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  • La Palestine au temps du Covid-19
    Réseau Syndical International de Solidarité et de Luttes, le 9 avril 2020

    Le peuple palestinien souffre de la pandémie de Covid-19 comme tous les autres peuples, mais avec des spécificités. Il souffre comme les autres populations appauvries, d’une maladie onéreuse à éviter et à guérir. Mais il souffre aussi en tant que peuple colonisé, d’être fortement discriminé, à l’intérieur des frontières d’Israël, en Cisjordanie occupée militairement, et encore plus dans la bande de Gaza sous blocus.

    Comme dans la plupart des pays en dehors de la région d’Asie initialement touchée, les Palestinien.nes n’ont commencé à s’inquiéter du coronavirus qu’au début de mars 2020. Les premiers récits arrivant de Palestine étaient humoristiques : ils venaient de Gaza et prétendaient que c’était « l’endroit le plus sûr du monde », puisque le blocus les protégerait de l’infection. Assez vite, cependant, d’éminents universitaires ont souligné que, si jamais le virus finissait par y pénétrer, une tragédie serait difficile à éviter. Gaza est effectivement privée de tous les moyens de le guérir, tels que du matériel ou des fournitures médicales de base, peu de masques ou de kits de test, en plus d’avoir des problèmes de pénurie de carburant et de qualité de l’eau, entre autres. Ces conditions ne sont pas dues au sous-développement, ni au blocus, mais principalement à la destruction planifiée des infrastructures palestiniennes par l’armée israélienne lors de ses nombreuses guerres sur Gaza, comme par exemple le bombardement de 17 hôpitaux pendant la guerre de 2014...

    À l’intérieur des frontières d’Israël de 1948, la situation n’a pas beaucoup changé pour les Palestinien.nes. Ils et elles sont toujours traité.es comme des citoyen.nes de seconde zone et, dans une telle crise, leur santé sera prise en compte après celle des personnes vivant dans les quartiers juifs, principalement parce que les bons hôpitaux y sont situés. La nouvelle loi sur l’État-nation impose que tous les textes officiels, y compris les instructions d’urgence pendant la pandémie (dont les fameux gestes barrières), soient écrits en hébreu uniquement. Pour les Palestinien.nes dont la langue est l’arabe, il n’y a pas de plan d’urgence. De plus, force est de constater que le racisme quotidien, qui existe en Israël depuis 70 ans, ne disparaît pas. Pour prendre un exemple, même pendant la crise sanitaire, la destruction de maisons et de champs dans les régions bédouines du désert du Néguev se poursuit (1).

    La conséquence la plus débattue de l’épidémie de Covid-19 en Israël fut la mise en place d’une surveillance des personnes, par le biais de leurs téléphones portables, sans que les services de sécurité du gouvernement aient besoin de l’autorisation d’un tribunal (2). Signalons que d’autres gouvernements ont suivi cette « stratégie du choc », décrite par Naomi Klein (3), qui consiste à profiter de la crise pour lancer des programmes de surveillance massive de leurs citoyens. Souvent ces gouvernements utilisent d’ailleurs des logiciels israéliens développés au départ pour espionner illégalement des Palestinien.nes. Le Premier ministre israélien Netanyahou en a aussi profité pour accroître ses pouvoirs autoritaires et militaires. Alors que les citoyen.nes israélien.nes d’origine juive se plaignent que la démocratie est en déclin aujourd’hui, et que leurs libertés civiles sont érodées, cela n’avait jamais été débattu lorsque les libertés des Palestinien.nes étaient en jeu.

    À l’intérieur des frontières d’Israël, comme partout ailleurs malheureusement, le pire endroit où vivre est la prison, en particulier là où les palestinien.nes sont enfermé.es. Dans des cellules surpeuplées, le risque de transmission de maladies y est très élevé. Plusieurs événements récents incitent les à s’interroger sur des négligences médicales délibérées et répétées de la part des autorités israéliennes (4). Par exemple, alors que les visites des familles et des avocats sont interdites, les premiers prisonniers infectés dans les prisons d’Ashkelon, de Ramleh et de Moscobiya, l’ont été par des médecins ou des gardiens de prison israéliens. Le manque de produits d’hygiène, de masques ou de gants pose également la question d’un plan délibéré de propagation de la maladie en prison qui, combiné à d’autres problèmes de santé et à un traitement médical notoirement mauvais, entraînera un pourcentage élevé de décès.

