Erica Feldmann’s “HausMagick” Will Help You Cast a Spell on Your Home


  • La réunion de mes deux passions :

    Erica Feldmann’s “HausMagick” Will Help You Cast a Spell on Your Home | Bitch Media

    What’s the importance of accessibility in interior design, and why does it matter to you that the tips you give in the book are affordable?

    This is a huge thing for me. The business of interiors is very aspirational, and everything is based on creating a “look,” no matter how unattainable it is to everyday people. For some people that [might] be fun, but for me it created a lot of shame. When I was younger, I didn’t understand that meritocracy is a myth and that most people featured in design magazines are enormously wealthy and/or privileged. I only understood that I didn’t have access to that lifestyle, and on some level that made me feel like a failure.

    I think a lot of people have that reaction. It’s similar to how fashion magazines make people feel about their bodies: We know how damaging that dynamic is, especially for women and girls, and it’s a very similar problem here. It’s important to me that I make everything HausWitch does as accessible as possible to break that pattern. Poor people deserve comfort too! Plus, a lot of times my favorite projects are the ones that cost the least. My creativity is inspired by a lack of resources in a lot of ways. Not having access to everything you need forces you to think differently, and [to] dig deeper into what you need versus what society tells you to want.

    #habitat #sorcellerie #magie #logement