
  • Uber Works

    En route pour l’enfer. Les forçats du volant ne sont pas assez nombreux pour assouvier le soif des investisseurs avides de profit, alors le grand déstructeur se tourne vers les hommes et femmes encore plus défavorisés.

    Quelle joie de lire les conditions infernales quand on est à la recherche de main-d’oeuvre peu chère et docile.

    Le message aux travailleurs et travailleuses en besoin de moyens de subsistane est clair :

    C’est ton patron qui définit le nombre d’heures que t’as travaillé, pas toi.

    Surge pricing pour boulots pénibles ? Quoi ? Tu tiens ça d’où ?

    Pas d’arrêt maladie - tu ne viens pas, t’es sanctionné ou exclu de la plateforme.

    Poursuite du paiement en cas de maladie ? Quoi ? Connais pas.

    Vacances payés ? ...non, pourquoi ?

    Tu critiques Uber ? Va te faire ... ailleurs. T’es exclu.

    CDI ? ... #rire_infernal !

    Les détectives et policiers privés d’Uber mèneront des enquêtes sur toute personne qui les intéresse.

    Justice et lois ? C’est Uber qui les définit.

    Omaha Beach revisited.

    Cest le moment de mettre en place les boucliers contre la prochaine vage d’attaque du géant antisocial. Les taxis d’Europe ne sont que la cible de ses troupes avant-garde. Les armées principales sont en train de préparer leur débarquement.

    Ces quelques ligne contiennent l’essentiel du projet qui se cache dans le baratin publicitaire et juridique qui suit.

    Voici le contrat que diable a préparé pour l’Allemagne

    Uber Works User Guidelines
    Effective October 3, 2019

    We want Uber Works to be enjoyable for everyone. These User Guidelines were developed to help make every Uber Works experience feel safe, respectful, and positive. They apply to everyone who uses the Uber Works app. Thank you for joining us to support and safeguard a welcoming environment.

    The guidelines below help explain some of the specific kinds of behavior that may cause you to lose access to the Uber Works app. There will always be unforeseen events that may ultimately lead to your losing access to the Uber Works app, but the following guidelines are sufficient cause for Uber Works to take action. We’ll update these guidelines regularly. Please take a moment to read them.
    Guidelines for all of us

    Everyone who signs up for an Uber Works account is required to follow Uber Works’ User Guidelines. They reflect the following pillars and the standards in each of these sections.
    Treat everyone with respect

    Chances are, when you use the Uber Works app, you’ll encounter people who might not look like you or share your beliefs. The guidelines in this section help to foster positive interactions during every experience.
    Help keep one another safe

    We’re hard at work every day to help create safer experiences for everyone. Your safety drives us. That’s why these standards were written.
    Follow the law

    We’re committed to following all applicable laws and earning your trust, and we expect everyone who uses the Uber Works app to do their part and adhere to applicable laws and regulations.
    Your feedback matters

    If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us. Our team is continuously improving our standards, and your feedback is important to keep our standards relevant as our technology evolves.
    Treat everyone with respect

    Treat your fellow Uber Works app users and people you may interact with during your shift (including but not limited to fellow workers, business customers and their customers, and supervisors on your shift) as you would like to be treated: with respect. The actions you take while using the Uber Works app can have a big impact on the safety and comfort of others. Courtesy matters. That’s why you’re expected to exercise good judgment and behave decently toward other people when using the Uber Works app and on your way to, and during, each shift.

    Most importantly, remember that when you use the Uber Works app, by selecting workers or supervising workers on-site, or working on-site at a business, you’ll meet people who may look different or think differently than you. Please respect those differences. We believe that everyone should feel supported and welcomed when they use the Uber Works app, and when they interact with workers or businesses who use the app. That’s why we’ve created standards on physical contact, sexual assault and misconduct, threatening and rude behavior, discrimination, and reliability.
    Physical contact

    Don’t touch strangers or anyone you just met while working or hosting a shift you connected with through the Uber Works app. Hitting, hurting, or otherwise intending to hurt anyone is never allowed.
    Sexual assault and misconduct

    Sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind is prohibited. Sexual assault and misconduct refers to sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent of the other person.

