
    • #MH17 à la CEDH, la plainte visant l’Ukraine pour la non fermeture de son espace aérien est toujours en attente : toujours pas de décision sur sa recevabilité…

      l’article original
      MH17 : Der EGMR drückt sich vor einer Entscheidung | Telepolis

      Im Namen von Angehörigen hat der deutsche Experte für das Luftfahrtrecht, Elmar Giemulla, die Ukraine bezichtigt, den Luftraum fahrlässig nicht gesperrt zu haben. Die Klage wurde bis zum heutigen Tag weder abgewiesen noch angenommen

    • Sur le site de la CEDH, la recherche de « MH-17 » ne me retourne qu’une décision toute récente (04/04/19) de transmission à la Russie des plaintes la visant. Trois ans après le dépôt de la première.

      Communication Ayley and Others v. Russia and Angline and Others v. Russia - downing of flight MH-17
      https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng-press#{"itemid" :["003-6376180-8356050"]}

      The European Court of Human Rights decided on 3 April to communicate to the Government of Russia the applications Ayley and Others v. Russia (application no. 25714/16) and Angline and Others v. Russia (no. 56328/18), and requested it to submit observations.

      The applications were lodged by the relatives of people who were killed in the downing on 17 July 2014 of flight MH-17 over the territory of eastern Ukraine.

      They allege in particular that the Russian Federation was directly or indirectly responsible for the destruction of the plane and failed to investigate the disaster properly or cooperate with other investigations.

      Russia has repeatedly denied any involvement in the destruction of the aircraft.

      A statement of facts submitted to the parties, with questions from the Court, is available in English on the Court’s website. The Court’s ruling in the case will be made at a later stage.