• Russia ’tried to cut off’ World Wide Web - Telegraph

    Russia has run large scale experiments to test the feasibility of cutting the country off the World Wide Web, a senior industry executive has claimed.
    The tests, which come amid mounting concern about a Kremlin campaign to clamp down on internet freedoms, have been described by experts as preparations for an information blackout in the event of a domestic political crisis.
    Andrei Semerikov, general director of a Russian service provider called Er Telecom, said Russia’s ministry of communications and Roskomnadzor, the national internet regulator, ordered communications hubs run by the main Russian internet providers to block traffic to foreign communications channels by using a traffic control system called UPI.
    The objective was to see whether the Runet – the informal name for the Russian internet – could continue to function in isolation from the global internet.
    The experiment, which took place in spring this year, failed because thousands of smaller service providers, which Roskomnadzor has little control over, continued to pass information out of the country, Mr Semerikov said.
    Smaller providers account for over 50 per cent of the market in some Russian regions, generally lack the DPI technology used by the larger companies to implement the blocking orders, and often use satellite connections that cannot be easily blocked.

  • Live du « The Telegraph » sur les bombardements russes en Syrie,

    Are the non-Isil groups being bombed terrorists?

    The groups they are bombing a spectrum of opposition groups from an alliance called Jaish al-Fatah - Army of Conquest - to brigades of “moderate” rebels backed and even, according to one account, trained by the US.
    Jaish al-Fatah made up of hardline groups that include Jabhat al-Nusra, which is aligned to #al-Qaeda, so they are formally designated by the West and the United Nations as terrorists.

    Good ! Hit ALL jihadi groups ! Create a coordination center !

    “So, who else could Russian jets be targeting? Ruth Sherlock writes:

    Russia may have targeted Jaysh al-Fatah as they are the rebel group that poses the greatest threat to Latakia, the regime’s heartland and location of the Russian controlled port of Tartous.

    Some background on who this group are: Jaysh al-Fateh - the Army of Conquest - is a broad alliance of hardline Islamist groups, which includes both Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham.

    In March this group captured Idlib, making it the second provincial capital to fall to the opposition since the start of the war.

    Since then they have been effective in fighting the regime in Idlib and it looks like they may be able to push on government strongholds in central Syria and Latakia.

    One interesting note - the Russians appear to have been watching this group for a long time: A year ago much of the Ahrar al-Sham leadership was wiped out by an explosion that took place where all the commanders had gathered.” Telegraph

    • Pour vérification plus tard,

      The Telegraph :

      Iran was on Thursday night moving up its ground forces in Syria in preparation for an attack to reclaim rebel-held territory under the cover of Russian air strikes, according to sources close to Damascus.

      Hizbollah, the Lebanese Shia militia which has come to the Assad regime’s rescue in battle-fronts across the country in the past two years, is being prepared to capitalise on the strikes, a Syrian figure close to the regime told The Telegraph

      Sources in Lebanon told Reuters that Iran, which is the main sponsor and tactical adviser to Hizbollah, was sending in hundreds of its own troops to reinforce them.

      Iran made no comment on the claims but Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman, said the move would be an “apt and powerful illustration” that Russia’s military actions had worsened the conflict.

      A Hizbollah-backed advance would fit the pattern of Russian air-strikes, which have predominantly targeted those rebels not aligned to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant who currently present the gravest threat on the ground to core regime territory.

      The long-term aim would be to defeat or demoralise the non-Isil opposition, so that Isil became the regime’s only enemy. That would force the West to back President Bashar al-Assad against it.

      “They want to clean the country of non-Isil rebels, and then the US will work with them as Isil will be the only enemy," the Damascus source said.

      In the first instance, an attack in north-western Homs province, the apparent chosen battle-front, would help distract the rebel alliance from attacking Latakia, the stronghold of the Alawite minority from which much of the regime is drawn.

    • Syrie : les Russes ont frappé des rebelles formés par la CIA
      Jeudi, 1 octobre 2015

      Les bombardements russes en Syrie de mercredi ont visé des rebelles entraînés et financés par la CIA notamment pour combattre le groupe État islamique, a affirmé l’influent sénateur américain John McCain.

      « Je peux absolument confirmer que ces frappes visaient l’Armée syrienne libre ou des groupes qui ont été armés et entraînés par la CIA », a affirmé jeudi matin M. McCain sur la chaîne de télévision CNN.
      Poutine s’attend à une guerre de l’information

      Vladimir Poutine a dit être prêt à la « guerre de l’information » après les accusations de meurtre de civils formulées par l’opposition syrienne en exil contre l’aviation russe, qui a entamé la veille ses premières frappes en Syrie.

