo ultimo respiro. «Ringraziamo molto la stampa italiana per aver parlato di Tamimou – afferma Sadate Boutcho, un amico d’infanzia –. Dopo aver recuperato la bara torneremo subito al villaggio per il funerale». La cerimonia è stata annunciata su una radio locale. «Siamo musulmani, abituati a interrare il corpo il prima possibile e a ricevere per giorni le persone che vogliono dare l’ultimo saluto – afferma con un tiepido sorriso Isak, un altro amico e coetaneo della vittima –. Nel caso di Tamimou abbiamo però aspettato quasi due mesi».

      Il 19 febbraio Avvenire aveva pubblicato la storia del migrante intitolata ’Il sogno spezzato di mio figlio’: https://www.avvenire.it/attualita/pagine/in-togo-a-casa-di-tamimou-migrante-morto-freddo-alpi. Lo stesso articolo è stato ripubblicato sul giornale togolese L’Alternative il 22 febbraio. «È preoccupante che a parlare della morte di un nostro fratello sia stata prima la stampa italiana rispetto a quella togolese», ha ammesso Ferdinand Mensah Ayite, direttore della rivista. Nei giorni seguenti, per volere della famiglia Derman, due buste con dentro entrambi gli articoli e una lettera di richiesta di aiuto per il rimpatrio del cadavere sono state consegnate alla presidenza e al ministero degli Affari esteri togolesi. Nel mentre, Ganiou, il cugino di Tamimou residente in Italia, si è occupato delle formalità in Francia. «Abbiamo raccolto almeno 3.500 euro per le spese del trasporto – spiega Ganiou, arrivato a Lomé in anticipo per assicurarsi che tutto andasse a buon fine –. Ho ricevuto sostegno da un’organizzazione francese di cui preferisco non rivelare il nome». Il bar chiude e ci ritroviamo in strada. Ganiou è andato a seguire le ultime formalità. Il tempo continua a passare.

      Nessuno sa cosa stia succedendo con esattezza. Alle 4 e mezza di mattina, il padre di Tamimou, Inoussa Derman, si siede sul marciapiede vicino a un parente. Samoudine e gli altri si addormentano. Solo verso le 10 di mattina viene spedito ad Avvenire un messaggio con la foto della bara nel furgone. «Finalmente abbiamo recuperato il corpo – scrive Sadate –, il funerale è stato spostato quindi alle 3 del pomeriggio». La folla osserva la bara mentre viene calata in una buca scavata nella terra rossa di Madjaton. Il villaggio sprofonda nel silenzio. Potrà la morte di Tamimou arrestare la migrazione dei togolesi verso l’Europa? «Qui non c’è lavoro – aveva spiegato Isak durante l’attesa fuori dall’aeroporto –. Ho studiato da meccanico e, nonostante la drammatica fine di Tamimou, sono pronto a partire verso l’Italia o la Francia».


    • Derman Tamimou e il tema di una bambina di nove anni

      “Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”

      Derman Tamimou aveva 29 anni, era arrivato in Italia dal Togo e, nella notte tra il 6 e il 7 febbraio, ha intrapreso il suo ultimo viaggio nel tentativo di varcare il confine. Un camionista ne ha scorto il corpo semiassiderato e rannicchiato tra la neve ai bordi della statale del colle di Monginevro. Nonostante l’immediato trasporto all’ospedale di Briancon, Derman è morto poco dopo.

      E’ difficile immaginare cosa abbia pensato e provato Derman negli ultimi istanti della sua vita, prima di perdere conoscenza per il gelo invernale. Quali sogni, speranze, ricordi, … quanta fatica, rabbia, paura …

      Potrebbe essere tranquillizzante pensare a questa morte come tragica fatalità e derubricarla a freddo numero da aggiungere alla lista di migranti morti nella ricerca di un futuro migliore in Europa. Eppure quell’interminabile lista parla a ognuno di noi. Racconta di vite interrotte che, anche quando non se ne conosce il nome, ci richiamano a una comune umanità da cui non possiamo prescindere per non smarrire noi stessi. A volte lo ricordiamo quando scopriamo, cucita nel giubbotto di un quattordicenne partito dal Mali e affogato in un tragico naufragio nel 2015, una pagella, un bene prezioso con cui presentarsi ai nuovi compagni di classe e di vita. Altre volte lo ricordano i versi di una poesia “Non ti allarmare fratello mio”, ritrovata nelle tasche di Tesfalidet Tesfon, un giovane migrante eritreo, morto subito dopo il suo sbarco a Pozzallo, nel 2018, a seguito delle sofferenze patite nelle carceri libiche e delle fatiche del viaggio: “È davvero così bello vivere da soli, se dimentichi tuo fratello al momento del bisogno?”. È davvero così bello?

      L’estate scorsa, lungo la strada in cui ha perso la vita Derman Tamimou, si poteva ancora trovare un ultimo luogo di soccorso e sostegno per chi cercava di attraversare il confine. Un rifugio autogestito che è stato sgomberato in autunno, con l’approssimarsi dell’inverno, senza alcuna alternativa di soccorso locale per i migranti. Per chiunque fosse passato da quei luoghi non era difficile prevedere i rischi che questa chiusura avrebbe comportato. Bastava fermarsi, incontrare e ascoltare i migranti, i volontari e tutte le persone che cercavano di portare aiuto e solidarietà, nella convinzione che non voltare lo sguardo di fronte a sofferenze, rischi e fatiche altrui sia l’unica strada per restare umani.

      Incontri che una bambina di nove anni, in quelle che avrebbe voluto fossero le sue “Montagne solidali”, ha voluto raccontare così: “Oggi da Bardonecchia, dove in stazione c’è un posto in cui aiutano i migranti che cercano di andare in Francia, siamo andati in altri due posti dove ci sono i migranti che si fermano e ricevono aiuto nel loro viaggio, uno a Claviere e uno a Briancon. In questi posti ci sono persone che li accolgono, gli danno da mangiare, un posto dove dormire, dei vestiti per ripararsi dal freddo, danno loro dei consigli su come evitare pericoli e non rischiare la loro vita nel difficile percorso di attraversamento del confine tra Italia e Francia tra i boschi e le montagne. I migranti, infatti, di notte cercano di attraversare i boschi e questo è difficile e pericoloso, perchè possono farsi male o rischiare la loro vita cadendo da un dirupo. I migranti scelgono di affrontare il loro viaggio di notte perchè è più difficile che la polizia li veda e li faccia tornare indietro. A volte, per sfuggire alla polizia si feriscono per nascondersi o scappare. Nel centro dove sono stata a Claviere, alcuni migranti avevano delle ferite, al volto e sulle gambe, causate durante i tentativi di traversata. Infatti i migranti provano tante volte ad attraversare le montagne, di solito solo dopo la quarta o quinta volta riescono a passare. La traversata è sempre molto pericolosa, perchè non conoscono le montagne e le strade da percorrere, ma soprattutto in inverno le cose sono più difficili perchè con la neve, il freddo, senza i giusti vestiti e scarpe, del cibo caldo e non conoscendo la strada tutto è più rischioso. Lo scorso inverno, sul Colle della Scala, sono morte diverse persone provando a fare questo viaggio. Anche le persone che li aiutano sono a rischio, perchè solo per aver dato loro da mangiare, da dormire e dei vestiti possono essere denunciate e arrestate. Oggi sette ragazzi sono in carcere per questo. Io penso che non è giusto essere arrestati quando si aiutano le persone. A Briancon, dove aiutano i migranti che hanno appena attraversato il confine, ho visto alcuni bambini e questa cosa mi ha colpito molto perchè vuol dire che sono riusciti a fare un viaggio così lungo e faticoso attraverso i boschi e le montagne. Qui ho conosciuto la signora Annie, una volontaria che aiuta i migranti appena arrivati in Francia, una signora gentile e molto forte, che è stata chiamata 8 volte ad andare dalla polizia per l’aiuto che sta dando ai migranti, ma lei sorride e continua a farlo, perchè pensa che non aiutarli sia un’ingiustizia. Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”.


