Jonathan Phelps : “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should be put to death.


  • Jonathan Phelps: “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should be put to death. - masteradrian’s posterous

    Jonathan Phelps: “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should be put to death.

    Post image for Westboro Baptist Church: ‘Absolutely’ Homosexuals Should Be Put To Death

    Jonathan Phelps, son of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, says that “absolutely” homosexuals — including gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender people — should be put to death. “It’s the view of the Bible, it’s the clear teaching of the Bible,” Phelps said, adding that “the established human government should be following the rules of the Bible.”

    The Westboro Baptist Church, which markets itself as “God Hates Fags,” is perhaps best known for picketing the funerals of soldiers, gay people, and celebrities, and has won a First Amendment case in the U.S. Supreme Court allowing them to do so. Westboro maintains a network of websites, including GodHatesFags.Com, GodHatesIslam.Com, JewsKilledJesus.Com, and BeastObama.Com.

    The Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, Kansas, is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an active anti-gay hate group.

    Jonathan Phelps spoke today with journalist David Pakman, of “The David Pakman Show,” telling him he believes in the biblical mandate that requires gay people to be put to death, although he declined, when pressed, to identify the method of extermination that should be used.

    “Human government would have to establish that, and since I’m not involved in that aspect of it, I’m not answering that,” Phelps told Pakman. “What I’m partial to is people repenting, that’s what I’m partial to.”

    Phelps, who called Pakman a “rebel” because he is Jewish, also told him that he believes that marriage equality will be the law of the land “soon.”

    “The Supreme Court of the United States will, in follow up to their earlier decisions, and consistent with it, will mandate it.”

    The God Hates Fags website claims the Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing the AMC Midland Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri, on Friday:

    WBC will picket the Christ-rejecting Jew, Jerry Seinfeld, and all those patronizing this event. You have paid him millions to tell you jokes about your filthy lives of sin, and he’s happy to do that job. What he ought to be doing instead is using his huge bully pulpit to warn you to flee lusts that war against your soul and to flee the wrath of God that is coming on this land for your rebellion!