Gaza : Questions for Egypt and Hamas


  • 2012 11 15

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Un article du rédacteur en chef du quotidien libanis Al-Akhbar, Ibrahim Al-Amin qui estime que l’agression israélienne de Gaza est un test décisif aux frères musulmans d’Egypte et de Palestine (Hamas)

    <blockquote>Was Israel’s assessment based on accurate information reassuring that neither Egypt nor the MB leadership are prepared to take any radical action toward creating new realities in Palestine and the region? [...]The first Brotherhood-ruled Arab country, the MB as an organization, and the bereaved Hamas, are facing their toughest test. It will not be the last, but it is the toughest. Will the upshot of the Arab Spring be that Palestine is forgotten and Israel is left to ravage it undeterred? Or will the Arab Street in general, and the Palestinians in particular, sense that a positive change has occurred?[...]But the real challenge is for the Hamas leadership. If it opts to go along with the line of the worldwide MB, it will court an explosion within its own ranks. This is a serious prospect. It has been raised in internal discussions which showed that differences between Hamas’ various factions are not superficial, with the military wing – and Jaabari in particular – opposed to any truce with the enemy.</blockquote>