why don’t we shift the questions ? Instead of just saying these people are violent and sent by Hez/Amal to end the revolution, why don’t we ask if they’re taking their revenge on a revolution that hasn’t offered them anything yet ?"


  • Et si les affrontements de la nuit au centre-ville de #Beyrouth ne faisaient qu’exprimer l’impasse de la révolution, notamment sur le plan économique ? Un thread de Jamil Mouawad sur Twitter :

    On yesterday’s Ring incidents (THREAD): why don’t we shift the questions? Instead of just saying these people are violent and sent by Hez/Amal to end the revolution, why don’t we ask if they’re taking their revenge on a revolution that hasn’t offered them anything yet?
    I feel, they’re reacting in a violent way against the “crisis of the revolution”, among other things of course. For them: the revolution hasn’t achieved anything yet... The eco situation is even worse 40 days later!
    The revo is in crisis from their point of view! closing roads again is a clear expression of this impasse - for them it’s a violent tool and they’ll react similarly. What have we offered them, besides “swear words” & “road blockages”? What we have achieved is irrelevant for them!

    #Liban #protestation #révolution