  • #Frontex wants to disembark refugees in Senegal

    #Hera“ is the only Frontex maritime mission on the territory of a third country. A new agreement might extend this joint border #surveillance.

    The EU border agency Frontex wants to bring back refugees picked up in the Atlantic Ocean to Senegal. The EU Commission should therefore negotiate a so-called #Status_Agreement with the government in Dakar. The proposal can be found in the annual report (https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-6294-2020-INIT/en/pdf) on the implementation of the Regulation for the surveillance of external sea borders (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32014R0656). It regulates the maritime „operational cooperation“ of Frontex with third countries.

    It would be the first agreement of this kind with an African government. So far, Frontex has only concluded Status Agreements with a number of Western Balkan countries for the joint surveillance of land borders. The only operation to date in a third country (https://digit.site36.net/2019/11/25/frontex-expands-operations-in-eu-neighbouring-countries) was launched by the Border Agency in Albania a year ago.

    Frontex has been coordinating the joint operation „Hera“ in the Atlantic since 2006 (https://frontex.europa.eu/media-centre/news-release/longest-frontex-coordinated-operation-hera-the-canary-islands-WpQlsc). The reason for the first and thus oldest EU border surveillance mission (http://www.statewatch.org/analyses/no-307-frontex-operation-hera.pdf) was the arrival of many thousands of refugees in boats on the Canary Islands via Morocco, Mauritania, Cape Verde and Senegal. For a short period of time, the German Federal Police had also participated in „Hera“ (http://dipbt.bundestag.de/doc/btd/16/098/1609888.pdf), in addition to Portugal, France, Italy, Finland and Luxembourg. Already in 2007 the arrivals decreased drastically. For the past year, Frontex’s „Migratory Map“ (https://frontex.europa.eu/along-eu-borders/migratory-map) records only 711 irregular arrivals (by December) on Gran Canaria, Tenerife and the other Spanish islands. According to media reports (https://www.laprovincia.es/canarias/2020/03/03/canarias-supera-1200-personas-llegadas/1260792.html), this number has been nearly doubled in the first two months of 2020 alone.

    „Hera“ is the only maritime mission in which Frontex coordinates an operation which, with Senegal, also takes place in the 12-mile zone, the exclusive economic zone and the airspace of a third country. In „Themis“, „Indalo“ and „Poseidon“, the operational plan only covers waters under the jurisdiction and monitoring of EU Member States.

    Currently, „Hera“ is operated by Spain as the „host state“ with support from Portugal. The two countries patrol with frigates and smaller ships and carry out aerial surveillance with a helicopter. They first transmit their information to a control centre in Las Palmas, to which Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal have sent liaison officers. Processed intelligence is then forwarded to the International Coordination Centre (ICC) in Madrid, which manages all operations of the Spanish border authorities and is also responsible for cooperation with Frontex.

    If suspicious boats are detected in the area of operations in „Hera“, a report is made to the competent Maritime Rescue Operations Centre (MRCC). All those picked up in the Spanish Search and Rescue zone have been able to disembark in the Canary Islands in recent years.

    If the refugees are still in the Senegalese #SAR zone, the national coast guard brings them back to the West African country. With a Status Agreement, Frontex assets could do the same. According to SAR Info, a Canadian information platform, the Senegalese national #MRCC (https://sarcontacts.info/countries/senegal) is also responsible for the rescue coordination off the coast of Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Mauritania.

    Before each operation, Frontex is required to assess the possible disembarkation of intercepted refugees in the third countries concerned. In the report for 2018, Leggeri writes that his agency, with the „host states“ of the missions „Themis“ (Italy) and „Indalo“ (Spain), considered such disembarkations to Libya and Tunisia as well as to Morocco to be incompatible with regulations to which Frontex is bound.

    From Frontex’s point of view, however, disembarkations would be possible for Turkey and Senegal, as the governments there do not violate basic fundamental and human rights and also adhere to the principle of non-refoulement, according to which refugees may not be returned to countries from which they have fled. So far, says Leggeri, Frontex and the EU Member States involved in „Poseidon“ and „Hera“ have not forced any persons to Turkey or Senegal.

    The report signed by Frontex director Fabrice Leggeri is as usual one year late, the paper published last week refers to 2018. That was the same year in which the European Union once again wanted to set up „regional disembarkation centres“ in North Africa (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_18_4629). There, asylum applications of persons seeking protection would be examined even before they reach Europe. All the governments in question rejected the proposal, and the African Union also opposed it a year ago. Led by Egypt, the 55 member states criticise the planned EU facilities as „de facto detention centres“ (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/24/african-union-seeks-to-kill-eu-plan-to-process-migrants-in-africa).

    In the report, Leggeri complains that Frontex has too little competence in its four maritime missions. Bilateral agreements, such as those Italy has concluded with Libya (https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/02/12/italy-halt-abusive-migration-cooperation-libya) or Spain with Morocco (https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2019/02/21/inenglish/1550736538_089908.html), allow for much closer cooperation with North African coastguards.

    #Sénégal #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #désembarquement #surveillance_frontalière #accord #accords #frontières

    Et pas mal de matériel sur seenthis autour de...
    #plateformes_de_désembarquement #disembarkation_paltforms #plateformes_de_débarquement #regional_disembarkation_platforms #Albanie #Océane_atlantique #Atlantique #Allemagne

    –-> voir notamment ici, dans la métaliste sur l’externalisation des contrôles frontaliers :

    ping @karine4 @isskein @_kg_

  • #Hot_blob: vast patch of warm water off New Zealand coast puzzles scientists | World news | The Guardian

    Area of water in the Pacific Ocean off NZ is 6C hotter than normal, possibly due to a lack of wind in the region

    A spike in water temperature of up to 6C above average across a massive patch of ocean east of New Zealand is likely to have been caused by an “anti-cyclone” weather system, a leading scientist says.

    Appearing on heat maps as a deep red blob, the patch spans at least a million square kilometres – an area nearly 1.5 times the size of Texas, or four times larger than New Zealand – in the Pacific Ocean.

    James Renwick, the head of geography, environment and earth sciences at Victoria University in Wellington, said the scale of the temperature spike near the sparsely populated Chatham Islands archipelago was remarkable, and had been building for weeks.

    It’s the biggest patch of above average warming on the planet right now. Normally the temperatures there are about 15C, at the moment they are about 20C,” he said.

    Renwick said the blob could be linked to rising atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, as a result of climate change, but he expected it was overwhelmingly due to natural variability – a strong high pressure system and a lack of wind.

