Anti-semitism vigilantes are feeding the far-right


  • Anti-semitism vigilantes are feeding the far-right

    This degrading of political language to the point of absurdity isn’t accidental. While those claiming to worry about anti-semitism are busy defaming every leftwing argument made against the current neoliberal order, real anti-semitism – the rightwing kind that actually targets and sometimes kills Jews – mostly gets a free pass.

    Real Jew-haters and Nazi sympathisers get the space to tell us how much they love Israel. Some of them, such as Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orban, can even rely on a warm handshake from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    If the left try to point out what is going on, or suggest that the charge of anti-semitism is being “weaponised” to silence us, we are accused of promoting a conspiracy theory and one that – yes – has echoes of “anti-semitic tropes”.

    The message of the anti-semitism witch-hunters to the left is simple: Shut up or be smeared over and over again.

    #extrême-droite #sioniste #Israel #antisémitisme #intimidation