      « En ce qui concerne les informations de presse à propos de victimes au sein de la population civile, nous sommes prêts à cette guerre de l’information », a déclaré M. Poutine, affirmant que ces accusations ont été formulées avant même que les avions russes ne décollent dans le ciel syrien.

  • Russian actor and Putin critic found dead in Moscow - Telegraph

    A well-known Russian actor who was a vocal critic of the Kremlin has been found dead in suspicious circumstances at his home in Moscow.
    Alexei Devotchenko, 49, was discovered in his apartment in the north of the city, police told Russia news agencies.
    “There is reason to suppose that the artist’s death is of a criminal character,” said one law enforcement source.
    However, Mr Devotchenko’s outspoken criticism of the rule of Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, is likely to provoke intense scrutiny over how and why he died.
    In 2011, the actor said he was renouncing two state acting prizes “received from Putin’s hands”, saying he was “ashamed”. “I’ve had enough of all this tsar-state stuff,” he wrote in a blog post. “With its lies, its cover-ups, its legalised theft, its bribe-taking and its other triumphs.
    A year earlier he had urged fellow actors, artists and musicians to boycott “ultra-patriotic, propagandistic, chauvinistic, anti-Semitic, or pro-Stalinist feature films and television projects” and “agitprop documentaries”.
    He also called on them not to talk to “lying and tendentious state media” or to take part in Kremlin-linked banquets.
    Money earned from such appearances, “smells of dank prison cells, of neglected hospitals and homeless shelters, of the acrid smoke of burnt-out architectural monuments and historical buildings and night clubs and homes for the elderly,” he said.
    It smells of the boots of the OMON riot police.

  • Russia ’busts foreign satellite spy ring’ - Telegraph

    Russia has uncovered a group of “enemy” spy satellites disguised as space junk, according to a state-produced film broadcast on Sunday.
    In a 40-minute film echoing the language of 1980s space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, Oleg Maidanovich, head of Russia’s space command, declined to say which country or countries the satellites belonged to.
    Very recently, specialists of the department of space intelligence centre uncovered a newly created group of space satellites... made for radio-technical reconnaissance of equipment on Russian territory,” he said.
    The film - called “Space Special Forces” - was shown on defence ministry channel Zvezda as Russia marked “Space Day”, commemorating the space flight of Yury Gagarin on April 12, 1961.

  • Russian security services ‘shut down’ exhibition about wartime Britain and US - Telegraph

    An exhibition featuring Second World War photographs from the Imperial War Museum in London has been prevented from opening in Russia, reportedly on the orders of the Federal Security Service.
    Jon Sharp, the acting British consul general in Yekaterinburg, was obliged to call off a speech at the planned opening of the exhibition at the Metenkov House-Museum of Photography in the Urals city on Friday.
    The museum announced abruptly on Thursday that the exhibition of pictures of American and British troops and civilians during the war had been cancelled as the museum was being temporarily shut down “for technical reasons”.
    However, a report in the regional government-controlled newspaper, Oblastnaya Gazeta, said the museum had been closed “on the orders of the FSB, in a directive that came from Moscow”.
    The reason for the closure was the new exhibition, ‘Triumph and Tragedy: Allies in the Second World War’, which the employees of the museum prepared together with the American consulate,” the newspaper said on its website.
    Raisa Zorina, the director of the Metenkov Museum, said: “I think there will be many theories about why we were closed down. We have agreed with the American consulate that we support the official version, which is that the museum is closed due to technical reasons.
    She added: “We don’t need a scandal and neither do they.
    The British embassy in Moscow had promoted the exhibition on its Facebook page, promising that it would “recount events of the Second World War that are little known in Russia”.

    Sur ladite page FB, la photo mise en valeur est l’exécution du général Anton Dostler pour des faits qui n’ont pas grand chose à voir avec l’URSS.

  • Woman dies after airport scanner interferes with her pacemaker - Telegraph

    A woman fitted with a pacemaker has died after passing through an airport scanner in the southern Russian town of Ulan-Ude.
    Diana Tolstova, 30, died in the airport minutes after passing through the scanner. Her husband Maxim, 33, said that they had provided papers proving that Mrs Tolstova was fitted with the heart device – which is adversely affected by airport scanners.
    I don’t know what happened but she went through it anyway,” he told Central European News agency.