    It’s not uncommon to see patches of warmer water off New Zealand but this magnitude of four, five, up to six degrees is pretty unusual,” Renwick said.

    It’s probably a very thin layer of ocean that has warmed up and there hasn’t been any wind to cool it for several weeks.

  • Chilean anti-rape anthem becomes international feminist phenomenon | World news | The Guardian

    Un Violador en Tu Camino – A Rapist in Your Path – was first performed in late November as Chile’s nationwide uprising against social inequality pushed into its second month.

    Videos of the song – and its accompanying dance moves – quickly went viral, spreading across Latin America and the world, with performances taking place in Mexico, Colombia, France, Spain and the UK.


    #vidéo #culture_du_viol #féminisme #chanson #manifestation

  • Estonian minister mocks Finland’s ’sales girl’ PM Sanna Marin | World news | The Guardian


    Avec la photo du gros porc en prime :

    Estonia’s president has apologised after his country’s interior minister mocked Finland’s new prime minister – the world’s youngest serving government leader – as a “sales girl” and questioned her fitness for the post.

    Mart Helme, 70, the leader of the populist far-right party Ekre, ridiculed Finland’s Sanna Marin, 34, and her government – in which four out of five coalition leaders are women under 35 – on his party’s radio talkshow on Sunday.

    “Now we see how one sales girl has become a prime minister and how some other street activists and non-educated people have also joined the cabinet,” Helme said.

    Estonia’s president, Kersti Kaljulaid, asked Finland’s president, Sauli Niinistö, to pass on her apologies to Marin and her government.

  • China tells government offices to remove all foreign computer equipment

    Directive is likely to be a blow to US multinational companies like HP, Dell and Microsoft China has ordered that all foreign computer equipment and software be removed from government offices and public institutions within three years, the Financial Times reports. The government directive is likely to be a blow to US multinational companies such as HP, Dell and Microsoft, and mirrors attempts by Washington to limit the use of Chinese technology, as the trade war between the countries (...)

    #Dell #Google #Huawei #Lenovo #Microsoft #Qualcomm #HP #algorithme #Windows #puce #domination (...)


  • Japanese officials helped procure wartime sex slaves, report claims | World news | The Guardian


    The Japanese imperial army asked the government to provide one wartime sex slave for every 70 soldiers serving in China in the late 1930s, according to dispatches that offer evidence of official involvement in the recruitment of women to work in military brothels.

    The dispatches from Japanese diplomatic missions in China include requests to the foreign ministry in Tokyo to provide “comfort women”, Kyodo news agency reported. The term was a euphemism used to describe tens of thousands of women from Korea, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and other countries who were forced into sexual servitude before and during the second world war.

    #japon #corée #guerre #esclaves_sexuelles #esclavage

  • Back to the border of misery: Amexica revisited 10 years on | World news | The Guardian


    Back to the border of misery: Amexica revisited 10 years on
    A decade after publishing his vivid account of the places and people most affected by the US-Mexican ‘war on drugs’, Ed Vulliamy returns to the frontline to see how life has changed

    #frontières #murs #mexique #états-unis

  • En Italie, les « sardines » défient Salvini et les populistes - Page 1 | Mediapart

    Parti d’un appel à manifester contre la Ligue à Bologne, dans le nord-est de l’Italie, le mouvement des « #sardines » essaime du nord au sud du pays. Depuis le 14 novembre dernier, il a réuni plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes autour de slogans antipopulistes. [...] Des Italiens de tous âges, serrés, « comme des sardines », pour protester contre le lancement de la campagne de Lucia Borgonzoni, la candidate de la Ligue, le parti xénophobe de Matteo Salvini, en vue des élections régionales de janvier 2020.

    #anti-fascisme #Italie

    • Des dizaines de milliers de « Sardines » réunies à Rome contre le fascisme

      Les « Sardines », militants anti-fascistes italiens, ont manifesté samedi à Rome tout en s’interrogeant sur le devenir d’un mouvement qui veut « réveiller » la politique italienne, sans se transformer en un parti ni une organisation défendant une cause unique.

      Le phénomène des Sardines est né il y a un mois à Bologne quand une manifestation organisée par quatre inconnus a rassemblé par surprise 15’000 personnes, pressées comme des sardines, pour dénoncer le discours « de haine et de division » de Matteo Salvini, ex-numéro deux du gouvernement et chef de la Ligue (extrême-droite).

      Depuis lors, des dizaines de #manifestations, rythmée par le chant des résistants #Bella_Ciao, ont rassemblé au total 300’000 personnes, à Milan, Florence, Naples ou Palerme.

      « La première était contre Salvini puis c’est devenu une réaffirmation de la #démocratie : nous sommes anti-fascistes, pour l’#égalité, contre l’#intolérance, contre l’#homophobie », a expliqué Mattia Santori, l’un des co-fondateurs du mouvement.

      Vague d’adhésions

      Depuis lors, le mouvement n’a cessé de prendre de l’ampleur. Pour la manifestation de samedi à Rome, les organisateurs ont reçu plus de 100’000 adhésions sur Facebook, à tel point que la préfecture leur a proposé l’immense Place San Giovanni.

      Le référent du mouvement à Rome est #Stephen_Ogongo, 45 ans, un journaliste originaire du Kenya. Il a créé la page Facebook des « Sardines » romaines, juste avant d’aller se coucher il y a 15 jours. « Le lendemain, il y avait 10’000 personnes qui voulaient en faire partie. Le surlendemain 20’000 », a-t-il expliqué.

      « Parler à la tête et pas à l’estomac »

      Mais que vont devenir les Sardines, à part former des bancs dans toute l’Italie ? « Nous sommes au début, il y a un mois elles n’existaient pas », souligne Stephen Ogongo. "L’essentiel, c’est de « parler à la tête et pas à l’estomac des gens », « de réveiller les consciences », d’amener la population à « faire des choix responsables » et les politiciens à « changer de langage ».

      Mattia Santori et la cohorte bolognaise veulent aller plus loin mais « en prenant leur temps ». Ils organisent une journée de réflexion avec 160 référents des Sardines dimanche.

      Ni parti ni association ciblée

      S’ils se reconnaissent de gauche, ces militants se définissent comme « un #corps_intermédiaire » et ne veulent ni créer un parti ni se substituer aux associations existantes. De nombreuses « Sardines » militent pour le climat, contre la mafia, la précarité, le droit du sol pour les immigrés ou pour la diversité des genres.

      L’idée est de « faire émerger une nouvelle énergie à travers une forme bien plus libre et spontanée » qu’un parti, en se dotant d’une organisation « qui ne sera pas hiérarchique » mais fixera de « grandes orientations », souligne Mattia.

      Prochaine destination des « Sardines » : les petites villes et « territoires fragiles », susceptible de céder aux sirènes « des idées simplistes et du #populisme ».

      #anti-fa #résistance

    • ’Sardines’ against Salvini: Italy’s fight against the far right

      Grassroots protests have brought tens of thousands of people on to the streets of Rome.

      Tens of thousands of people have crammed together in Rome on Saturday as part of the growing “sardines” movement against the leader of the far-right League and Italy’s former deputy prime minister, Matteo Salvini, and his allies.

