Julian Assange The Cypherpunk Revolutionary | Robert Manne


  • Julian Assange The Cypherpunk Revolutionary | Robert Manne (The Monthly)

    Less than twenty years ago Julian Assange was sleeping rough. Even a year ago hardly anyone knew his name. Today he is one of the best-known and most-respected human beings on earth. Assange was the overwhelming winner of the popular vote for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” and Le Monde’s less politically correct “Man of the Year”. If Rupert Murdoch, who recently turned eighty, is the most influential Australian of the post-war era, Julian Assange, who will soon turn forty, is undoubtedly the most consequential Australian of the present time. Murdoch’s importance rests in his responsibility for injecting, through Fox News, the poison of rabid populist conservatism into the political culture of the United States; Assange’s in the revolutionary threat that his idea of publishing damaging documentary information sent by anonymous insiders to WikiLeaks poses to governments and corporations across the globe. (...) Source: The Monthly

  • The Cypherpunk Revolutionary : Julian Assange, by Robert Manne (The Monthly)

    Cet article est certainement le meilleur que j’aie lu sur la formation intellectuelle et idéologique du fondateur de #WikiLeaks. C’est long, mais ça vaut de prendre le temps de le lire.

    By the time Assange was working on NetBSD he had been involved for several years with a movement known as the cypherpunks. It was the cypherpunks more than the free software movement who provided him with his political education. Although there are tens of thousands of articles on Julian Assange in the world’s newspapers and magazines, no mainstream journalist so far has grasped the critical significance of the cypherpunks movement to Assange’s intellectual development and the origin of WikiLeaks.

    #idéologie #cypherpunk #libertarien #logiciel_libre #darwinisme #politique #information