    Oulan-Oudé en Bouriatie, soit le “sud” de la Sibérie…

  • Wikipedia et la vérité - les responsables pour l’exécution des Romanovs

    Aprés la révolution de 1917 les bolchéviques suivent l’exemple des révolutionnaires francais et se débarassent des « fripons de l’ancien régime ». Pour des raisons toujours inconnues il n’y aura pas de procès et l’exécution du dernier tsar, de sa femme et de ses enfants sera un carnage improvisé.

    Qui croit trouver des informations fiables sur l’événement dans wikipedia se trompe. On y lit :

    Assassinat de la famille impériale russe

    L’assassinat de la famille Romanov et de ceux qui ont choisi de les accompagner en exil, le Dr Evgueni Sergueïevitch Botkine, Anna Stepanovna Demidova, Alekseï Egorovitch Trupp et Ivan Kharitonov a eu lieu à Ekaterinbourg le 17 juillet 1918, sur les ordres de Lénine.
    Bien que les officiels soviétiques placent la responsabilité de la décision sur l’Uralispolkom, Léon Trotsky écrit dans son journal personnel que cet assassinat a été commis sous l’autorité de Lénine6. Trotsky affirme alors dix-sept ans après les faits que les Bolcheviks ont massacré toute la famille dans le but de terroriser l’ennemi.

    Shooting of the Romanov family

    The action had been ordered by the government in Moscow by Vladimir Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov to prevent the rescue of the Imperial Family by approaching White forces during the ongoing Russian Civil War.
    Trotsky wrote: ... “And who made the decision?” I asked. "We decided it here. Ilyich [Lenin] believed that we shouldn’t leave the Whites a live banner to rally around, especially under the present difficult circumstances.

    Ermordung der Zarenfamilie

    Lenin und Swerdlow waren zu der Überzeugung gekommen, dass ein Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Zaren zu riskant sei. Ein unschuldiger Zar hätte die Richtigkeit der Revolution in Frage gestellt. Der Rat der Volkskommissare in Moskau beschloss die Vernichtung der Zarenfamilie in Jekaterinburg.

    Wikipedia nous raconte une histoire qui a l’air de tenir debout, on y trouve même une citation de Trotsky qui semble la confirmer. Pourtant avec un petit effort on trouve une source fiable récente qui n’a aucun intérêt à disculper Lénine et les autres dirigeants bolchéviques de 1918.

    No proof Lenin ordered last Tsar’s murder

    :11PM GMT 17 Jan 2011
    Historians and archivists have found no evidence that the Bolshevik leader or regional chief Yakov Sverdlov gave permission for the family to be shot in 1918, Vladimir Solovyov, Russia’s chief investigator, told the Izvestia newspaper.

    “The top experts in this subject took part in the investigation, historians and archivists. And I can say with full confidence that today there is no reliable document proving the instigation of Lenin or Sverdlov” in carrying out the killings, he said.

    Russia has now closed a criminal probe aimed at naming those guilty for the murders, Mr Solovyov said.

    Solovyov donne mêne une explication pour l’affirmation de Trotsky.

    “When they heard that the whole family had been shot, they officially approved the shooting. None of the organisers nor the participants suffered any punishment,” he said.

    Vu d’aujourd’hui pour nous la question n’est pas essentielle si oui ou non la famille impériale périt sur ordre de Lénine. Pour les auteurs de Wikipedia c’est différent. Il présentent un chef communiste sanglant et contribuent à construire une belle image humaine du tsar. Les articles de Wikipedia se révèlent comme home story bien syncronisée entre les versions linguistiques que j’ai comparé.

    #histoire #faux

    • Ce qui est frappant dans ces trois articles, c’est la minimisation, dans les versions française et allemande, du rôle joué par la Légion tchécoslovaque qui, 8 jours plus tard, le 25 juillet, occupa la ville, abandonnée par les bolcheviques.

      Le mot (tchécoslovaque) ne figure qu’une fois dans l’article en français et une fois (tschechoslowakisch) dans celui en allemand et, dans les deux cas, après le récit de l’assassinat. L’article allemand est très nettement le plus pro-Romanov.

      En anglais, czechoslovak figure 5 fois dans le corps de l’article, dont 3 fois dans la partie sur le contexte de l’exécution, avant l’assassinat.

      On 16 July 1918 forces of the Czechoslovak legions were closing on Yekaterinburg, not realizing that Russia’s royal family was being held under house arrest there. The Bolsheviks, believing that the Czechoslovaks were on a mission to rescue the Russian royals, panicked and executed their wards. The real reason for the Czechoslovaks being en route to Yekaterinburg was to protect the Trans-Siberian Railway, of which they had total control. The Legions would arrive less than a week later to capture the city. These circumstances played a large part in the execution of the Russian royal family.