      Protesters converged in Piazza San Giovanni early in the afternoon in a bid “to further shake up the country’s politics and battle xenophobia”, in what was billed as their biggest rally.
      ’Sardines against Salvini’: Italians pack squares in protest against far right
      Read more

      “We are very happy and reached our goal,” said one of the movement’s founders, Mattia Sartori, 32, as more than 100,000 people were expected to march in the capital.

      “We are anti-fascist, pro-equality, against intolerance, against homophobia,” Santori told AFP, as protesters sang the anti-fascist anthem Bella Ciao.

      “We are weary of this culture of hatred,” the movement’s representative in the Italian capital, Stephen Ogongo, a 45-year-old journalist of Kenyan origin, told AFP. ‘‘We will no longer tolerate language that is racist, fascist, discriminatory or sexist.”

      The Sardines movement began in November after Santori, from Bologna, sent an urgent message to three friends late at night telling them to meet the next day. It was a couple of days before Salvini and his coalition partners, the smaller far-right party Brothers of Italy, and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, were due to launch their campaign for the Emilia-Romagna regional election at an indoor sports arena in Bologna.

      The four friends hatched a riposte to Salvini’s boasts about filling Italy’s squares with supporters. The sports arena had a capacity for 5,700 people, and via an announcement on Santori’s private Facebook page, the group invited people to a counter-rally at Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore, with the aim of attracting 6,000 people.

      What happened next confounded their expectations: 15,000 people filled the Bologna square. As Salvini’s far-right electoral alliance pursued its campaign, the Sardines converged in other Emilia-Romagna cities before spreading across Italy and beyond.

      Hundreds of migrants also joined the Sardines on Saturday in Rome to protest against Salvini’s hardline immigration policies.

      Before being ejected from government in August after his failed gambit to collapse a coalition with the Five Star Movement (M5S) and bring about snap elections, Salvini’s main achievement when in office was to introduce draconian anti-immigration measures, including closing seaports to migrants.

      “They told us that immigration is a problem in order to hide real problems,” said Pietro Bartolo, a member of the European parliament who is known as the “doctors of migrants” and who has dedicated years of his life to addressing the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean.

      “We have to resist,” added Bartolo, who joined the protest. “Laws that criminalise those who save people are laws against our constitution. These laws are a shame.”

      Salvini has mocked the movement, writing on Twitter that he prefers kittens as “they eat sardines when hungry”.

      However, in a poll in November, 40% of Italians said that the movement now represents Salvini’s “most dangerous enemy”.


  • Working 9 to 9 : Chinese tech workers push back against long hours

    Staff at Alibaba, Huawei and other big firms are sharing evidence of unpaid compulsory overtime Chinese tech employees are pushing back against the industry’s notoriously long hours, known as the “996” schedule of working from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. Over the past few weeks, a project that began in part as a joke among tired Chinese developers has turned into a nationwide debate about work culture and a rare protest against practices at some of the country’s largest companies. In late (...)

    #Alibaba #ByteDance #Huawei #JD.com #AntFinancial #TikTok #Alibaba.com #Pinduoduo #conditions #travailleurs (...)


  • World-first mobile phone detection cameras rolled out in Australia | World news | The Guardian

    New South Wales rolled out mobile phone detection cameras on Sunday, hoping to cut the number of fatalities on its roads by a third over two years, transport authorities said.

    The world-first mobile phone detection cameras, according to Transport for NSW, which manages the state’s transport services, operate day and night in all weather conditions to determine if a driver is handling a mobile phone.

    “It’s a system to change the culture,” the NSW police assistant commissioner, Michael Corboy, told Australian media last week.

    Making or receiving voice calls while driving in NSW is legal, but only when using a hands-free device. All other functions, such as video calling, using social media and photography, are illegal while behind the wheel.

    #sécurité_routière #accidents_de_la_route

  • The Gates Foundation shouldn’t legitimise Narendra Modi | Gloria Steinem and Akeel Bilgrami | Opinion | The Guardian

    The Gates Foundation has announced it is bestowing a prestigious annual award on prime minister Narendra Modi of India. And in advance of the UN general assembly meeting in New York, Donald Trump flew down to Houston, Texas, to welcome him at an event charmingly dubbed the “Howdy Modi” rally.

    #FBMG #Inde #Modi #récompense

    • Sangita Vyas, a research fellow at the Rice Institute, said: “For Swachh Bharat to have made huge progress, they would have needed to address caste hierarchies and beliefs in purity and pollution. We found that it seems to have exacerbated caste hierarchies. Sanitation is used as a method for elite groups to suppress marginalised communities.”

      Concerns were also raised in a report last year by the UN special rapporteur for safe drinking water and sanitation, Leo Heller. “As an unintended consequence of the desire to obtain rewards, including the title of ‘open-defecation free’, some aggressive and abusive practices seem to have emerged,” he wrote.

      Heller reported that “individuals defecating in the open are being shamed, harassed, attacked or otherwise penalised,” and that accused open defecators faced being denied food rations, or having their electricity disconnected.

      Heller also noted the Indian government “recognised the existence of abuse associated with the Clean India mission implementation and issued at least two advisories to all states underlining that such practices must stop”.

      Despite rapid economic strides in past decades, India has lagged behind other countries on sanitation. Academics have argued that the practice of open defecation has survived because cleaning toilets is considered low-caste work.


      #assainissement #toilettes ou pas #répression

  • Woman trying to visit Indian temple attacked with chilli spray | World news | The Guardian

    Female activists in India were violently attacked by protesters and stopped by police as they attempted to make a pilgrimage to a Hindu temple which was controversially ordered to open its doors to women.[...]

    “This is about gender equality,” said Desai, speaking over the phone from the office of the deputy police commissioner in Kochi, where the women were temporarily given refuge for their own protection. “The constitution has given us the right to gender equality and a right to pray, and last year the supreme court ruled that women could enter, so they have no right to stop us going to Sabarimala temple.”

    She added: “Even if I know I might die in this struggle, I will still not go back. I’m not afraid of losing my life, this is a fight that someone has to take on.”

    Sabarimala temple has become one of the most polarising holy sites in India since the supreme court ruled in September that women of all ages should be allowed to enter.

    #Inde #religion #sexisme #agression

  • Syria’s Kurds and the Turkish border

    The news from Syria has been nothing but bad for several years now, but things have been particularly desperate in the last few days—since Turkish forces, with a green light from the American president, invaded the region of northern Syria that had been under autonomous Kurdish rule, as Rojava. (You can read an overview of the situation and what is at stake in this Guardian article: What is the situation in north-eastern Syria? —> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/09/what-is-situation-north-eastern-syria-turkey-kurds)

    Although I mainly work on refugee history these days, earlier in my career I was a Syria specialist, and I spent a lot of time researching the history of the area that Turkey has just invaded. The demarcation of the Syrian-Turkish border in the 1920s and 30s was crucial to the constitution of state sovereignty on either side of it. Turkey and Syria were newly established states, though they were quite different: Turkey was ruled by a nationalist government that had successfully fought off multiple invasions, while Syria was only nominally independent under French colonial ‘supervision’. What I was really interested in, though, was how these interconnected processes shaped the political identities of the people living in what became the northern Syrian borderlands. A lot of them were Kurdish, and the border made them a minority in a new Syrian nation-state.

