
  • ICT in Education – The EdTech Revolution - ITChronicles

    #edtech #education

    Morceaux choisis :

    Despite their optimism and enthusiasm, most educators still think that there is a lack of information about the effectiveness of digital learning tools, however. A more granular analysis of ICT education from education data management and analytics platform BrightBytes also exposed some troubling gaps in EdTech usage.

    Education is currently a $6 trillion industry, estimated to grow to $8 trillion by 2025. As of 2018, the share of EdTech is less than 3% of total educational expenditure and is only forecast to grow to 4.4% by the middle of this decade. This under-digitization, coupled with the increasingly limited flows of public funding into education, will create real challenges for the sector to effectively address the systemic issue of global learning poverty at scale.

    Note : on remarquera en anglais l’emploi du terme « Industry », qui renvoie véritablement à l’école décrite par Illich : une machine...

    As such, the final challenge for ICT in education is to tackle this pipeline problem. Unless all gateway deficiencies in the education system are addressed, even the most sophisticated interventions, further along, will yield suboptimal results in terms of quantity, quality, and pace of outcomes.

    Note : ce problème de « pipeline », c’est le retard pris sur les engagements de l’ONU quand à l’alphabétisation de l’Afrique... Solutionnisme technologique, quand tu nous tiens.

    Les technos clé dans l’éducation

    IA et adaptative learning

    Adaptive learning systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated by the day. For example, researchers at North Carolina State University have designed a multi-task AI model that is more accurate than conventional AI at predicting how students will answer a test question based on their past interactions with a learning environment.

    XR and immersive learning

    Immersive learning describes a powerful approach to learning that engages the experiential, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional learning centers in the brain.

    Frameworks for Evaluating EdTech

    Though ICT in education has the potential to enhance the performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of almost every possible learning environment, different environments are at different stages of tech adoption and may even have significantly diverse educational needs and contexts. One of the most popular frameworks for educators to assess the integration and impact of technology is the SAMR model.

    Note : plus de tech pour pour pouvoir évaluer la Edtech

    Final thoughts

    Though ICT in education has the potential to address many of the issues facing the industry, it still constitutes an almost insignificant proportion of current educational expenditure.

    However, when used effectively, EdTech has the power to transform traditional learning environments and radically improve outcomes. It also has the potential to make education more inclusive, accessible, and economical for marginalized constituencies.

    EdTech is not an alternative to conventional pedagogic principles and practices, though. In order to be effective, ICT in education has to be integrated in a way that reinforces and augments traditional educational processes while providing the digital tools required to address some of the key deficiencies of the existing system.