Hizbollah debates dropping support for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad


  • Hizbollah debates dropping support for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad - Telegraph

    Hizbollah has a private army, regarded as a terrorist organisation by the United States, which is much stronger than Lebanon’s national army - yet it is also inside Lebanon’s government as part of an uneasy arrangement of rival political parties.

    Since it was founded in the 1980s it has built a reputation as a formidably disciplined organisation, tolerating no public dissent. But a year ago the rival Palestinian militant organisation Hamas, which controls Gaza, abandoned its support for Mr Assad. Now, insiders say, Hizbollah is engaged in a fierce debate behind closed doors over whether to follow suit.

    “There are different points of view, with some saying that we should push for a settlement within Syria and not bank on Assad staying,” said one Lebanese with connections to senior Hizbollah circles.

    • Il y a une floppée d’articles en ce moment sur le sujet, et le manque assez criant d’éléments factuels me fait penser qu’il s’agit d’une campagne de pure com’ orchestrée par on-ne-sait-qui. Tous ces journalistes ont en commun des « insiders » qui leur confient des secrets internes du Hezbollah. S’il y avait des « insiders » du Hezbollah qui racontaient ainsi leur vie aux journalistes, ça se saurait (au TSL, à l’ambassade américaine, ils cherchent encore).