    As a historian, I don’t have privileged knowledge about current events, and I’m feeling pretty helpless and hopeless about them. But if it’s helpful for anyone reading this to get some background on how this part of the world came to be divided between Syria and Turkey, and what that meant for Kurds living there, with permission from the publishers I’m making some of the things I’ve written on the subject freely available.

    First, here is a PDF of a chapter of my book (2011) on ‘The border and the Kurds’ (https://singularthings.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/chapter-4.pdf). It explains the impact that the demarcation of the border had on Kurds across the new Syrian nation-state. Right through the 1920s and 30s, Syria’s borders didn’t have much meaningful physical presence on the ground. But increasingly, the border as a line between two state jurisdictions made it a meaningful presence in people’s lives (and in people’s minds) nonetheless. The drawing of Syria’s borders tended to make all Kurds in the country—whether they lived in the borderlands or in Damascus—into one ‘minority’ community.

    Second, my article ‘Refugees and the definition of Syria, 1920-1939’ (2017) (https://doi.org/10.1093/pastj/gtw048) argues that the arrival and settlement of refugees brought the geographical borders of Syria into much sharper definition, and accelerated the spread of effective state authority across its territory—as well as raising questions about whether Syrian national identity should be defined to include or exclude the incomers. Kurdish refugees from the new Turkish Republic were one of the three main groups of refugees entering Syria in this period, and the places that became Syrian included the areas that Kurds have governed autonomously for the last few years. The Turkish army’s invasion has prompted the Kurdish government to invite the Syrian regime back in.

    Finally, an older article in French, ‘Frontières et pouvoir d’Etat: La frontière turco-syrienne dans les années 1920 et 1930’ (2009) (https://www.cairn.info/article.php?ID_REVUE=VING&ID_NUMPUBLIE=VIN_103&ID_ARTICLE=VING_103_0091#), written with my colleague and friend Seda Altuğ, goes into more detail on the process of how the border was drawn on the ground, and what role it played in the constitution of state authority on both sides. For Turkey, a national frontier was being created, that needed defending against local populations that were viewed as a threat (especially Kurds and Armenians) as well as against French imperialism. On the Syrian side, where the border was both a Syrian national and French imperial frontier, the situation was more complicated.

    #Kurdistan #kurdistan_syrien #Syrie #Turquie #frontières #Kurdes #histoire
    signalé par @isskein

  • Coming out of the shadows: what it means to be French and Chinese

    People of Chinese descent have long faced prejudice and violence in France. But today a new generation is staking out its rightful place in society.

    On 7 August 2016, #Zhang_Chaolin, a 49-year-old tailor, was savagely beaten by a group of youths in Aubervilliers, a deprived suburb on the northern outskirts of Paris – the latest in a string of violent aggressions against ethnic Chinese. Like the other victims, he had been targeted because of the widely held belief that members of the Chinese community habitually carry large amounts of cash (and that they are docile and unlikely to fight back; that they are reluctant to report crimes because they are in the country illegally, or cannot express themselves properly in French; and even if they do, the police do not take them seriously; or, simply, that the Chinese “keep themselves to themselves”). As it turned out, Zhang only had a packet of cigarettes and some sweets on him. He died five days later as a result of his injuries.

    The following year, on 26 March, 56-year-old Liu Shaoyo was preparing dinner for his children in his apartment in the 19th arrondissement in Paris when the police arrived at his home following a call from neighbours (the nature of the complaint remains unclear). The precise sequence of events is disputed: his family insist firmly that he had merely been gutting fish and had answered the door while still holding a pair of kitchen scissors; the police claim that they had acted in self-defence. Either way, they opened fire, killing Liu.

    In the aftermath of each man’s death, huge demonstrations were held by France’s ethnic Chinese, a community traditionally invisible in national discourse and under-represented in public life.

    I was transfixed by video footage of a crowd of more than 15,000 in the Place de la République in 2016 shortly after Zhang’s death on 12 August, protesting against continuing attacks on ethnic Chinese in Paris. Much of what I heard in the speeches that day, as well as in newspaper reports and on social media, felt tragically familiar to me: the cries of a people who felt that they had been ignored by the state.

    We work hard, we keep out of trouble, no one gives a damn about us, we have to struggle all by ourselves. These were the sentiments I grew up with in my ethnic Chinese family in Malaysia – a sense of frustration and suppressed pain that informed my view of the world.

    But there was also something totally foreign to me about these protests: the open dissent. Pushing back against hierarchy and authority. The protesters were overwhelmingly young, incredibly vocal and, in some instances, willing to resort to violent action – the very opposite of how overseas Chinese communities, the centuries-old immigrants known as huaqiao – have traditionally behaved. In short, the demonstrations seemed to be distinctly French.

    I had been as surprised as most people to learn that France has the largest ethnic-Chinese population in Europe. In a country where race-based statistics sit uneasily with the notion of égalité and French citizenship, it is often difficult to find accurate figures, although most estimates suggest a population of at least 600,000–700,000, more than double that in the UK.

    There were other surprises, too. In France, where I have travelled and lived on and off for more than 15 years, I have always taken the French habit of calling anyone of east Asian or south-east Asian appearance “chinois” as a laziness bordering on casual racism, particularly since France is home to large Vietnamese and Cambodian communities who arrived in the country in great numbers following the wars in the former French colonies in the 1970s. But as I got to know members of the various Asian communities in Paris, I discovered that I had been guilty of overlooking a fact that should have been obvious to me, of all people: that the overwhelming majority of Cambodians and Vietnamese in France are of Chinese descent. That is to say, like me, they come from south-east Asian Chinese families – families who had already been immigrants in their home countries before moving to Europe, and for whom being an outsider is integral to their sense of identity. Their languages – Cantonese and Teochew – are those I have lived with my whole life.

    I learned, too, of the vast distinctions within the Chinese community, principally between the south-east Asians and the huge numbers of newer immigrants from the mainland, overwhelmingly from the factory port city of Wenzhou.

    I met the people who had organised the most visible of the demonstrations. They have since mobilised themselves into a group that promotes not just political but social and cultural change – the Association of Young Chinese of France, one of the most notable of the many Asian action groups that are being established in the country. Over the course of many months, we have walked through the Asian neighbourhoods of Paris, shared meals and become friends over the messy issue of mixed identity. They have spoken about what it means to be French and Chinese.

    The suburbs of Aubervilliers and Pantin lie just beyond the north-eastern corner of the Boulevard Périphérique, part of the département of Seine-Saint-Denis, notorious in the French public imagination for its perceived levels of crime and deprivation, and known colloquially as “le neuf-trois” after its departmental number. At Quatre Chemins, the crossroads that forms the heart of the neighbourhood, the first building I see when I emerge from the Métro bears a sign that reads “hotel la journe / €53 la nuit”. People hurry along the streets, as if to and from work, in contrast to the more bourgeois districts of Paris, which are already empty now that the summer holidays are here.

    Rui, aged 32: “I arrived in France in 1995, when I was seven and a half. My parents had already been here for some years, having arrived in Europe from Wenzhou, in the south of China. They had papers for Italy but had come to France illegally, so when I arrived I was an illegal, too. One of my earliest memories of my childhood in France was of my father not returning home one night, and my mother telling me that he’d been arrested by the police for not having the right papers. He didn’t come home for three days. Eventually he was released – they couldn’t prove anything, so he was free to come home, but we lived with that fear all the time. It was exhausting.

