Danas prijem prvih migranata u novi kamp Lipa


  • Danas prijem prvih migranata u novi kamp Lipa

    Iako je Gradsko vijeće #Bihać prihvatilo Lipu kao novu lokaciju za smještaj migranata još u studenom prošle godine, vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini su svoju suglasnost dale tek nakon proglašenja pandemije koronavirusa u BiH, kako bi se sa ulica krajiških gradova izmjestilo nekoliko tisuća migranata.

    Iako je prvo izmještanje migranata najavljeno još u ožujku, ipak do toga nije došlo. Prema zvaničnim najavama, danas se očekuje prijem prvih migranata u novi kamp Lipa, tako da se intenzivno radi na osposobljavanju kampa. Na ovoj lokaciji je postavljeno 50 šatora u koje bi trebalo biti smješteno 1000 migranata.

    ŠUHRET FAZLIĆ, gradonačelnik Bihaća

    “Odvija se projekat koji je sigurno na prostoru Balkana možda najveći građevinski poduhvat. Ko nije bio gore ne može znati šta se dešava. Gore je milionska investicij. Prije 15 dana gore je bila samo livada, sada gore se stvaraju kapaciteti za smještaj skoro 1000 migranata”, rekao je Fazlić.

    S obzirom na to da vlasti ne žele da se ponovi slika sa Vučjaka, otvaranje kampa Lipa kasni. Riješeno je pitanje struje, vode i odvodnje, još se čeka zeleno svjetlo od zdravstvenog sektora.

    Iz kantonalnog Zavoda za javno zdravstvo ističu da svaki dan dobijaju izvještaje od DRC-a i IOM-a o zdravstvenom stanju migranata koji se nalaze u prihvatnim centrima. Na ulazu u Lipu će se raditi trijaža migranata, a bit će osposobljen i karantin.

    Epidemiolog ZARINA MULABDIĆ, direktorica Zavoda za javno zdravstvo

    “Zadovoljni smo sa onim zatečenim gore. Samo treba da se još to do kraja provede, nešto u vezi infrastrukture što se treba nadopuniti. To će biti jedno sjajno rješenje, ni nalik na Vučjak, na koji sam ja dala negativno mišljenje kao epidemiolog”, kazala je Mulabdić.

    Lipa je prvenstveno namijenjena za prihvat migranata koji se nalaze na ulicama Bihaća i nemaju osnovne uvjete za život dostojan čovjeka.

    MUSTAFA RUŽNIĆ, premijer USK

    “Kapacitet je za sada 1000 migranata. Vidjet ćemo kako će se razvijati situacija. Vidjeli ste, to je jedan mali grad po svim standardima”, istakao je Ružnić.

    Еpidemiolog ZARINA MULABDIĆ, direktorica Zavoda za javno zdravstvo

    Cilj nam je da ovo što nam je na ulici stavimo na Lipu tako da imamo nadzor, dodala je Mulabdić.

    Iz Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Unsko-sanskog kantona kažu da su spremni za izmještanje migranata, kako onih s ulica Bihaća, tako i onih koji privremeni krov nad glavom nalaze u napuštenim objektima.

    NERMIN KLjAJIĆ, ministar unutrašnjih poslova USK

    “Na taj način ćemo ispoštovati odluku Vijeća ministara o apsolutnoj zabrani kretanja. Smatram da se nekih 400 do 500 migranata u ovoj sedmici može premjestiti gore na tu lokaciju, objasnio je Kljajić.

    Građani Bihaća su u samoizolaciji dok migranti čekajući svoje premještanje slobodno šetaju gradskim ulicama. Bez osnovnih higijenskih i zdravstvenih uvjeta, otvorena su prijetnja za širene pandemije koronavirusa.


    #Bosnie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #camps #route_des_Balkans #Balkans


    Commentaire via la mailing-list Inicijativa Dobrodosli, mail du 29.04.2020:

    Most of the funds used to finance the construction were awarded by the EU, while the camp will be run by the #IOM and the #DRC. The camp is situated 22km from the city of Bihać, without a connecting road, which would mean it is, in essence, isolated peripheral accommodation. In addition, there is no wastewater infrastructure, which in time will certainly begin to create certain problems for people living there.

    For a long while, BH has not been a good place for refugees and other migrants – as confirmed by this week’s news about the protest in #Bira (https://www.facebook.com/groups/144469886266984/permalink/548667525847216) and the letter signed by 70 persons from #Miral (https://www.facebook.com/transbalkanskasolidarnost/photos/a.121803256103331/130375228579467/?type=3&theater). These are reactions of people on the move to the hardships they have to suffer every day, and which are becoming unbearable. Meanwhile, police violence on the borders is not ceasing, continuing with equal levels of brutality and injustice (reprezent.ba/video-zivot-na-divlje-u-divljim-kampovima-velike-kladuse).

    #Danish_Refugee_Council #OIM #violences_policières #violence #isolement #périphérie #hébergement

  • [Google Translation - original, BCS] 

    Today the reception of the first migrants to the new Lipa camp
    Although Bihac City Council accepted Lipa as a new location to house migrants in November last year, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina gave their consent only after the declaration of a coronavirus pandemic in BiH, to move several thousand migrants from the streets of Krajina cities.

    Although the first displacement of migrants was announced in March, it has not yet occurred. According to official announcements, the first migrants are expected to enter the new Lipa camp today, so intensive training is being done to train the camp. 50 tents were erected on this site, which should house 1000 migrants.

    ŠUHRET FAZLIĆ, Mayor of Bihać

    “A project is underway that is certainly the largest construction undertaking in the Balkans. Who hasn’t been up there can’t know what’s going on. Up there is a million investments. 15 days ago, there was only a meadow upstairs; now, up to 1000 migrants are being accommodated, ”said Fazlic.

    Since the authorities do not want the image of Vucjak to be repeated, the opening of the Lipa camp is delayed. The issue of electricity, water and drainage has been resolved and green light from the health sector is still pending.

    According to the Cantonal Institute of Public Health, they receive daily reports from the DRC and IOM on the health status of migrants in reception centers. Migrants will be triaged at the entrance to Lipa and quarantined.

    Epidemiologist ZARINA MULABDIC, Director of the Public Health Institute

    "We are pleased with those found above. It just needs to be done until the end, something about the infrastructure that needs to be supplemented. It will be a great solution, not like Vučjak, to which I have given a negative opinion as an epidemiologist, ”said Mulabdić.

    Lipa is primarily intended for the reception of migrants who are on the streets of Bihać and do not have basic living conditions worthy of a human being.

    MUSTAFA RUZNIC, USK Prime Minister

    “The capacity for now is 1000 migrants. We will see how the situation develops. You saw, it’s a small town by all standards, ”Ruznic said.

    Epidemiologist ZARINA MULABDIC, Director of the Institute of Public Health

    Our goal is to put what we have on the street in Lipa so that we have control, Mulabdić added.

    The Una-Sana Cantonal Ministry of Interior says they are ready to move migrants, both those from the streets of Bihac and those who have a temporary roof over their heads in abandoned buildings.

    NERMIN KLJAJIC, USK Minister of the Interior

    "In this way, we will respect the decision of the Council of Ministers on an absolute ban on movement. I believe that some 400 to 500 migrants can be moved up to that location this week, Kljajic explained.

    The citizens of Bihac are in self-isolation while migrants are free to roam the city streets while waiting for their relocation. Without basic hygiene and health conditions, the threat of widespread coronavirus pandemics is open.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Transfert #Camp #Lipa #Bihac