    De vivant en Cisjordanie viennent chaque jour travailler en Israël, après un long et complexe voyage à travers les checkpoints militarisés, principalement pour des emplois très mal payés. Mi-mars, lorsque le gouvernement israélien a décidé de restreindre les mouvements de la population, il a demandé que 25 000 palestinien.nes restent à l’intérieur des frontières de 1948 pendant la durée du confinement, loin de chez eux. Bien sûr, ces n’ont jamais reçu d’équipement de protection et rarement bénéficié des logements qui leur avaient été promis.. En outre, chaque fois que l’un.e de ces est soupçonné.e d’être infecté.e par le coronavirus (même une simple fièvre), il ou elle est ramené.e au checkpoint dans un véhicule militaire, et jeté.e au sol du côté palestinien, sans aucun traitement médical, et sans être considéré.e comme un être humain (5). Là encore, on peut se demander si la stratégie d’Israël, en plus de vouloir éviter toute nouvelle contagion à l’intérieur de ses frontières et de refuser de traiter les Palestinien.nes, n’est pas de propager volontairement le virus en Cisjordanie, sachant que cela entraînerait le chaos et la mort.

    En Cisjordanie, l’horreur quotidienne que subissent les Palestinien..nes est encore plus difficile à supporter alors que les gens essayent d’abord de se soucier de leur santé et de celle de leurs Mais comment une communauté peut-elle prendre soin de sa santé alors que l’armée d’occupation continue de faire des descentes dans ses maisons, ou confisque des paquets de nourriture destinés aux familles en quarantaine (6) ? L’armée israélienne a même attaqué et endommagé la maison du ministre palestinien de Jérusalem, Fadi al-Hadmi, avant de l’emmener en prison, de le battre et de le forcer à porter un masque sale sur lequel se trouvaient des traces de sang séché (7). A quel point cette armée peut-elle être cynique lorsque, en plus de détruire des maisons, elle détruit… une clinique ? Cela s’est produit le 26 mars à Khirbet Ibziq, où un bulldozer, deux camions et une jeep militaire israélienne ont confisqué une cabane, un générateur électrique, des poteaux, des bâches, des palettes de parpaings et des sacs de sable et de ciment destinés à construire une clinique de campagne (8).

    Les terres palestiniennes en Cisjordanie sont souvent situées à proximité de colonies juives illégales. Suite à la focalisation générale sur la maladie, et aux restrictions de mouvement des Palestinien.nes, les colons israéliens ont profité de la stratégie du choc pour déraciner des centaines d’oliviers palestiniens, voler des animaux, détruire des maisons et des granges, attaquer des personnes, et annexer encore plus de terres palestiniennes... (9)

    Début avril, on comptabilisait environ 8 000 cas de Covid-19 en Israël, 200 en Cisjordanie et 12 à Gaza. Dans les faits, la Cisjordanie et Gaza appliquent des règles de confinement plus strictes qu’en Israël. Avec toujours ce même humour palestinien, les ont demandé aux Européens : « Alors, qu’est-ce que ça fait d’être enfermé ? Nous sommes enfermés depuis 13 ans... ». En effet, même si la comparaison ne tient pas très longtemps, le confinement fait obligatoirement penser à Gaza, comme à toute autre prison dans le monde. Les ont également déclaré aux Israélien.nes : « nous rêverions de conditions de confinement comme les vôtres ». L’inégalité dans la région est en effet incommensurable. Non seulement Israël refuse de laisser des fournitures médicales atteindre Gaza, mais le 28 mars dernier, l’armée israélienne a tiré plusieurs missiles sur cette bande de terre de 365 km², où sont enfermées deux millions de personnes, qui vivent dans une grande précarité, et attendent avec angoisse l’arrivée du virus... (10).

    (9) ; ;

    En anglais :

    Palestine in the Time of Covid-19
    International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles, le 9 avril 2020

    En espagnol :

    Palestina en tiempos del COVID-19
    Red Internacional de Solidariedad y de Luchas, le 9 avril 2020

    #Palestine #coronavirus

  • To stop the coronavirus, Shin Bet can now track cellphones without court order - Israel News -

    The cabinet approved emergency regulations Sunday to allow the Shin Bet security service to track location data from the cellphones of people who have tested positive for the new coronavirus and people who were in their vicinity in the 14 days before they were diagnosed.

    Anyone who was in contact with the patient will receive a text message instructing them to self-quarantine.

    A senior Justice Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the decision – which was approved by the attorney general – permits the Shin Bet to track the movements of cellphone users without a court order.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Saturday that he planned to use this tactic to fight the spread of the virus. He said the government would use “digital methods employed in the battle against terrorism that I have so far refrained from using on the civilian population.”

    “This isn’t simple,” he acknowledged. “It involves a certain amount of infringement on the privacy of these people, as we’ll check to see who they came into contact with once they fell sick and what preceded it and what came after it.”

    Due to public criticism of the violation of privacy entailed by this unusual tactic, five ministers asked Deputy Attorney General Raz Nizri Sunday to impose additional restrictions on the Shin Bet’s use of it. The five cabinet ministers who requested additional limitations were Gilad Erdan, Amir Ohana, Bezalel Smotrich, Zeev Elkin and Tzipi Hotovely.

    #coronavirus #violation_vie_privée

    • Israël/coronavirus : report d’un vote sur une collecte de données proposée par Netanyahu
      16 mars 2020 Par Agence France-Presse

      Le Parlement israélien a ajourné lundi un vote relatif à la collecte par le service de sécurité intérieure de données sur les citoyens, une mesure proposée par le Premier ministre sortant Benjamin Netanyahu dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du nouveau coronavirus.

