Turkey’s Kurdish Initiative In Regional Context


  • Turquie. L’ambition du Premier ministre Erdogan de régler la question kurde doit être comprise dans le cadre de sa politique vis-à-vis de la Syrie et de l’Iraq.

    Turkey’s Kurdish Initiative In Regional Context

    By: Cengiz Çandar for Al-Monitor Turkey Pulse. Posted on April 7 (2013)


    “One of the most striking successes of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government in Turkey has to be its masterful management of the most exciting agenda item of the country which the public refers to as the “peace process” instead of the “solution process.”

    As with many other issues, here too, the great communicator is Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan himself. In an appeal to the news media — that sounded more like an instruction — Erdogan wanted the steps he is taking to be seen as a “solution process.” Now he is working on being perceived as the leader who is taking his country step-by-step toward much desired peace. As perception becomes a reality, it will undoubtedly be added to Erdogan’s accomplishments.

    At the moment, Erdogan on stage and Abdullah Ocalan off stage from his prison island are taking Turkey toward peace with seemingly choreographed moves. Questioning this captivating dream is not allowed, even if prompted by intellectual curiosity, because it might spoil the dream of peace. Erdogan, the ultimate arbiter, announced 63 names of people who will make up the “Commission of Wise People,” which will take on the initiative to enlighten the public on the peace process through meetings, symposiums, panels, etc., in seven different Turkish regions. The group includes some well-known journalists, prominent leaders of nongovernmental organizations, celebrities such as movie stars and popular singers, and several academic experts.” (…)