Lu Xun and Leon Trotsky


  • Lu Xun and Leon Trotsky

    Review of Lu Xun and Trotsky: ‘Literature and Revolution’ in China by Nagahori Yūzō

    Gregor Benton

    School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University


    Lu Xun was a giant of modern Chinese literature and a fellow-traveller of the Chinese Communists, to whom he saw no alternative at a time of rampant fascism and the threat of war. However, he was also an admirer of Trotsky, although this fact has been expertly hidden from sight for decades by the Chinese state. Nagahori Yūzō tells the story of Lu Xun’s thoughts about Trotsky, in a book translated into Chinese and published in Taiwan. This article is a review of Nagahori’s book.


    Lu Xun – Trotsky – Mao Zedong – Literature and Revolution – Chinese Trotskyism

    Nagahori Yūzō {長堀祐造}, (2011) Ro Jin to Torotsukī: Chūgoku ni okeru ‘Bungaku to kakumei’ {魯迅とトロツキー: 中国における‘文学と革命’} [Lu Xun and Trotsky: Literature and Revolution in China], Tokyo: Heibon sha,

    Nagahori Yūzō {長堀祐造}, (2015) Lu Xun yu Tuoluociji: ‘Wenxue yu geming’ zai Zhongguo {鲁迅與托洛茨基:‘文學與革命’ 在中國} [Lu Xun and Trotsky: Literature and Revolution in China], translated by Wang Junwen {王俊文}, Taibei: Renjian chuban she.

    #Chine #communisme #trotzkisme #Lu_Xun #histoire #politique #littérature