pyllyukko (pyllyukko) · GitHub


  • pyllyukko/user.js: user.js — Firefox configuration hardening

    A user.js configuration file for Mozilla Firefox designed to harden browser settings and make it more secure.

    Main goals:
    – Limit the possibilities to track the user through web analytics.
    – Harden the browser against known data disclosure or code execution vulnerabilities.
    – Limit the browser from storing anything even remotely sensitive persistently.
    – Make sure the browser doesn’t reveal too much information to shoulder surfers.
    – Harden the browser’s encryption (cipher suites, protocols, trusted CAs).
    – Limit possibilities to uniquely identify the browser/device using browser fingerprinting.
    – Hopefully limit the attack surface by disabling various features.
    – Still be usable in daily use.

    #firefox #sécurité #tracking #vie_privée #user.js