    Personal space and privacy should be respected. The following list provides some examples of inappropriate conduct but doesn’t include all possible examples:

    Behaviors and comments that could make people feel uncomfortable are not acceptable. Examples include nudges, whistles, and winks. Don’t touch or flirt with people you don’t know.
    Certain conversations that could be perceived as harmless can be offensive. Don’t comment on appearance, perceived gender identity, or sexual orientation. Refrain from asking unrelated personal questions, such as “Are you in a relationship?” Avoid discussing your own or someone else’s sex life, using explicit language, or making jokes about sex.
    Uber Works has a no-sex rule. Sexual contact is prohibited between workers, workers and supervisors, and workers and customers of a business while on or hosting a shift connected through the Uber Works app, regardless of whether you know the person or they give you their consent. This includes activities such as sexual intercourse, solicitation of sexual intercourse, masturbation, or touching or exposure of sexual body parts.

    Threatening and rude behavior

    Aggressive, confrontational, and harassing behavior is not allowed. Don’t use language or make gestures that could be disrespectful, threatening, or inappropriate. And contact should generally end when a shift is complete.

    You should always feel safe and welcome. That’s why we don’t tolerate users on the Uber Works app engaging in conduct we’ve determined to be discriminatory. Do not discriminate against someone based on traits such as their age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law.

    For workers: businesses rely on Uber Works’ users to meet their workplace needs. This means that if a worker claims a shift, they will show up for their shift promptly as scheduled—and if they don’t, they may be penalized according to the following Uber Works attendance policy:

    Workers who accrue 6 marks within a rolling 30-day period will lose access to the Uber Works platform for 7 days. Workers who accrue 10 marks within a rolling 30-day period will permanently lose access to Uber Works. Please note that 2 no-call, no-shows (not showing up for a shift at all and not informing Uber Works) within a rolling 12-month period will also result in permanent loss of access to Uber Works.

    Attendance marks are accumulated as follows:

    2 marks for every 15 minutes late, up to 5 marks
    2 marks for canceling 2 hours to 24 hours before a shift start
    3 marks for canceling 30 minutes to 2 hours before a shift start
    4 marks for being sent home early due to behavior or uniform issues
    6 marks for canceling less than 30 minutes before a shift start or for a no-call, no-show

    Reliability also means showing up in the proper attire and being willing and able to complete the work as described.

    For business customers: business customers should provide accurate descriptions of their working conditions and expectations, such as worker roles and tasks. Business customers should not ask a worker to perform roles or tasks outside of the pre-described functions. Also, unless it’s unavoidable, business customers shouldn’t cancel worker requests within 24 hours of when the shift is supposed to start.
    Help keep one another safe

    Everyone has a role to play in helping to create a safe environment. That’s why we have standards on account sharing, account holder age, and more.
    Account sharing

    Account sharing is not allowed. To use the Uber Works app, you need to register and maintain an active account. Don’t let another person use your account, and never share your personal username and password with anyone else.
    People under the age of 18

    You must be 18 years or older to have an Uber Works account.
    Provide a safe space

    Business customers should provide a safe area that makes workers feel welcome. That’s why business customers and their staff should exercise good judgment and behavior, just as they would with their own employees. For example, business customers should work to prevent violent incidents on their premises that might endanger workers’ safety.
    Follow the law

    We have standards based on applicable laws and regulations that everyone must follow. For example, using the Uber Works app to commit any crime—such as money laundering or theft—or to violate any other law is strictly prohibited.
    Follow all laws

    Everyone is responsible for knowing and obeying all applicable laws at all times when using the Uber Works app.

    All relevant licenses, permits, certifications, and any other legal documents required of business customers and workers must be kept up to date. Business customers and workers are expected to meet all relevant licensing and certification requirements and all other laws and regulations—including food safety, health, and hygiene regulations—and industry best practices.
    Drugs and alcohol

    Drug use and consumption of alcohol are never allowed while using the Uber Works app.
    Firearms ban

    Workers and business customers are prohibited from carrying firearms of any kind while using the Uber Works app.

