• Italia-Libia, al via accordo di cooperazione su controllo frontiere

    Il ministro della Difesa Mario Mauro ha ricevuto oggi, a Palazzo Baracchini, il ministro della Difesa della Libia Abdullah Al-Thinni. “Al centro dei colloqui – si legge in una nota -, la firma di due accordi che consentiranno di rafforzare la cooperazione bilaterale tra Italia e Libia nell’ambito del controllo delle frontiere, al fine di fronteggiare e ridurre l’emergenza immigrazione. Riferendosi alle recenti tragedie nel Mediterraneo, Mauro ha espresso infatti la preoccupazione del Paese per la perdita di vite umane e per l’impatto destabilizzante causato dai flussi di immigrazione che attraversano la Libia e i suoi confini”. “Confini sicuri e stabili - ha detto il ministro della Difesa - sono indispensabili per una corretta gestione dei flussi migratori e per proteggere i diritti fondamentali degli stessi migranti”. In particolare, il primo accordo siglato da Mauro e Al-Thinni prevede il supporto delle Autorità libiche per le attività di controllo del confine Sud del Paese. “I due ministri – spiega ancora la nota - hanno sottoscritto inoltre un accordo relativo alla formazione di personale libico: un’attività che migliorando la sicurezza comune contribuirà alla pace e alla stabilità internazionale. Nell’ottica di uno sviluppo delle capacità nel settore della sorveglianza e della sicurezza marittima, nel corso del colloquio è emersa la possibilità di imbarcare ufficiali libici a bordo delle unità navali italiane impegnate nell’Operazione ‘Mare Nostrum’, nonché di avviare corsi di addestramento sull’impiego del V-RMTC (Virtual Maritime Traffic Centre). Altro tema trattato durante la bilaterale, la Missione militare Italiana in Libia (MIL). Mauro ha ringraziato il suo omologo per il supporto garantito alla Missione, auspicando la firma di un Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) che assicuri la necessaria tutela giuridica al personale italiano impiegato sul territorio libico”.


    #Italie #Libye #accord #migration #frontière #accord_bilatéral #contrôle_frontalier

    Sara Prestianni a commenté (et traduit) ainsi via la liste Migreurop:

    Le 28 novembre 2013, le ministre de la défense italien Mauro a signé un énième accord de coopération avec son homologue libyen, Al-thinni, sur le contrôle des frontières.
    Le ministre italien se décle « inquiet pour la perte de vie humaines mais aussi pour l’impact déstabilisant des flux migratoires qui traversent la Libye et ses frontières ». et dans le même ton le ministre continue « Des frontières sures et stables résultent indispensables pour une correcte gestion des flux migratoires et pour protéger les droits fondamentaux des migrants ».
    Le Ministre annonce un premier accord qui prévoit l’aide aux autorités libyennes dans les activités de contrôle des frontières sud du pays.
    On comprends mieux ce projet et son cout si on remonte à un CP diffusé par Finmeccanica - compagnie italienne de construction de système de sécurité- en septembre, en annonçant que Selex ES, qui fait partie du groupe Finmeccanica, a signé un contract pour 40 millions d’euro pour la fourniture du système FALCO à un pays du Moyen Orient. Pas plus de précision sur le pays. http://www.finmeccanica.com/documents/10437/2470870/ComFNM_SelexES_Falco_10_09_2013_ITA.pdf
    Mais aujourd’hui, suite à la rencontre des représentants des deux pays à Rome, sur le journal Libya Herald on annonce l’accord entre le Ministre de la défense libyen et Finmeccanica http://www.libyaherald.com/2013/11/27/defence-minister-unveils-plans-for-italian-border-surveillance-system/#axzz2lvqc4Exb.
    Le FALCO est « un système sans pilote en dégré de voler à altitudes moyennes, caractérisé par sa grande autonomie. Il est projetté pour fournir capacité de commande et controle en peuvent identifiés des cibles en temps réel ». Falco peut être intégré par la gestion de mission aériennes.
    Selon l’article du Libya Herald le plan de mise en place d’un système de monitorage des frontières serait finalisé à combattre les mouvements de groupes extrémistes et de passeurs. Il s’agirait d’un système de surveillance qui couvrirait tout le pays, des cotes méditerranéennes aux frontières subsahariennes. Les travaux commenceront en décembre. Le Ministre de la Défense promet que avant la fin de 2014 les frontières sud seront scellées avec l’aide des satellites"

