Gauthier Roussilhe | Digital guide to low tech
1. The trend towards digital overconsumption is not sustainable with regard to the supply of energy and materials it requires. Too much energy demand, too much electricity consumed, increase in emissions GHG, explosion of video uses and multiplication of terminals, the digital transition is placed in cantilever of the social and ecological transition.
2. The energy intensity of the digital industry is increasing globally, unlike the energy intensity of world GDP. For example, the direct energy consumption caused by a euro of digital industry has increased by 37% compared to 2010 (1€ of Cloud services consumes 37% more energy than in 2010). To make it clear, the relative efficiency allowed by the digital industry is only because we inject more and more energy in the system. 2
3. Current digital consumption is highly polarized. Developed countries overconsume digital services and investment in digital industry has no clear effect on GDP to this date.
4. The environmental impact of the digital transition becomes manageable if it is more sober. We can rely on existing energy to curb the increase in energy consumption and try to stabilize related GHG emissions.
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