Almería, Granada, Málaga, Cádiz, Huelva, Sevilla, Córdoba y Jaén


  • Nouvelles #caméras et système de #reconnaissance_faciale à la frontière entre le #Maroc et #Ceuta

    Le système de sécurité à la frontière entre le Maroc et Ceuta se modernise. De nouvelles caméras de surveillance ont été installées dans l’enclave espagnole et un système de reconnaissance faciale devrait bientôt être mis en place, bien qu’aucune date de mise en route n’ait été communiquée par l’Espagne.

    Le ministère espagnol de l’Intérieur a ainsi récemment mis à jour le système de surveillance vidéo dans tout le périmètre de la frontière de Ceuta. 41 caméras #DOMOS et 11 caméras fixes ont été remplacées et 14 nouvelles #caméras_techniques et une plateforme plus moderne de contrôle du système de #vidéosurveillance ont été installées, rapporte El Confidencial ( La plupart des caméras dataient du milieu des années 90 et étaient déjà obsolètes, souligne le quotidien espagnol.

    L’une des autres mesures phares annoncées par l’Intérieur est le système de reconnaissance faciale qui sera lancé non seulement à la frontière entre Ceuta et le Maroc, mais également à Melilla, rappelle la même source. L’objectif est de réduire les temps de contrôle aux frontières et d’accroître la sécurité là où des milliers de personnes passent chaque jour.

    Pour la déléguée du gouvernement de Ceuta, Salvadora Mateos, il s’agit de créer une véritable “frontière intelligente”, indique Ceuta TV, à même de “relever les défis du XXIe siècle”, à savoir la hausse de l’immigration illégale.

    Le ministre espagnol de l’Intérieur Fernando Grande Marlaska avait également annoncé en février que les lames et fils barbelés installés en haut de la barrière frontalière (les “concertinas”) seraient bientôt enlevés et la barrière rehaussée.

    Des mesures qui ne sont toujours pas effectives alors que du côté marocain, de nouvelles lames ont été installées pour rendre plus difficile l’accès des migrants à la partie espagnole du périmètre, souligne Ceuta TV.

    “Cela fait partie d’un projet de renforcement des dispositifs marocains en Méditerranée sur 1.000 kilomètres. C’est le résultat d’une analyse qui a débuté en 2016, lorsque nous avions identifié certaines améliorations et que nous les intégrons maintenant”, a déclaré le directeur de l’immigration et de la surveillance des frontières du ministère marocain de l’Intérieur, Khalid Zerouali, rapporte El Confidencial.

    Selon le journal, le ministère espagnol de l’Intérieur attend la fin de l’installation de ces “concertinas” du côté marocain pour enlever celles du côté espagnol.
    #Espagne #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #surveillance #asile #migrations #réfugiés

    • Spanish-Moroccan borders upgraded with new cameras, facial recognition and a barbed wire ’swap’

      The Spanish government is seeking a 50% reduction in illegal immigration and to achieve this goal is deploying new surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology at its borders with Morocco in Ceuta and Melilla. The Spanish government also plans to remove the barbed wire fences at those borders - but the Moroccan government is constructing its own.

      New surveillance technology

      The Spanish interior ministry has updated the #CCTV system at the border between the enclave of Ceuta and Morocco, replacing 52 cameras (mainly dating from the mid-90s) with 14 new ones, backed up by a new control system.

      Facial recognition technology will also be deployed, not only at Ceuta’s border with Morocco, but also at that with the enclave of Melilla. The stated objective is to reduce the time taken to conduct border checks and to increase security at crossings used by thousands of people daily.

      It is not clear how exactly the facial recognition system will be used - for example, while the technology could be used to compare an individual’s face against the image stored in their passport (a ’one-to-one’ match), it may also be possible to scan faces in a crowd against police databases.

      Barbed wire: out and in

      In the summer of 2018 the announcement from the Spanish interior ministry that the barbed wire between Spain’s enclaves and Morocco would be removed was welcomed by many as a positive development.

      However, on the other side of the border, Morocco is installing its own barbed wire fencing, which according to El Confidencial has its origins in an agreement between the EU and Morocco through which Brussels will provide €140 million for migration control.

      The Spanish government has denied any relationship between the developments, but it plans to wait until the Moroccan fence is installed before removing its own - it is “a question of borders and borders are between two countries,” said Fernando Grande-Marlaska, the interior minister, in June.

      It is not clear from where Morocco has purchased the new fencing, which is made up of two-metre-high layers of barbed wire stacked on top of one another and surrounds the eight kilometres of wall surrounding Ceuta.

      However, the Malaga-based European Security Fencing would be an obvious choice - as well as being the supplier of the fence Spain now plans to remove, it has supplied its galvanised steel, razor-tipped products to Hungary, Denmark and is expanding into the Arabian Gulf.

      Secret agreements

      The push for new border control measures between Spain and Morocco does not only involve infrastructure - the two countries signed bilateral agreements on the control and return of irregular migrants in February this year.

      The Andalusian Association for Human Rights (APDHA) requested access to them from the European Commission, which refused, arguing that “the guarantee of confidentiality is essential for the complex operation to succeed, the objective of which is to guarantee the interests and values of the EU”.

      Intensive training has also been provided to Moroccan military, and the EU has equipped the state with search and rescue equipment. On top of the 140 million given by the EU to Morocco to “combat illegal immigration” Spain is the state’s third largest foreign investor, with the Morocco-Spain Economic Forum held to encourage partnership and investment projects. These collaborative measures share the objectives of ensuring the control, detention and return of people trying to make irregular border crossings.

      At the start of March this year, Grande-Marlaska credited cooperation between Spain, the EU and Morocco as a fundamental factor in the reduction in recorded entries to Spain, where 10,475 people had arrived by boat by July this year, compared to 14,426 in the same period of 2018.
      #reconnaissance_faciale #surveillance #caméras_de_vidéosurveillance #vidéosurveillance

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