the future of my games on Apple (post-Catalina) and what this means for art games in general


  • the future of my games on Apple (post-Catalina) and what this means for art games in general

    I love playing games on itch. I love downloading these experimental art games. Much of this work isn’t necessarily “small” in its cultural relevance. A lot of really influential games artists have work on I’m one of those too.
    When I download things, I get reminded that a work someone put out there is 32-bit and it won’t be supported.
    I’m trying to run it, and I have to get past gatekeeper just to play it.
    All this work that exists out there, by artists (some fairly influential) is work that we don’t have access to and will lose.
    Most of us don’t have the resources to cough up arbitrary fees, and keep updating our stuff, especially when newer versions of Unity break builds… it’s a lot of work just to go back and update everything so it can run.
    Apple’s vision involves us constantly updating work, constantly adding to our games, constantly paying to exist here, even when some of this stuff is done. Often when a game is done, it’s done. Games aren’t a service. It’s like asking for a director to keep updating a movie, or for a musician to keep changing their song so it can keep running.
    Decisions like this erase our history.
    A lot of preservation efforts focus on preserving only the popular, famous, or financially successful things. We would do well to consider the loss of work from LGBTQA artists who can’t really exist on the App Store because the topics in their games would violate Apple’s terms and conditions… so now we see the realm outside of the App Store turning into this. Decisions like this have the effect of curating culture to be a certain way. It keeps the platform exclusionary with how inaccessible it’s becoming, gatekeeps art, and keeps creative voices out that we need. Not all artists are rich enough to cough up such fees or have the resources to keep updating things.