Jürgen Todenhöfer : Why did Israeli soldiers shoot me today


  •  » Jürgen Todenhöfer : Why Did Israeli Soldiers Shoot Me ?! (VIDEO)
    June 18, 2019 12:41 AM – IMEMC News

    On Friday, the 14th of June, German author and journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer decided to participate in the weekly protests that Palestinians in Gaza had launched every Friday, calling for their rights and breaking the inhuman 12-year-old siege.

    Being supportive of the existential right of Israel and for the right of the Israelis to live in peace, and that of the Palestinians to live in peace and for the existential right of Palestine, his peaceful contribution was a sign saying, “Dear Israelis, please treat the Palestinians the same way you want to be treated!”

    However, this neutral perspective towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and being a supportive of the two state solution have not saved him from an Israeli bullet. Days of Palestine reports that he commented, in a Facebook post, after his injury, saying: “Dear friends, one cannot ‘demonstrate’ more peacefully than I tried to do today, at the border fence of Gaza. I held up a poster: “Dear Israelis, please treat the Palestinians the way you want to be treated! When I turned a few hundred meters from the border, an Israeli soldier shot me in the back with a rubber bullet.

    “Watch the 7-minute video! There is no other constitutional state in the world where you are shot at for such a conciliatory sentence. It can’t go on like this.”


    Jürgen Todenhöfer
    14 juin, 12:15 ·


    Liebe Freunde, friedlicher kann man nicht „demonstrieren“, als ich es heute am Grenzzaun von Gaza versuchte. Ich hielt ein Plakat hoch: „Liebe Israelis, bitte behandelt die Palästinenser so, wie ihr selbst behandelt werden wollt!“ Als ich einige hundert Meter vor der Grenze umdrehte, schoss mir ein israelischer Soldat ein Gummigeschoss in den Rücken. Schaut euch das 7-Minuten-Video an! In keinem Rechtsstaat der Welt wird man wegen eines so versöhnlichen Satzes beschossen. So kann das nicht weitergehen. Euer JT