    Les deux ministres ont aussi stipulé un accord relatif à la formation de personnel libyen. Dans « l’optique d’un développement des capacité du secteur de la surveillance et des la sécurité maritime », lors de la rencontre serait émergé la possibilité d’entrainer les autorités libyennes à l’utilisation de V-RMTC (Virtual Maritime Trafic Centre) et d’avoir à bord des unité maritimes qui font partie de l’opération Mare Nostrum du personnel libyens.
    Il faut rappeler que Mare Nostrum a été la réponse italienne et européenne pour éviter les naufrages. Il s’agit de bateaux avec à bord personnels de la marine militaire italienne, de personnel du Ministère de l’Intérieur italiens, interprètes et maintenant aussi des gardes cotes libyennes.
    Il rassemble ainsi beaucoup plus à un équipage de refoulement que de sauvetage .....

    Lors de la rencontre a été abordé aussi le MIL ( Mission Militaire Italienne en Libye). Mauro, tout en remerciant le support garantie par les libyens à la mission, souhaite une rapide signature d’un SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) qui assure la tutelle juridique du personnel italien engagé sur le territoire libyen .

    RENCONTRE ITALIE/ESPAGNE http://www.interno.gov.it/mininterno/export/sites/default/it/sezioni/sala_stampa/notizie/2098_500_ministro/2013_11_25_Alfano_Rajoy.html
    Quelques jours avant, le 25 novembre 2013, c’est le tour du ministre de l’Interieur Italien, Angelino Alfano, qui rencontre le prémier ministre espagnol ; Mariano Rajoi. A’ l’ordre du jour de la rencontre est annoncé aussi di dicuter de « contraste de l’immigration clandestine » .
    Le ministre italienne déclare « La Frontière de la Mediterrannée est une frontière européenne qui doit etre protegée par l’Europe car l’immigration clandestine peut faire des degats pas que à l’europe mais aussi au sentiment européen » "C’est la frontière européenne qui doit etre protegé" « Aujourd’hui le defis c’est de déssiner une frontière commune »

  • L’insécurité est en train de paralyser l’activité en Libye

    GECOL warns of more power cuts as some contractors quit over security | Libya Herald

    Electricity supplier GECOL is warning that power cuts could continue throughout the winter, because security concerns had caused foreign firms doing essential maintenance and expansion work at its power stations pull their workers out of the country.

    In a statement issued yesterday, GECOL said recent security issues, including the kidnapping of the prime minister, had caused withdrawal of overseas technicians.

    The power maintenance projects on which they were working, said GECOL, “were desperately needed because they will contribute hugely to our ability to meet the demand for electricity in the immediate future”.

    It declared: “The absence of these foreign professionals and experts of these companies will delay the implementation of these projects, thus causing us to be unable to meet the demand for electricity for this winter and next summer”.

    A high-level source at the Ministry of Electricity today confirmed to the Libya Herald that overseas staff employed by the German firm Siemens had been withdrawn. Siemens declined to discuss the issue. A spokesman said: “In general, we do not comment on any security-related matters. Protecting the health and safety of employees in the workplace is a high priority for Siemens. Therefore, we do not give any insights into our security policy”.

  • Un jeune journaliste français, ancien de l’Yonne républicain, Mathieu Galtier et une photographe Maryline Dumas, sont au Fezzan, une des trois provinces de la Libye. Deux ans après la chute de Kadhafi, le sud libyen reste un no man’s land ouvert à tous...

    Fezzan : no state, three peoples | Libya Herald

    Since the death of Qaddafi, control of Fezzan has been divided between the three main ethnic groups: Arabs, Tebus and Tuaregs. With state authority absent in this part of Libya, each of the three “people” is trying to implement its own rules in its strongholds.

    Sebha, capital of Fezzan, has officially 150.000 inhabitants, “probably more than 200,000 actually,” Ayoub Zaroug, president of the local council, thinks. Arabs, Tuaregs and Tebus are living in the city.

    Together, but each one in a specific location.

    For instance, in Qaheera area (formerly known as Tayuri area), in the south-east of the town, Arabs, Tebus and Tuaregs have their owns blocks.

    “We are living peacefully all together. Last year, Awlad Sulaiman tribe and Tebus fought each other but now the situation is under control. Everyone is staying in their blocks. But there is now real security because the police don’t want to come to Qaheera. Criminals have better weapons than them so they fear for their lives”, Adam Ahmed Dazi, the (Tebu) chief of the area, reveals.

    Only 60 men – thuwars and ordinary citizens – have volunteered to be part of the security force in Qaheera. As a result, the former Indian construction site has been annexed by criminals and offenders. The site is like an open supermarket for drugs, alcohol, oil, weapons and the like.

