• « Live in fear, » Israeli officer warns German protesters on Facebook | The Electronic Intifada

    En général je ne me prononce pas sur des conflits politiques dont j’ignore les détails internes, mais ce dernier temps je me sens personnellement agressé par le lobby sioniste.

    D’abord sur intervention de cercles anti-palestiniens le maire de Berlin m’empêche de me faire une idée précise de la cause de Rasmeah Odeh en lui interdisant de parler en public. Puis on chasse le directeur du musée juif quand il ose soutenir l’idée que la crititique de l’état hébreux n’est pas forcément antisemite. Là j’apprend que le gouvernement d’Israël soutient un petits malfrat à nationalité complexe qui menace de la mort quiconque osant critiquer l’état sioniste.

    Je comprend le caractère violent du conflit qui ravage la région du proche orient et je pense que notre gouvernement devrait tout faire pour nous protéger contre les acteurs violents de la région. Il n’en est rien. Je constate l’existence d’un front unique antipalestinien composé de politiciens et d’organisation de tous bords, de la droite chrétienne CSU en passant par le SPD et le parti Die Linke juqu’aux autonomes de gauche anticapitalistes.

    Désormais c’est un fait indéniable qu’en Allemagne on ne peut pas critiquer le sionisme étatique sans craindre des sanctions dont la violence et la radicalité maximale ne dépendent que de notre propre statut. Un étranger qui ouvre sa bouche sera arrêté et expulsé, un citoyen allemand sera demis de ses fonctions s’il occupe un poste important. Oublies ta carrière politique et/ou professionelle si tu oses critiquer le sionisme. Si ce n’est pas assez pour te faire peur on garde pour toi un tueur autoproclamé formé par Tsahal .

    Je ne veux toujours pas croire que les forces politiques majoritaires en Allemagne soutiennent des terroristes sinonistes qui menacent nos concitoyens. Mais qu’est-ce que j’en sais.

    Bismarck et Dahlmann définisssent la politique comme l’art de ce qui est possible . D’après eux il suffit de comprendre ce qui est possible pour connaître les actions politiques envisageables. Force est de constater qu’un de ces jours on verra des tueurs sionistes s’en prendre aux antisionistes allemands sur le sol allemand.

    Je ne sais ce que pensent les Allemands en général, mais je crains que l’attitude de l’Allemagne officielle nuise à ce que notre pays a encore de démocratique. L’état d’Israël ne trouvera pas de nouveaux amis tant que cette politique sera imposée. C’est dommage. On a quand même un passé national qui devrait nous inciter à combattre racisme, apartheid et injustice partout y compris en Palestine.

    An Israeli military officer and government spokesperson is openly threatening civilians in Germany with violence or death.

    On Friday, reservist Major Arye Sharuz Shalicar posted on Facebook an article about Israel’s undercover gunmen – so-called mistaravim – who dress up as Palestinians to abduct and injure civilians during protests against Israel’s military occupation.

    Shalicar added his own comment: “Please share! The message of this article also goes out to all those in Germany who think they can burn the Star of David publicly without being punished for it. We know who you are, where you are and how we can bring you to justice. We determine time and place. Live in fear!”

    The linked article is illustrated with a masked Israeli gunman waving a pistol with one hand as he grabs a Palestinian by the head with another.

    Mistaravim have regularly been involved in Israeli assassinations of Palestinians, including inside a hospital room.

    Threat of violence

    Shalicar’s comment is an open threat of violence against civilians on German soil.

    When one Facebook user in Germany objected to Shalicar – as a representative of a foreign government – taking justice into his own hands, the Israeli officer doubled down: “Nice to know that you as a German are ready to watch how Jewish symbols are burned on German soil as in the 1930s. I’m not ready for that. And I’m German too.”

    Shalicar seems to be following the Israeli government line that the burning of Israel’s national flag as a form of protest against its decades-long military occupation and massive systematic violence against Palestinians – carried out in the name of the self-declared “Jewish state” – should be viewed as anti-Semitism.

    There have been protests in many countries, including Germany, since US President Donald Trump legitimized Israel’s military occupation and ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem by recognizing the city as Israel’s capital earlier this month.

    But Shalicar seems to be going a step further by threatening to harm or kill protesters in Germany, just as Israel routinely slays Palestinians who protest or resist its violent land thefts and incursions into their villages, cities and refugee camps by heavily armed occupation forces.

    Yet there is reason for concern, as Israel’s Mossad spy agency does have a long history of carrying out assassinations around the world.

    Major Arye Sharuz Shalicar, an Israeli army spokesperson, at the office of Trump “peace process” adviser Jason Greenblatt in November. (via Facebook)

    Shalicar is currently a spokesperson for Israel’s intelligence minister Yisrael Katz.

    According to the “About” section on his verified Facebook page, Shalicar was born in Germany in 1977 to parents who immigrated from Iran. He completed service in the German military as a paramedic in 1997, before settling in Israel in 2001, where he joined the army as a paratrooper.

    After stints working for Germany’s public broadcaster ARD in Tel Aviv and for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he began working as an Israeli army spokesperson and media liaison to Europe in 2009.

    Although his Facebook page now identifies him as a “former” spokesperson, Shalicar still provides an official Israeli army email address as a contact: shalicar@idf.gov.il.

    In a 2015 tweet, the Israeli embassy in Berlin says it invited Shalicar to lecture to its staff about his life story.

    Maj. Arye Sharuz Shalicar,IDF-Sprecher,erzählt unseren jungen Talenten seine persönliche Lebensgeschichte #iltrip15 pic.twitter.com/dxKtNbRGSX
    — Botschaft Israel (@IsraelinGermany) December 1, 2015

    Israeli media have promoted Shalicar as a former “gangsta” who spent his teenage years “fighting for his life in a Muslim-dominated suburb of Berlin.”

    Shalicar also appears to have been received by the Trump administration. Last month he posted a photo of himself at the office of Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s “special representative” for the so-called peace process.

    A request for comment has been sent to the German foreign ministry.

    #Allemagne #Palestine #Israël #politique #terrorisme