• Warlords, Inc.


    By David Isenberg
    November 13, 2012#

    The recent international boom of the private military and security industry is in great part the result of thirteen years of war conducted by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Isenberg recalls that “the PSC industry in Afghanistan is enormously powerful, having grown from nothing to immense in a decade of war that the invaders wanted to wage with as few uniformed troops as possible.” Hence, contrary to foreign forces in Iraq, private guards operating in the country are “overwhelmingly Afghan.” Before leaving the country by 2014, ISAF will have to transfer PMSC operations to the newly created Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF). There is no doubt that the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) of such important and suddenly-unemployed armed force will be a major challenge threatening the viability of the post-invasion “nation-building” strategy.

    #privatisation #armée #sécurité