    “Before we got our papers, I lived constantly with my father’s shame – the shame of being a poor clandestine. We lived entirely within the Chinese community – that is to say, entirely within the Wenzhou community. Some had papers, many didn’t. There was a very distinct hierarchy, a division between those who were legal and those who weren’t. In those early days, not so many of us had a passport, and if you got married to a French citizen it was like getting married to Bill Gates or Hillary Clinton – the most privileged thing in the world!

    “My father was the opposite end of this spectrum. He worked in the lowest of shitty jobs, as a plongeur (a dishwasher) in Chinese restaurants – that sort of thing. I could feel his shame at being an illegal immigrant every time he talked to anyone. I could hear it in his voice – he felt crushed by the world. Why? I asked myself. Why do we have to live with this shame? I would go home at night and cry myself to sleep. Because they were illegals, my parents were forced to accept their position at the bottom of the ladder, and their inferiority complex coloured my experience of life, even at that age.

    “Every single time they went out, my parents would take me along with them. ‘In France the police won’t arrest us if we have a child with us,’ they used to say. Even at that age, I knew that I was being used as a human shield. I’d be playing or reading quietly at home and suddenly my parents would say: ‘We need to go out.’ I never had any time for myself. Sometimes I feel as though I had my childhood taken away from me, confiscated against my will.

    “People don’t stay in Quatre Chemins long. As soon as they have a decent job and some money, they move to a better neighbourhood. Those who stay aren’t so lucky. We were here for many years, just up the road on the Pantin side of the crossroads. Down there, just a couple of hundred metres away, was where Zhang Chaolin was attacked. There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the violence in Aubervilliers and Pantin, but in truth, it’s always been difficult here, there’s always been aggressions, robberies, fights.

    “This is where the Chinese community live, but they mostly work on the other side of Aubervilliers, where they run wholesale businesses, mainly of clothes, shoes and bags. It’s a barren area, very harsh, and it’s on the way to and from work that they’ve been getting attacked and robbed. What you hear about Chinese people feeling scared and not wanting to go out unless they’re in groups – it’s true. But look around you: you can see we also have ordinary lives in a very mixed community.

    “It looked as if our lives were condemned to forever being lived in the shadows, and my parents were ready to abandon their French dream and return to Italy. But then, in 1997, in a coup de théâtre, suddenly our fortunes were transformed. Jacques Chirac, who was president at the time, decided to call fresh legislative elections because he believed they would reinforce the right and destroy the left. But the plan backfired and instead it was the left who won the elections, and proceeded to put in place a programme of regularisation for people who’d lived without papers for many years in the country. All of a sudden, we became normal members of society, and that changed everything for us: the kinds of jobs my parents were suddenly eligible for, the way they could hold their heads up in public, even my behaviour at school. I felt confident, I felt the same as everyone else. It’s not as if we became rich or anything, but almost overnight, we felt as if life held possibilities for us. I remember the day we got our papers, my mother took me to a restaurant for the first time – a simple Vietnamese place where we had pho. It felt like such a luxury.

    “Now that I have a good job – I work in real estate, I have a decent income and I own a nice apartment – I sometimes think back to those days of poverty, when we were illegal and my family had no money, no possibility of earning money or of getting any social security. And I realise that a large part of the shame was what we were going to tell our family back in China. We had left to build better lives for ourselves in France, but here we were, worse off than before. We were trapped in a sort of double prison: by poverty in Europe, and by China and its expectations of us.

    “After I became a full French citizen at the age of 18, I started to think more deeply about my identity – about what it meant to be French, and also Chinese. By that time, I and all my cousins and friends, people who’d been brought up or even born in France, had experienced racism in France – casual insults, people mocking our accents, or more serious incidents like being robbed because we were seen as weak and docile. And then, during the Beijing Olympics, we saw how the French media talked about China and the Chinese, as if we were one kind of people, who acted in the same way, always in the image of the Communist party. That got me really mad, so together with other friends like me – young Chinese people who considered France their only home – I formed the Association of Young Chinese of France. I was at university at the time, at Paris Dauphine, and reading Marx and Bourdieu – people who helped me make sense of my childhood, of the way my parents’ experience conditioned mine. I wanted to change things – for me and also for them.

    “When Zhang Chaolin was in hospital and everyone knew he was going to die, I knew I had to do something. Together with a few other young people, we made plans for a huge demonstration that we would put into action the moment he died. When I saw all those people gathered for the demonstration outside the town hall, I felt elated – as if change was finally happening.

    “What happened at the demonstration to mark Liu Shaoyo’s death was even more remarkable. The elders of the Chinese community had organised a formal event, full of boring speeches that tried to appease everyone. Everything was expressed in neutral language, with typical Chinese politesse. Not that many people were present.


    Then, not long before proceedings were due to wrap up, a huge swathe of protesters dressed in black descended towards the Place de la République, shouting slogans against the establishment. All of them were young Chinese people, angry with the inaction of the older generation. They wanted change, they wanted it urgently. All of it was calculated to make the elders lose face, to show how powerless and pointless they were. It was exhilarating to see that mass of young people trying to wrest control from their elders.

    “For me, the demonstrations were a form of revenge. For the humiliation that my parents experienced. That I’ve experienced. The humiliation of being rendered invisible, of not being listened to. The humiliation that Chinese people go through every time they are aggressed in the street, which is a continuation of the marginalisation my parents lived through.

    “But above all, these protests, this spirit of revolution – this is what makes me French. In Chinese culture, as you and I both know all too well, we’re trained to be obedient, to respect your elders and hierarchy in general. In France it’s the reverse. You became integrated from the moment you feel able to criticise, especially if you criticise the state and the government. It’s a particularly French quality, almost a disease, I would say! In this country, we are French, we are required to be French, and this requires a very special mentality. For Chinese-French people, it’s not the same as Chinese-Italians or Chinese-Spanish, who are always thinking they will never be fully integrated and will probably go back to China in 10 years’ time. We think of our children and grandchildren living normal lives in this country, so we need to change things. I have a way of thinking which I feel defines a French person: I believe that the government can always, always, be changed. I believe in the power of revolution to change our lives.”

    The southern end of Paris’s 13th arrondissement is home to the city’s largest and longest-established Asian community, composed principally of families who fled the civil wars in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, arriving in France in large numbers after the fall of Saigon and Phnom Penh in 1975. The heart of Chinatown is concentrated around the famous residential towers blocks known as Les Olympiades, which were completed in the mid-1970s – the first homes to be occupied by the families arriving from south-east Asia.

    Laëtitia, age 25: “One of the things my parents often used to say in reprimanding me was ‘tu es devenue trop Française’ – you’ve become too French. Whenever they were angry they also used the term ‘ang mo kia’, which was not intended as a compliment. [It means “white kid” in many of the dialects of southern China, shorthand for rude, rebellious behaviour – western values being of course the antithesis of harmony, both within the family and in society.] I think it came from a frustration that we, their children, had very little idea of what they went through so that we could grow up with an idea of being French, and only French. But then again, they never spoke of their lives before coming to France, or their difficult journeys here, so it’s no surprise that most of us only have a single French identity.

