• Autant se souvenir aujourd’hui qu’il y a à peine deux mois, Mouaz Al-Khatib, président de la Coalition nationale des forces de l’opposition et de la révolution, rendait hommage aux « two respected scholars », Al Raféi et Al Assir. Bien vu.


    The consciences of the people can no longer go on, and the invitation by the two respected scholars, Al Rifai and Al Aseer, (towards defending the Syrian people) was nothing but a response to the chilling events that are occurring from the butchering of civilians and the gushing of blood, to the screams of the women in the prisons.

  • Speech by Shaykh Mouaz Al-Khatib, President of the Syrian National Coalition, directed to Mr. Hassan Nasrallah, General Secretary of Hezbollah

    I will say to you with all honesty: some of the stances that are being taken by some your officials will make part of your ideology responsible for a historical disorder, for moral bankruptcy, and some of the stances of some members of your party has caused a tidal wave of atheism that has began to invade generations: those stances, in my opinion, cannot be affiliated in any way to the prophet’s household (peace be upon them).

    The consciences of the people can no longer go on, and the invitation by the two respected scholars, Al Rifai and Al Aseer, (towards defending the Syrian people) was nothing but a response to the chilling events that are occurring from the butchering of civilians and the gushing of blood, to the screams of the women in the prisons.

    Je cite ce passage que je trouve quelque peu étonnant (quelqu’un a la version originale, il accuse vraiment Nasrallah de provoquer l’athéisme ?). Sinon, Salem Raféi et Ahmad el-Assir sont deux sheikhs salafistes, le premier de Tripoli, et le second est le dangereux escroc de Saïda ; « respected scholars » est certainement discutable dans le paysage religieux libanais.