    Deception can weaken trust and also be dangerous. Intentionally falsifying information or assuming someone else’s identity—for example, when signing in or undergoing a security check, or on a government work form—isn’t allowed, and in most cases it’s illegal. It is important to provide accurate information when reporting incidents, creating and accessing your accounts, or disputing shift start or end times or break times. Only clock in when you’re on-site and ready to begin your shift, not before, and clock out when you leave, not after.

    Fraudulent activity may also include, but not be limited to, being dishonest about your job experience or professional capabilities; deliberately increasing or falsifying break times; placing worker requests and canceling at the last minute for fraudulent purposes; creating dummy or improper duplicate accounts for fraudulent purposes; providing inaccurate timekeeping or asking workers to perform a role or task beyond the agreed time frame for fraudulent purposes, such as wage theft; intentionally requesting, accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified shifts; claiming to complete a shift without ever going to a worksite or clocking in; and actions intended to disrupt or manipulate the normal functioning of the Uber Works app, including manipulating the settings on a phone to prevent the proper functioning of the app, such as location tracking.
    Your feedback matters

    If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us. Our team is continuously improving our standards, and your feedback is important to keep our standards relevant as our technology evolves. Please rate your experience at the end of each shift. Honest feedback helps ensure that everyone is accountable for their behavior. This accountability helps create a respectful, safe environment. And if something happens and you want to report it, you can send a text to 312-548-9264 or email to support@works.co so that our Support team can follow up. In case of an emergency or if you find yourself in immediate danger, alert your local authorities or emergency services before notifying Uber Works.

    After every shift, business customers and workers are able to rate each other on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, as well as give feedback on how the shift went. This feedback system helps create a respectful, safe, and transparent environment for everyone.

    Business customers and workers can find out their current rating by contacting our support line at 312-548-9264.

    If you believe an error caused you to lose access to your account, you may send a text to 312-548-9264 or email to support@works.co so that our Support team can follow up.
    How Uber Works enforces our guidelines

    We believe it’s important to have clear standards that explain the circumstances in which you may lose access to the Uber Works app. If you violate any applicable terms of use, terms of the contractual agreement you agreed to when signing up for an account with Uber Works, or any of these User Guidelines, you can lose access to the Uber Works app. And if you have more than one Uber Works account, such as a business customer account and a worker account, violating the User Guidelines could also lead you to lose access to all Uber Works accounts.

    Uber Works receives feedback through a variety of channels, reviews reports submitted to our Support team that may violate our User Guidelines, and may investigate through a specialized team. If we’re made aware of potentially problematic behavior, we may contact you so we can look into it. We may, at our sole discretion, put a hold on your account until our review is complete.

    Not following any one of our guidelines may result in the loss of access to your Uber Works account. This may include certain actions you may take outside of the Uber Works app, if we determine that those actions threaten the safety of the Uber Works community or cause harm to Uber Works’ brand, reputation, or business. And if the issues raised are serious or a repeat report, or you refuse to cooperate, you may lose access to the Uber Works app. Any behavior involving violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or illegal activity while working a shift using the Uber Works app can result in the immediate loss of access to the Uber Works app. Additionally, when law enforcement is involved, we will cooperate with their investigation.

    Existing workers may also lose the ability to be matched with certain shifts on the Uber Works app based on the results of a background check, in accordance with applicable laws.
    Getting back to work after deactivation

    If you’re a worker and you lose access to Uber Works because you are deemed to have violated the Uber Works attendance policy, you may have the opportunity to have your Uber Works account reactivated if you provide proof (for instance, a doctor’s note) that excuses your absence(s).


