Eight Questions on ’Purging’ Of Egypt’s Judiciary


  • Eight Questions on ’Purging’ Of Egypt’s Judiciary, by Bassem Sabry

    The increasing politicization of Egypt’s judiciary — whether through continued political involvement of the Judges’ Association or the growing number of high-profile political cases being sent its way (e.g., parliamentary dissolution) — does not help Egypt or the cause of justice. The Brotherhood will only further polarize the country, and turn everyone (including former allies) against if, it attempts to unilaterally reform the judiciary, even if, theoretically, well intentioned.

    Any controversial moves by the judiciary will further erode confidence in the legal system and the economy at an inopportune time. Reforming Egypt’s judiciary should only take place after true national reconciliation and a proper national dialogue on the subject and consensus on the way forward. It is unlikely the country’s political leadership does not know this.


    #justice #reform