Aaron Koenig - An Introduction to Bitfilm and Bitcoin


  • Blink 04 - #BitCoin issue


    Is Bitcoin The New Gold?
    An introduction for Libertarians, »Austrians« and other skeptics by Erik Voorhees
    The Market Beats Monopoly Money
    Thorsten Polleit on the privatisation of money

    Cheese Knives And Enlightenment
    Joerg Platzer on Bitcoin’s advantages

    The Bitcoin Kiez
    Walking the Bitcoin mile in Berlin-Kreuzberg

    Satoshi’s Stroke of Genius
    Mike Hearn on the beginnings and the future of Bitcoin

    »Only a Stable Currency Is a Good Currency«
    Interview with Bitcoins main developer Gavin Andresen

    »And Zen Ve Vill Rule Ze Vorld!«
    Aaron Koenig on an animated film about Bitcoin

    BitPop from Austria
    Interview with Max Min (»Alpaca Socks«)

    Our Monetary System And The »One Percent«
    Dominic Frisby on the social effects of fiat money

    Deflation – So What?
    Rick Falkvinge sees no problem in falling prices

    La Revolución Bitcoinista
    Oscar Fonseca Gómes knows how to beat monetary tyranny

    Free as a Flock of Birds
    Juraj Bednar on the advantages of free markets

    No Compromise!
    Three hypothese on Bitcoin’s long-term success- by Frank Braun



    Love, Gold and Cryptocode
    by David Nakamoto



    Anarchy in the I2P
    An introduction to crypto-anarchy by Jonathan Logan



    Don’t Mention the Mask!
    Two privacy activists on their camouflage technique

    #paywall mais comme d’hab, tu me demandes…

    #monnaie, c’est très très #libertariens


    dans la vidéo, à 0:38 le gars répond à la question « comment est-ce que cela va aider les pauvres » (on est en Inde) ; réponse à la Friedrich von Hayek : c’est l’inflation qui permet à l’Etat de voler les pauvres…

    "You can’t use Paypal in Pakistan. Bitcoin is like Paypal, but no one controls it"