    #Uber #travail #disruption #exploitation

  • Connecting Workers with Businesses | Uber Works

    Arbeitsamt war früher. In der idealen Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, wo eine riesige Zahl unterbezahlter Geringqualifizierter um Jobs kämpft, wo es kein Arbeitslosengeld, keine staatlich gerantierte Kranken und Rentenversicherung gibt, da schafft Uber die hungrigen helfenden Hände noch schneller ran.

    In der Liste der angebotenen Arbeitskräfte tauchen Ärzte, Ingenieure und Architekten nicht auf. Kein Wunder, denn es geht Drecksjobs, die nicht einmal die klassischen Sklavenhändler anbieten. Uber greift jetzt diese Zeitarbeitsfirmen mit Billiglöhnen an wie voher die Taxivermittlungen und -unternehmen, immer auf Kosten der Arbeitenden.

    Uber Works

    Mitarbeiter Unternehmen

    Find work that works for you
    Explore work opportunities that fit your schedule, and get paid in a timely manner. Now available in Chicago.

    Download the app
    About Uber Works
    Uber Works is a platform that connects workers with big and small businesses. Finding new ways to earn and filling your staffing needs are now just a few clicks away.

    Discover work in a variety of industries

    General labor
    Work at events and facilities, helping with setup, teardown, cleaning, lifting, and moving items.

    Pick and pack merchandise or work on an assembly line in manufacturing and distribution centers.

    Back of house
    Pick up a shift as a dishwasher, prep cook, or line cook, or at a fry or grill station.

    Customer service
    Help create outstanding customer experiences for businesses in a variety of environments.

    Front of house
    Serve, bartend, host, bus, stock, and more in bars, restaurants, and venues, and at events.

    Choose among shifts available at commercial, residential, and post-construction sites.

    For workers For businesses
    Uber Works is currently live in Chicagoland. We have plans to expand to more areas soon.

    Hier die Ansprache der Bosse:


    Uber Works helps you find workers whenever your business needs it, whether it’s last-minute or a regular shift.
    Let us help you find the right help

    Worker screenings

    Every worker must complete an I-9 form, undergo a background check, and pass a skills assessment test before adding specialized roles. We expect everyone who uses our platform to follow the Uber Works User Guidelines.

    Information at every step
    See cost estimates before you confirm, access worker profiles and ratings with a click, and track hours from start to finish.

    On-demand availability
    Whether you’re looking for one or 100 workers, or if it’s last-minute or weeks away, we can help you find the right people to fill a shift.

    How it works

    Post a job
    Provide details for the shift, including uniform requirements, arrival instructions, and a point of contact.

    Verify hours
    After the shift, you’ll receive a record of when a worker clocked in and out, so you can confirm their hours.

    See who’s coming
    View workers at a glance, including their profile, their rating, and when they’re on their way.

    Rate and review
    Our 2-way rating system helps create a safe community and recognizes someone’s hard work and effort.

    “Placing and filling a request with Uber Works could not be any easier.”
    —Carmen R., HR Manager

    Start filling your shifts

    Die Arbeitenden sieht Uber als viel einfacher gestrickt: Arbeite. Punkt.

    Put your skills to work

    With a variety of jobs, rates, and schedules, Uber Works makes finding work that fits your life easier.

    Download the app
    Your next shift is around the corner

    Whether you’re looking for seasonal, temporary, or regular shifts, find work opportunities that fit your schedule.

    From food preparation and commercial cleaning to events and retail positions, add shifts that match your skills and interests.

    Submit your hours after your shift, and rest easy knowing that you’ll get paid in a timely manner.

    Explore available shifts
    Find a variety of shifts that fit your schedule, skills, and interests.

    Claim a shift
    Review a shift’s details, including information about the role, requirements, and earnings. Make the choice that works best for you.

    Stay informed
    The app gives you arrival information, including your check-in contact and guidance on what to wear.

    Log your time
    Clock in and out. The app is used as a timesheet, so you can review your hours before submitting for payment.

    Get paid
    Submit your hours and get paid in a timely manner.* You can also rate your experience.

    “It’s great for single mothers who have busy schedules. I can pick up shifts that allow me to spend time with my kids.”
    —Kenyata J.

