Zoom Is Easy. That’s Why It’s Dangerous.


  • Zoom Is Easy. That’s Why It’s Dangerous. - The New York Times

    The technology we love is easy to use. Paying the babysitter on Venmo, sharing a puppy video on Facebook or buying a novel on Amazon is a breeze.

    Most of the time, this is good. But as the security concerns swirling around Zoom show, there’s a dark side to making it easy to buy, share and use.

    The same qualities that let musicians go live on Facebook to entertain us also let a terrorist in New Zealand broadcast mass murder at the touch of a button. One-click ordering from Amazon is great — until your kid orders stuff without you knowing.

    Ease of use is also a root cause of “Zoombombing” — harassment through the suddenly popular video-calling app.

    Just about anyone has been able to join a Zoom call with one click. It’s simple, the call quality is good and the need to be with others has been so great that Zoom has become a staple of pandemic life.

    But those same qualities have made it easy for trolls to use the platform to invade alcohol recovery meetings and shout slurs during online lectures.

    People can change their settings to make it less likely they will be harassed, but few people do and they’re not to blame. The company didn’t focus on security and other dangers when it should have. Zoombombing is now a consequence of the company’s deliberate choices to make video calling a breeze.

    I’m not saying everything in life should be harder. I want to flip open Netflix instead of hunting through 10 menus on my television set. But when there are stark consequences to easy, making things a little more annoying makes life better for all of us.

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