Policajac upucao migranta kod Fužina. Iz policije kažu da je kriv - migrant


  • Une personne grièvement blessée par la police à la #frontière entre la #Croatie et la #Slovénie, 27-28 novembre 2019


    Croatie : un policier ouvre encore le feu contre des réfugiés

    28 novembre - 22h : Mercredi en fin d’après-midi, un policier a ouvert le feu contre un groupe de réfugiés, près du village de #Mrkopalj, dans le comté de #Primorje-Gorski_Kotar, à 50 km à l’est de Rijeka, blessant l’un d’entre eux. La police affirme que l’homme aurait opposé une vive résistance à son arrestation et tenté de s’enfuir. Il y a onze jour, la police avait déjà ouvert le feu contre un autre groupe de réfugiés dans la même région, située sur la route reliant la région de Bihać, en Bosnie-Herzégovine, à la Croatie.


    #frontière_sud-alpine #montagne #mourir_aux_frontières #asile #migrations #réfugiés #décès #morts #frontières #Croatie #Route_des_Balkans #Slovénie

    Cet accident survient seulement quelques 10 jours après l’autre personne blessée par #arme_à_feu sur la même frontière, 16-17.11.2019 :
    Migrante in fin di vita all’ospedale di Fiume, sarebbe stato raggiunto da colpi di pistola esplosi dalla polizia

    #armes #armes_à_feu


    v. la liste des push-back à la frontière avec #armes_à_feu (août 2017-octobre 2019)


    Ajouté à cette liste des morts (même si la personne dont on parle ici n’est pas décédée) :

    Et, indirectement, à la métaliste des migrant·es morts à la #frontière_sud-alpine :

    • We begin another week’s report with news of Croatian police shooting a man. Just eleven days after the case of an officer’s “accidental firing” and shooting of a man who is still recovering from serious injuries at the hospital in Rijeka, on Thursday another Croatian police officer shot a man in the area of #Mrkopalj (https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/policajac-upucao-migranta-kod-fuzina-iz-policije-kazu-da-je-kriv-migrant/2136049.aspx). The police version about the event is again unclear and blames the victim – it says that the person was “actively resisting and thereby caused the police officer’s firearm to fire". We wonder which version of the story the Croatian police will embrace this time - in the case of another “accidental firing”, the question is whether police officers are actually well trained in handling firearms, and in the case of a deliberate shooting, we expect a transparent and independent investigation into all of the circumstances of the event and the verification whether the police officer acted within his authority and in proportion to the use of necessary defence.

      Reçu via Inicijativa dobrodosli, mail du 04.11.2019.

      Policajac upucao migranta kod Fužina. Iz policije kažu da je kriv - migrant

      POLICAJAC je jučer na području Mrkoplja upucao migranta. Iz policije su javili da je došlo do opaljenja jer je migrant pružao aktivan otpor. Migrant je lakše ranjen.

      Propucavanje se dogodilo jučer, a policija je o tome izvijestila danas navodeći da je migrant sam kriv za opaljenje pištolja.

      U riječkom KBC-u doznaje se da je ozlijeđeni muškarac zadobio prostrjelnu ranu desnog ramena te je sinoć operiran. Stanje mu je stabilno i izvan je životne opasnosti.

      Utvrđuju okolnosti ranjavanja migranta, a već su ih utvrdili?

      Njihovo priopćenje prenosimo u cijelosti.

      “Jučer, 27. studenog 2019. godine, u kasnim popodnevnim satima, na širem području Mrkoplja, policijski službenici PU primorsko-goranske, koji sukladno zaključcima sastanka predstavnika policije i lokalnih vlasti na navedenom području provode pojačane aktivnosti na suzbijanju nezakonitih migracija te prevenciji imovinskih delikata, zatekli su grupu nepoznatih osoba.

      Tijekom policijskog postupanja, jedna od zatečenih osoba, u namjeri da spriječi policijskog službenika u obavljanju službene radnje, pružala je aktivan otpor i na taj način svojim djelovanjem prouzrokovala opaljenje iz vatrenog oružja policijskog službenika, kojom prilikom je došlo do posljedičnog zadobivanja ozljeda.

      Osobi je odmah pružena hitna medicinska pomoć te je zbrinuta. Prema prvim neslužbenim informacijama radi se o lakšoj ozljedi”, stoji u priopćenju.

      Na kraju dodaju kako se utvrđuju sve okolnosti pod kojima se događaj odvio, a prema njihovom priopćenju se čini da su već utvrdili način na koji je migrant upucan.

      Zadnji ovakav slučaj dogodio se prije 11 dana na području Tuhobića, gdje je policajac iz puške propucao migranta i nanio mu ozljede opasne po život. Policija je i tada izvijestila da se radilo o slučajnom opaljenju oružja.


    • This week started with a tragic event happened in Croatia: a man has been shot by a Croatian police officer (https://www.cms.hr/hr/azil-i-integracijske-politike/povodom-ranjavanja-osobe-u-gorskom-kotaru-pucanj-u-ljudska-prava) - at the time writing, he is still in hospital and went through more than 4 surgeries, and he’s fighting for his life. One of the multiple versions elaborated by the Ministry of the interior is that “there has been no shooting, rather it was an accidental firing”. The version of the story changed several times, and up until now, the minister decided to stay silent “while the investigations are ongoing”. We would like to underline how we don’t have trust in a system that makes Thermo camera videos disappear, or in a system that doesn’t allow other institutions like the ombudswoman to access to information regarding border management. While the European Commission gives the green light for Croatia accession to Schengen, the police officers shoot to men in search of safety: is this the idea that the European Commission has of a good way of managing the external borders of EU? Border Violence Monitoring Network reminds us how this event is not an exception nor an accident: in their press briefing (https://www.borderviolence.eu/wp-content/uploads/Press-Briefing-19th-November-2019-1.pdf), the network underlines how the 19% of all recorded pushback cases from Croatia involved gun use, affecting 1279 people. In 2019, the pushbacks of 770 people from Croatia involved gun use. Of the 54 group cases: 31 cases gunshots were fired by police officers; in 33 cases guns were used to threaten respondents. In October 2019 alone, 17% of recorded pushback cases from Croatia involved the threatening with, or shooting of firearms by police. These firearms use targeted a total of 285 people. Across the Balkan Region, BVMN has recorded 107 incidents of gun used by police, including 63 cases where gunshots were fired by police officers; 63 cases where guns were used to threaten respondents. Here you can read the full report of the month of October: https://www.borderviolence.eu/balkan-region-report-october-2019

      Reçu via Inicijativa Dobrodosli, mail du 27.11.2019.