    Find a shift
    Download the app

    Uber Works is currently live in Chicagoland. We have plans to expand to more areas soon.

    Und das Kleingedruckte ...

    *Hours are subject to verification by the business. Rates shown in the app are gross pay and do not include withholdings, deductions, or taxes. Workers are paid by their chosen employer—either TalentBurst or TrueBlue—which are third parties. Uber Works is not the employer and is not responsible for the products, services, or offers of third parties.

    Uber übernimmt keine Verantwortung, sondern verschiebt sie zu zwei Zeitarbeitsfirmen ( TalentBurst und TrueBlue ), die wiederum nur zahlen, was die eigentlichen Ausbeuter bewilligen.

    Wer ist hier in den Arsch gekniffen?


    Regeln gibt es auch.

    Die wichtigste bleibt unausgesprochen: No sick leave. Krankschreiben geht garnicht. Wer zu einer übernommenen Schicht nicht erscheint, wird bestraft, mindestens mit Aussschluß von der Plattform für 7 Tage, beim zweiten Mail lebenslang.

    Lohnfortzahlung bei Krankheit? Nie gehört. Siehe oben.

    Kritik an Uber geht auch nicht. Dafür wird man ausgeschlossen.

    Uber kündigt an, Personen von einem „Spezialteam“ untersuchen zu lassen. Darunter muß man sich wohl Detektive oder eine Art virtuellen Werksschutz vorstellen.

    Uber maßt sich Polizeibefugnisse an und verstößt in seinen „Rules“ gegen so ziemlich alles, was an internationalen Standards und deutschen Gesetzen zum Schutz von Persönlichkeits- und Arbeitnehmerrechten existiert.
    Man möge sich daran erinnern, wenn die Bande hier aufschlägt.


    Uber Works User Guidelines
    Effective October 3, 2019

    We want Uber Works to be enjoyable for everyone. These User Guidelines were developed to help make every Uber Works experience feel safe, respectful, and positive. They apply to everyone who uses the Uber Works app. Thank you for joining us to support and safeguard a welcoming environment.

    The guidelines below help explain some of the specific kinds of behavior that may cause you to lose access to the Uber Works app. There will always be unforeseen events that may ultimately lead to your losing access to the Uber Works app, but the following guidelines are sufficient cause for Uber Works to take action. We’ll update these guidelines regularly. Please take a moment to read them.

    Guidelines for all of us
    Everyone who signs up for an Uber Works account is required to follow Uber Works’ User Guidelines. They reflect the following pillars and the standards in each of these sections.

    Treat everyone with respect
    Chances are, when you use the Uber Works app, you’ll encounter people who might not look like you or share your beliefs. The guidelines in this section help to foster positive interactions during every experience.

    Help keep one another safe
    We’re hard at work every day to help create safer experiences for everyone. Your safety drives us. That’s why these standards were written.

    Follow the law
    We’re committed to following all applicable laws and earning your trust, and we expect everyone who uses the Uber Works app to do their part and adhere to applicable laws and regulations.

    Your feedback matters
    If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us. Our team is continuously improving our standards, and your feedback is important to keep our standards relevant as our technology evolves.

    Treat everyone with respect
    Treat your fellow Uber Works app users and people you may interact with during your shift (including but not limited to fellow workers, business customers and their customers, and supervisors on your shift) as you would like to be treated: with respect. The actions you take while using the Uber Works app can have a big impact on the safety and comfort of others. Courtesy matters. That’s why you’re expected to exercise good judgment and behave decently toward other people when using the Uber Works app and on your way to, and during, each shift.

    Most importantly, remember that when you use the Uber Works app, by selecting workers or supervising workers on-site, or working on-site at a business, you’ll meet people who may look different or think differently than you. Please respect those differences. We believe that everyone should feel supported and welcomed when they use the Uber Works app, and when they interact with workers or businesses who use the app. That’s why we’ve created standards on physical contact, sexual assault and misconduct, threatening and rude behavior, discrimination, and reliability.