    “My parents are Sino-Cambodian, that is to say, ethnic Chinese Teochews from Chaozhou who were born or grew up in Cambodia with a dual identity, both Chinese and Cambodian. During the war, just before the country fell to the Khmer Rouge, they were forced to flee, abandoning everything they had and, in some cases, even members of their own family. They spent the whole of the war trapped in camps on the Thai border. During that time, who knows what kind of horrors they witnessed? I can understand why they wouldn’t want to talk about it. Like many Cambodians, their lives had been all right over there – they ran shops and small businesses. Then, almost overnight: the war, the nightmare of departure, and finally France. Despite my parents’ silence, I knew that they survived unspeakable brutality in Cambodia, and this knowledge is something unspoken that I carry within me, affecting the way I feel about France.

    “Intellectually, I can understand why the gilets jaunes are protesting – I’m French after all, I have the tendency to question the way other French people do. But when you know that your parents have survived one of the greatest genocides the world has ever seen, everything becomes relative. When people talk of life’s great problems being the price of petrol and only being able to go to a restaurant once a week, or only having one holiday a year, we can’t feel fully invested in these arguments, even if we understand them. My parents ran a restaurant when I was a child, and I can’t remember them ever taking a holiday. That’s why they pushed me to have a life where I could make choices and have greater agency than them.

    “As a rule, I don’t think you’ll find many French people from south-east Asian Chinese families, that is to say Cambodian or Vietnamese, who are passionate about the right to take to the streets. We don’t take the attitude that ‘the government has to do everything for me’. Even back in Cambodia and Vietnam, our families were already outsiders.

    “We didn’t benefit from any structural help then, we didn’t come from the dominant class in those countries, we didn’t feel we had the right to demand anything. We knew we had to fend for ourselves. Even though the overwhelming majority of Asians of my generation would consider themselves French and only French, I don’t know anyone who relies on state subsidies to live – two generations of French citizenship are not enough to change the embedded mentality of self-sufficiency.

    “French identity is an incredibly powerful idea. Being French is a notion that is inculcated within us from the earliest days at primary school, and it’s a really attractive principle: a project of assimilation to push aside cultural origins to create one single nationality, one people. But the problem is that differences persist, and as my teenage years went by I suddenly began to think there’s something missing, some part of myself that is not acknowledged, and that’s when I began to interrogate the Chinese part of myself, and learn how to be culturally Chinese as well as French.


    “You can see the problems in the unacknowledged differences in culture and race when you look at the aggression against Chinese people in certain parts of Paris. Asian and north African communities live in tough conditions and have come to think about each other in negative stereotypes. We can’t speak about it along racial lines because to do so is taboo, totally contrary to the ideas of the republic, of égalité and so on. But the problems exist.

    “The rise of China has been complicated for us. Before that, no one really noticed Asian people – we just got on with our lives in a nearly invisible way. Then I began to hear overtly racist comments – the Chinese spit everywhere, they’re filthy, they’re money launderers. The most negative phase was in 2008-9, during the Beijing Olympics, when suddenly the old ‘Yellow Peril’ fears were everywhere. All the time, we had newspaper stories headlined “China: conquering the world”. There were TV programmes like Envoyé Special, which killed Chinese delicatessens almost overnight by screening ‘exposés’ on hygiene standards. My parents ran one of those delis, so I should know.

    “I guess that’s why many people from my community say that they are Cambodian, or Vietnamese, to distance themselves from associations with the mainland, and from the newer immigrants from Wenzhou, who’ve only been in France for 20 years or so.

    “We’ve been here since the 1970s, and already there’s a sense within our communities of being more French than they are, more part of the community, which gives us a sense of superiority. The things we say about them echo what the rest of France say about us: that they work really hard, they’re prepared to work very long hours for next to nothing, they keep themselves to themselves, and so on. We’re used to being the model immigrants, but there are newer versions of ourselves, and we pass judgments on them. Maybe that’s a sign of belonging to French society.’

    Daniel, aged 27: “I would say that among all my Asian friends, I’m in the minority of those who are comfortable with being both Asian and French. A very small number, I guess those who’ve been victims of consistent racism, choose to reject their French identity, but the vast majority are more comfortable inhabiting only a French identity and are prepared to reject any sense of Asian-ness if it clashes with feeling French.

    “From what I see in my circle of friends, ethnic Chinese are far more likely to reject their Chineseness than a Maghrebine their Arabness. I’m not sure why – maybe it’s to do with the silence that exists within many families, particularly those from Vietnam and Cambodia, the lack of knowledge about our histories. We’re not connected to our non-French past the way Arabs and Africans are. They tend to have extended families back in Ivory Coast or Morocco or Algeria who provide them with a link to their cultures, their languages. We don’t have that – there’s no one back in Vietnam who can give me that sense of belonging to another culture. In any case, there’s a complication, because my family are ethnic Chinese who speak Cantonese, so which is my ‘other’ culture?

    “There’s a question of visibility, too. Black Africans and north Africans are represented in public life – in sports, music and pop culture in general – whereas we are almost totally absent. That means that it’s more difficult for us to identify role models.

    “Another pressure is that our parents often live life through us. Their aspirations, all the things they weren’t able to achieve because they arrived in France too late in life, traumatised and with very little money, they invest in us. Part of that means figuring out how to live in France. Many of us have experience of being interpreters for our parents even when we were very small. So, of course, it’s natural we end up behaving like models of French society.

    “We don’t recognise ourselves in French history, which is one of the most important subjects at school, because this is a country that has a long and rich history. We absorb all the lessons on French heroes such as Jeanne d’Arc, Charlemagne, Clovis. It’s one single version of history, one story, which everyone, even children of immigrant families are obliged to accept as their own. Even though I tried to feel that it was my story, I couldn’t help feeling a bit detached from it. To accept that version of history as my only heritage felt false – it was a story that rendered us invisible. Coupled with the misleading stereotypes elsewhere, it felt to me that our fate in society was either not to be talked about, or to be talked about inaccurately.

    “We were taught next to nothing about Vietnam, which was after all one of France’s most important colonies for 100 years. Colonial history – France’s relationship with countries that would provide large numbers of its minority populations – wasn’t taught much at school, which was a shame. I remember the kids of Algerian origin being very interested in lessons on the war in Algeria. They felt as if it spoke of them – that the whole class was learning about them and their past, where their parents came from, why they were French, how they were French. There was nothing for us, but in some ways that’s natural. Algeria represents a greater presence in the French imagination than Vietnam, even if that relationship is problematic.

    “You have to understand, we grow up with the notion that all of us are French – that is the whole point of our history lessons, to give us one single shared identity. I get that. But isn’t it more important to learn why we are so diverse? We’re all French, but these days there are so many different ways of being French. I’d have loved to have learned more about the histories of the different communities in France – their music, art, language. I’d also have liked to learn about the history of racism, rather than have to figure it all out myself.”

    Boulevard Voltaire is just a 15-minute walk from the Place de la Bastille and its concentration of hip bars and restaurants, yet it feels much more down at heel. Most of the shops sell clothing, but there are no customers in them; they have names such as Veti Style, Lucky Men and Bella. Many other shops are closed and available to rent.