    No police, no justice, no army in Fezzan

    “I understand that policemen are afraid. They have guns; the bad guys have RPGs. We need a strong government”, Ayoub Zaroug says.

    Waiting for the dream to come true, local leaders use resourcefulness. Judges refuse to trial criminals throughout Fezzan because they fear the consequences. So when one s caught, he is handed over to leaders of his tribe who offer to be guarantors if he has to be judged one day. Murderers are kept in jail because the judge continuously postpones the trial.

    No police, no justice and no army to control the border.

    Libyan have to rely on their themselves alone.

  • Ce n’est pas le Département d’État mais le Pentagone qui a répondu à l’appel de la semaine dernière d’un groupe de personnalités américaines et libyennes demandant que Washington ne laisse pas tomber la Libye.

    America firmly backs Libya, US Defence Secretary tells Al-Thini | Libya Herald

    The United States will continue to back Libya despite the present difficulties. Moreover, it looks to strengthening the relationship in future, the US Defence Secretary, Chuck Hagel, has told Libyan Defence Minister Abdullah Al-Thini.

    In phone on Thursday, “Secretary Hagel highlighted the United States’ support to Libya and its people during its transition,” Pentagon Press Secretary George Little was quoted by the American Forces Press Service as saying.

    According to Little, both men had “agreed to continue efforts to strengthen military cooperation”. In particular, they had discussed “how the United States military can assist training for Libyan security forces and strengthening regional security through stability and rule of law”.

  • L’insécurité perturbe de plus en plus l’industrie pétrolière libyenne. Le point faible semble être les terminaux d’embarquement occupés par des groupes armés désireux de faire aboutir leurs revendications.

    Oil production at “virtual standstill” says Energy Committee | Libya Herald

    Armed strikes at Libya’s oil fields and export terminals have brought crude oil production in the country to a virtual standstill, according to the Energy Committee of the General National Congress (GNC).

    The committee confirmed, in an official statement released after a meeting yesterday, that the decline in production caused by closure of the oil facilities was now hurtling towards zero.

    One employee of a major oil firm, however, told the Libya Herald that production was actually down to 60,000 barrels per day (b/d). He added that this was equivalent of zero, because it was not enough to fulfil even local demand.

    The committee said that, among the political and economic consequences of the closure of the oil facilities, there would be substantial material losses for the Libyan state. The strikes had caused an imbalance in the budget, he said, which was calculated on the basis that oil production is 1.5 million with the market value of at least $90 per barrel. This has caused disruption across ministries, the committee said.

    Losses have been estimated at $3 billion so far.

  • ON VA OÙ ????

    Inside Tripoli Zoo’s prison for illegal immigrants

    #Tripoli #zoo is being used to hold foreigners found working illegally and picked up by a unit of the capital’s illegal immigration department.

    The zoo, closed to the public although still home to several hundred animals, now also houses the operations room of a group of 43 brigades working under Commander Said Gars Alaha. One of these brigades is tasked with checking the health and paperwork of immigrant workers, establishing who has the right to work in the country.


    #Libye #migration #prison #clandestins

  • GNC considering suspending sessions for up to one week – Salah Jaouda |

    Libya Herald


    Le parlement libyen ne parvient pas à se réunir du fait des attaques contre lui...

    The GNC is considering suspending its sittings for up to one weak, it has been revealed.

    In view of the repeated attacks and incursions by violent, and at times armed, demonstrations on the GNC chamber near the Rixos, and the violent demonstratin at the Kremia site, GNC members it seems are inclined to suspend sessions until security is guaranteed.

    GNC member Salah Jaouda speaking live on Libya Al-Ahrar TV today confirmed that unofficially most members seem to be inclined to the suspension of sittings until the government can guarantee some security.

  • Cahin-caha, Tripoli tente de normaliser sa vie politique. Ce n’est pas gagné...

    Magarief gives “State of Union” address | Libya Herald

    The President of the General National Congress Mohamed Magarief gave a keynote address to the nation on TV this evening, Saturday, ahead of the second anniversary of the revolution on 17 February, in a move to reassure the public about the direction Congress and the government area taking. The television appearance is seen as a response to criticism from political parties meeting in Benghazi earlier today about the competence of Congress and the government.

    In his speech on Wataniya TV, he said that the anniversary of the revolution, was an occasion to unite Libyans not divide them.

    He focused on the need to raise living standards and create prosperity in the country but he also warned that it would be difficult to meet the planned deadlines for writing the constitution.

    He continued that the rebuilding of the police and national security was one of the most important factors in assuring economic and social stability.