    Physical contact
    Don’t touch strangers or anyone you just met while working or hosting a shift you connected with through the Uber Works app. Hitting, hurting, or otherwise intending to hurt anyone is never allowed.

    Sexual assault and misconduct
    Sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind is prohibited. Sexual assault and misconduct refers to sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent of the other person.

    Personal space and privacy should be respected. The following list provides some examples of inappropriate conduct but doesn’t include all possible examples:

    Behaviors and comments that could make people feel uncomfortable are not acceptable. Examples include nudges, whistles, and winks. Don’t touch or flirt with people you don’t know.
    Certain conversations that could be perceived as harmless can be offensive. Don’t comment on appearance, perceived gender identity, or sexual orientation. Refrain from asking unrelated personal questions, such as “Are you in a relationship?” Avoid discussing your own or someone else’s sex life, using explicit language, or making jokes about sex.
    Uber Works has a no-sex rule. Sexual contact is prohibited between workers, workers and supervisors, and workers and customers of a business while on or hosting a shift connected through the Uber Works app, regardless of whether you know the person or they give you their consent. This includes activities such as sexual intercourse, solicitation of sexual intercourse, masturbation, or touching or exposure of sexual body parts.
    Threatening and rude behavior
    Aggressive, confrontational, and harassing behavior is not allowed. Don’t use language or make gestures that could be disrespectful, threatening, or inappropriate. And contact should generally end when a shift is complete.

    You should always feel safe and welcome. That’s why we don’t tolerate users on the Uber Works app engaging in conduct we’ve determined to be discriminatory. Do not discriminate against someone based on traits such as their age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law.

    For workers: businesses rely on Uber Works’ users to meet their workplace needs. This means that if a worker claims a shift, they will show up for their shift promptly as scheduled—and if they don’t, they may be penalized according to the following Uber Works attendance policy:

    Workers who accrue 6 marks within a rolling 30-day period will lose access to the Uber Works platform for 7 days. Workers who accrue 10 marks within a rolling 30-day period will permanently lose access to Uber Works. Please note that 2 no-call, no-shows (not showing up for a shift at all and not informing Uber Works) within a rolling 12-month period will also result in permanent loss of access to Uber Works.

    Attendance marks are accumulated as follows:

    2 marks for every 15 minutes late, up to 5 marks
    2 marks for canceling 2 hours to 24 hours before a shift start
    3 marks for canceling 30 minutes to 2 hours before a shift start
    4 marks for being sent home early due to behavior or uniform issues
    6 marks for canceling less than 30 minutes before a shift start or for a no-call, no-show
    Reliability also means showing up in the proper attire and being willing and able to complete the work as described.

    For business customers: business customers should provide accurate descriptions of their working conditions and expectations, such as worker roles and tasks. Business customers should not ask a worker to perform roles or tasks outside of the pre-described functions. Also, unless it’s unavoidable, business customers shouldn’t cancel worker requests within 24 hours of when the shift is supposed to start.

    Help keep one another safe
    Everyone has a role to play in helping to create a safe environment. That’s why we have standards on account sharing, account holder age, and more.

    Account sharing
    Account sharing is not allowed. To use the Uber Works app, you need to register and maintain an active account. Don’t let another person use your account, and never share your personal username and password with anyone else.

    People under the age of 18
    You must be 18 years or older to have an Uber Works account.

    Provide a safe space
    Business customers should provide a safe area that makes workers feel welcome. That’s why business customers and their staff should exercise good judgment and behavior, just as they would with their own employees. For example, business customers should work to prevent violent incidents on their premises that might endanger workers’ safety.

    Follow the law
    We have standards based on applicable laws and regulations that everyone must follow. For example, using the Uber Works app to commit any crime—such as money laundering or theft—or to violate any other law is strictly prohibited.

    Follow all laws
    Everyone is responsible for knowing and obeying all applicable laws at all times when using the Uber Works app.

    All relevant licenses, permits, certifications, and any other legal documents required of business customers and workers must be kept up to date. Business customers and workers are expected to meet all relevant licensing and certification requirements and all other laws and regulations—including food safety, health, and hygiene regulations—and industry best practices.