    Emma, aged 19: “Until I was in my mid-teens, I never had any Chinese friends. In fact, I made a point not to hang out with other Chinese kids. I only had white, Arab or black friends – I was born here and wanted to show how French I was. But about 16, 17, I started to change. I’d had conversations with my parents, who’d come to France from Wenzhou when they were young. ‘No matter how you feel inside,’ my father told me, ‘when the world looks at you, they see a Chinese person.’ It was around that time too that I began to realise that all the things I’d accepted as normal – people mocking Chinese accents to my face, even though I speak just like any other French person, casual comments sexualising Asian women and desexualising Asian men – were micro-aggressions, and that I had to embrace my culture, instead of reject it.

    “My parents ran a bar-tabac towards the Oberkampf side of the 11th arrondissement. I wanted to do what bourgeois white French kids do, so I applied to Sciences Po, one of the most prestigious of the country’s grandes écoles. Few people in my community thought it was worth it – they couldn’t imagine it possible for me to pursue a career in human or social sciences, and definitely not in politics. There aren’t any statistics on how many Asians there are at Sciences Po, but just from my own observations, there are fewer than 10 per year, which means 30 in the entire school. It’s not like in the US, where Asians are a very visible presence on every major college campus – our elite schools still feel quite foreign to us. Maybe in the more science-based schools there might be more Asians, but personally I really don’t know any. If you look at schools like École normale supérieure, which require you to have amassed great cultural knowledge by the time you’re 18 or 20, the figure is probably zero.

    “Whatever the real situation, the general impression within the Chinese community is that the most exclusive schools are bastions that we’d have difficulty gaining access to, so when I got in, it was a really, really big achievement. Things are changing now, but not as fast as you’d imagine. In the French imagination, Asians are studious and conscientious, but if that were true, we would be much more visible in the grandes écoles, which are, after all, the standard-bearers of French education.”

    #chinois #France #migrants_chinois #identité #violence #préjugés #migrations

    ping @isskein

  • The great American tax haven : why the super-rich love South Dakota | World news | The Guardian

    Comment le Dakota du Sud est devenu à la fois la Suisse et le Luxembourg des États Unis.

    Super-rich people choose between jurisdictions in the same way that middle-class people choose between ISAs: they want the best security, the best income and the lowest costs. That is why so many super-rich people are choosing South Dakota, which has created the most potent force-field money can buy – a South Dakotan trust. If an ordinary person puts money in the bank, the government taxes what little interest it earns. Even if that money is protected from taxes by an ISA, you can still lose it through divorce or legal proceedings. A South Dakotan trust changes all that: it protects assets from claims from ex-spouses, disgruntled business partners, creditors, litigious clients and pretty much anyone else. It won’t protect you from criminal prosecution, but it does prevent information on your assets from leaking out in a way that might spark interest from the police. And it shields your wealth from the government, since South Dakota has no income tax, no inheritance tax and no capital gains tax.

    A decade ago, South Dakotan trust companies held $57.3bn in assets. By the end of 2020, that total will have risen to $355.2bn. Those hundreds of billions of dollars are being regulated by a state with a population smaller than Norfolk, a part-time legislature heavily lobbied by trust lawyers, and an administration committed to welcoming as much of the world’s money as it can. US politicians like to boast that their country is the best place in the world to get rich, but South Dakota has become something else: the best place in the world to stay rich.
    Despite all its legal innovating, South Dakota struggled for decades to compete with offshore financial centres for big international clients – Middle Eastern petro-sheikhs perhaps, or billionaires from emerging markets. The reason was simple: sometimes the owners’ claim to their assets was a little questionable, and sometimes their business practices were a little sharp. Why would any of them put their assets in the US, where they might become vulnerable to American law enforcement, when they could instead put them in a tax haven where enforcement was more … negotiable?

    That calculation changed in 2010, in the aftermath of the great financial crisis. Many American voters blamed bankers for costing so many people their jobs and homes. When a whistleblower exposed how his Swiss employer, the banking giant UBS, had hidden billions of dollars for its wealthy clients, the conclusion was explosive: banks were not just exploiting poor people, they were helping rich people dodge taxes, too.

    Congress responded with the Financial Assets Tax Compliance Act (Fatca), forcing foreign financial institutions to tell the US government about any American-owned assets on their books. Department of Justice investigations were savage: UBS paid a $780m fine, and its rival Credit Suisse paid $2.6bn, while Wegelin, Switzerland’s oldest bank, collapsed altogether under the strain. The amount of US-owned money in the country plunged, with Credit Suisse losing 85% of its American customers.

    The rest of the world, inspired by this example, created a global agreement called the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Under CRS, countries agreed to exchange information on the assets of each other’s citizens kept in each other’s banks. The tax-evading appeal of places like Jersey, the Bahamas and Liechtenstein evaporated almost immediately, since you could no longer hide your wealth there.

    How was a rich person to protect his wealth from the government in this scary new transparent world? Fortunately, there was a loophole. CRS had been created by lots of countries together, and they all committed to telling each other their financial secrets. But the US was not part of CRS, and its own system – Fatca – only gathers information from foreign countries; it does not send information back to them. This loophole was unintentional, but vast: keep your money in Switzerland, and the world knows about it; put it in the US and, if you were clever about it, no one need ever find out. The US was on its way to becoming a truly world-class tax haven.
    The Tax Justice Network (TJN) still ranks Switzerland as the most pernicious tax haven in the world in its Financial Secrecy Index, but the US is now in second place and climbing fast, having overtaken the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong and Luxembourg since Fatca was introduced. “While the United States has pioneered powerful ways to defend itself against foreign tax havens, it has not seriously addressed its own role in attracting illicit financial flows and supporting tax evasion,” said the TJN in the report accompanying the 2018 index. In just three years, the amount of money held via secretive structures in the US had increased by 14%, the TJN said. That is the money pouring into Sioux Falls, and into the South Dakota Trust Company.
    “You can look at South Dakota and its trust industry, but if you really want to look at CRS, look at the amount of foreign money that is flowing into US banks, not just into trusts,” the lawyer said. “The US has decided at very high levels that it is benefiting significantly from not being a member of CRS. That issue is much larger than trusts, and I don’t see that changing, I really don’t.”

    #USA #South_Dakota #nantis #capitalisme #mondialisation #évasion_fiscale

  • Conquistadors tumble as indigenous Chileans tear down statues | World news | The Guardian

    The head of Dagoberto Godoy hangs from a statue of the indigenous Mapuche chieftain Caupolicán after protesters decapitated a statue of the Chilean air force pilot in Temuco. Photograph: Paulo Quintana/Araucania Online

  • Death toll in #Yemen war reaches 100,000 | World news | The Guardian

    The death toll in Yemen’s war since 2015 has reached 100,000, according to a highly regarded database project that tracks the conflict.

    The Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project (Acled), which tracks confirmed fatalities in the conflict and is seen as reliable, said the figure included 12,000 civilian deaths in directly targeted attacks. It said 20,000 people had been reported killed this year, making it the second deadliest year of the war after 2018.

    The conflict in the Arab world’s poorest nation began in 2014 with the takeover of northern and central Yemen by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, who drove out the internationally recognised government from the capital, Sana’a.