    • Merci pour les infos supplémentaires :-)
      Quand l’envie me prendra je me pencherai sur l’autre grand énigme du vingtième siècle d’avant 911 :
      Qui a mis le feu au Reichstag à Berlin en 1933 ?
      A propos de ce sujet il y a également des théories assez folles pour qu’on s’amuse un peu.


      Es gibt drei Theorien zu den Hintergründen des Brandes:

      Die Nationalsozialisten sprachen von einem „kommunistischen Aufstand“, zu dem der Brand des Reichstags das Fanal gewesen sein soll. Ein Großteil der historischen Forschung argumentiert, dass die Nationalsozialisten – zunächst tatsächlich an den kommunistischen Aufstand glaubend – die Gelegenheit virtuos ausgenutzt und den Verdacht als Tatsache dargestellt hätten.
      Schon im Anschluss des Reichstagsbrandes wurde vermutet, dass die Nationalsozialisten selbst das Feuer gelegt hätten, um einen Vorwand für die Verfolgung politischer Gegner und die anschließende „Gleichschaltung“ des deutschen Staatswesens zu besitzen. Mitglieder der regierenden NSDAP – allen voran Reichstagspräsident Göring – hätten zumal am ehesten die Möglichkeit dazu gehabt.
      Schließlich gibt es die These von der Alleintäterschaft des am Tatort aufgefundenen Marinus van der Lubbe. Ihr zufolge lässt sich ein bedeutsames Element der nationalsozialistischen Machtausweitung letztendlich auf ein zufälliges Ereignis zurückführen, das den Nationalsozialisten gelegen kam.[

  • Email from Russia

    HE may be an outstanding grandmaster and possess one of the brightest minds on the planet but Garry Kasparov’s new obsession threatens to eclipse his genius for the game of chess.

    With the fervour of a newly converted missionary, Mr #Kasparov has embarked on a crusade to persuade the world that traditional history is bunk and that the past is less ancient than it seems. “If we are correct in ten percent of what we are saying, this will be the most important thing I have been involved in,” he told me last week. “We must prove that ten percent. But if we do, it’s like a house of cards. Remove one and the whole thing collapses.”

    After years of mulling over what he calls “hundreds and hundreds of discrepancies, accidents and small gaps” in conventional history, Mr Kasparov has emerged as the most famous supporter of the school of Anatoly Fomenko.


    It is dizzy-making stuff. All classical and mediaeval literature is a forgery produced after the Renaissance, they maintain. Troy, Jerusalem, Constantinople and London were originally one and the same place and King Arthur was a Russian prince.

    The Old and New Testaments describe the same events. Jesus did exist but was also the Prophet Elijah and Pope Gregory VII rolled into one and lived in the 11th century in what is now Istanbul. There was no Mongol conquest of Russia in the Middle Ages, but a huge Russian empire which covered the entire Eurasian landmass and the British Isles instead.

    My favourite “proof” of their theories was the derivation of the word “Thames”. It supposedly comes from “sound”, as in Bosphorus Sound, its consonants spelt backwards and pronounced Arab-style.

    Utter nonsense, you are thinking. But the shelves of the history sections of Moscow bookstores are groaning with this “research”. Slowly, it is acquiring a fringe intellectual respectability, not least thanks to Mr Kasparov.

    "#révision #histoire #faillite_intellectuelle

  • Mikhail Gorbachev tells Vladimir Putin ’not to be afraid of his own people’ - Telegraph

    Mr Gorbachev, 82, condemned a raft of recent Kremlin-backed laws as “an attack on the rights of citizens” and said that Mr Putin’s inner circle was full of “thieves and corrupt officials”.
    The former Soviet general secretary - whose policies of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) unleashed the civil freedoms that contributed to the collapse of the USSR in 1991 - expressed “astonishment” at the scale of controversial legislation introduced in Russia since Mr Putin returned to the presidency in May.
    The new laws include increased fines for unsanctioned demonstrations, a broadened definition of treason, the re-criminalisation of libel and measures to force foreign-funded non-governmental organisations to label themselves as “foreign agents”.

    En fait, c’est un remerciement…

    Putin wishes Gorbachev happy birthday, 13:24 March 2, 2013 Interfax

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a greeting message to ex-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to wish him a happy birthday, the Kremlin press service reported on Saturday.
    “Your fruitful social and research activities and your active involvement in essential charity and educational projects have rightfully won you deep respect. It is important that you are attaching unyielding significance to the implementation of significant initiatives in the international cooperation area and are seeking to promote Russia’s authority in the world by your multifaceted work,” Putin said in his greeting message to Gorbachev.