    Drugs and alcohol
    Drug use and consumption of alcohol are never allowed while using the Uber Works app.

    Firearms ban
    Workers and business customers are prohibited from carrying firearms of any kind while using the Uber Works app.

    Deception can weaken trust and also be dangerous. Intentionally falsifying information or assuming someone else’s identity—for example, when signing in or undergoing a security check, or on a government work form—isn’t allowed, and in most cases it’s illegal. It is important to provide accurate information when reporting incidents, creating and accessing your accounts, or disputing shift start or end times or break times. Only clock in when you’re on-site and ready to begin your shift, not before, and clock out when you leave, not after.

    Fraudulent activity may also include, but not be limited to, being dishonest about your job experience or professional capabilities; deliberately increasing or falsifying break times; placing worker requests and canceling at the last minute for fraudulent purposes; creating dummy or improper duplicate accounts for fraudulent purposes; providing inaccurate timekeeping or asking workers to perform a role or task beyond the agreed time frame for fraudulent purposes, such as wage theft; intentionally requesting, accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified shifts; claiming to complete a shift without ever going to a worksite or clocking in; and actions intended to disrupt or manipulate the normal functioning of the Uber Works app, including manipulating the settings on a phone to prevent the proper functioning of the app, such as location tracking.

    Your feedback matters
    If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us. Our team is continuously improving our standards, and your feedback is important to keep our standards relevant as our technology evolves. Please rate your experience at the end of each shift. Honest feedback helps ensure that everyone is accountable for their behavior. This accountability helps create a respectful, safe environment. And if something happens and you want to report it, you can send a text to 312-548-9264 or email to support@works.co so that our Support team can follow up. In case of an emergency or if you find yourself in immediate danger, alert your local authorities or emergency services before notifying Uber Works.

    After every shift, business customers and workers are able to rate each other on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, as well as give feedback on how the shift went. This feedback system helps create a respectful, safe, and transparent environment for everyone.

    Business customers and workers can find out their current rating by contacting our support line at 312-548-9264.

    If you believe an error caused you to lose access to your account, you may send a text to 312-548-9264 or email to support@works.co so that our Support team can follow up.

    How Uber Works enforces our guidelines
    We believe it’s important to have clear standards that explain the circumstances in which you may lose access to the Uber Works app. If you violate any applicable terms of use, terms of the contractual agreement you agreed to when signing up for an account with Uber Works, or any of these User Guidelines, you can lose access to the Uber Works app. And if you have more than one Uber Works account, such as a business customer account and a worker account, violating the User Guidelines could also lead you to lose access to all Uber Works accounts.

    Uber Works receives feedback through a variety of channels, reviews reports submitted to our Support team that may violate our User Guidelines, and may investigate through a specialized team. If we’re made aware of potentially problematic behavior, we may contact you so we can look into it. We may, at our sole discretion, put a hold on your account until our review is complete.

    Not following any one of our guidelines may result in the loss of access to your Uber Works account. This may include certain actions you may take outside of the Uber Works app, if we determine that those actions threaten the safety of the Uber Works community or cause harm to Uber Works’ brand, reputation, or business. And if the issues raised are serious or a repeat report, or you refuse to cooperate, you may lose access to the Uber Works app. Any behavior involving violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or illegal activity while working a shift using the Uber Works app can result in the immediate loss of access to the Uber Works app. Additionally, when law enforcement is involved, we will cooperate with their investigation.

    Existing workers may also lose the ability to be matched with certain shifts on the Uber Works app based on the results of a background check, in accordance with applicable laws.

    Getting back to work after deactivation
    If you’re a worker and you lose access to Uber Works because you are deemed to have violated the Uber Works attendance policy, you may have the opportunity to have your Uber Works account reactivated if you provide proof (for instance, a doctor’s note) that excuses your absence(s).

    #Uber #Uber_Works #Arbeit #Gigworker #Disruption