      M. Netanyahu avait proposé cette mesure samedi, quelques jours avant que son rival Benny Gantz ne soit désigné pour former un nouveau gouvernement.

      Il avait dit souhaiter que « les technologies utilisées dans la guerre contre le terrorisme » puissent être utilisées pour lutter contre le nouveau coronavirus en Israël, où 255 cas de personnes contaminées ont été recensés.

      Le gouvernement avait approuvé dimanche cette mesure.

      Le bureau de M. Netanyahu avait précisé que les données seraient collectées uniquement dans le cadre de « la lutte contre le nouveau coronavirus », que le service de sécurité intérieure (Shin Beth) ne serait pas chargé d’imposer les mises en quarantaine et que la collecte ne durerait que 30 jours.

      Lundi, peu de temps avant que les nouveaux députés élus aux législatives du 2 mars ne prêtent serment, une commission du Parlement sortant s’est réunie pour décider d’accorder ou non le droit au Shin Beth de collecter des données sur les citoyens.

      N’ayant pas réussi à prendre une décision, elle a confié cette tâche à une future commission devant être mise sur pied par le nouveau Parlement, a indiqué un porte-parole.

  • Israeli university heads say won’t intervene in #discrimination against Palestinian schools

    The Committee of University Heads in Israel has declared that the discrimination against Palestinian universities with regard to granting visas for visiting lecturers is a political issue and thus not one in which they will intervene. The announcement was made in response to an appeal made by 33 faculty members at Haifa University to Prof. Ron Rubin, the university’s president and the chairman of the committee.

    The faculty members asked Rubin to address the harm inflicted by Israel on higher education in the West Bank over Israel’s handling of visas given to guest lecturers, which are generally not given at all, given after long delays, or not renewed.

  • 1,200-year-old Islamic-period town found in Israel, but you will never see it

    The find is unexpected because the area around the modern-day city of Modi’in was thought to have been sparsely populated during the early Islamic period, [...]

    Even more interestingly, Nebi Zechariah may have been home to both Christian and Muslim communities. The archaeologists found crosses chiseled into the stones of the town’s olive presses and fragmentary Greek inscriptions, the written language commonly used by Christians in the region.


    There is a longstanding debate amongst scholars over how violent and destructive the early Islamic occupation of the Holy Land was, and how problematic the relations between the various communities were. 

    Finds like Nebi Zechariah point to a relatively peaceful transition after Muslim armies seized the region from the Byzantine Empire in the first half of the 7th century, says Uzi Dahari, an archaeologist and former deputy director of the IAA.

    “When the Muslims arrived, power changed hands but not much else happened, except for a slow process of conversion to Islam by part of the population, especially Christian Arabs and some Jews as well,” says Dahari, who was not involved in the dig at Nebi Zechariah.

    Whoever the locals were, they certainly achieved a modicum of prosperity, given that Tendler’s team also unearthed jewelry and large homes with mosaic floors and arched ceilings. The large number of warehouses and workshops that produced oil, glass, wine and other commodities suggests that Nebi Zechariah served as an important farming and industrial center for Jerusalem and nearby Ramle, which was the provincial capital during the Caliphate, Tendler concludes.


    One might think that the Israeli authorities would favor preserving Jewish sites over Christian or Muslim ones. But when it comes to salvage excavations, there seems to be little room to save sites linked to any particular group or time period, ...


    But there is much less interest in saving sites from the early Islamic period like Nebi Zechariah. “In Beit Shemesh they found a layer from the 7th century B.C.E., from the First Temple period, so people are now saying ‘this is part of our history.’” Mizrahi notes. “In cases like Nebi Zechariah there is much less pressure: no one says ‘it’s part of our history’ – but it is very much part of our history as well.”

    #histoire #Palestine

  • Ancient civilization in #Iran recognized transgender people 3,000 years ago, study suggests Haaretz.Com

    The study rattles the assumptions archaeologists make about sex and gender in ancient civilizations, and also highlights that many non-western societies – past or present – have a non-binary view of gender.

    #histoire #genre

    • L’Iran contemporain « aurorise » des hommes à devenir des femmes pour des raisons homophobes. Le transgenrisme est parfaitement compatible avec les cultures ultra misogyne et très rétrogrades, ca n’est absolument pas un signe de progressisme. On retrouve ce type de coutume en Indes qui traite les femmes plus mal que les betes, mais l’article en parle comme si faire des eunuques pour que les hommes puissent les baisé sans se croire gay etait super progressiste et que Trump devait en tiré des leçons !

      Le sois disant 3eme sexe ( qui est en fait des hommes déguisé en femmes à 99% du temps) sert à normalisé la prostitution d’hommes pour des hommes et surtout des hommes jeunes, ca ressemble à des résidus de la pédérastie grec. Les Feminelli dont parle l’article est aussi dans ce contexte. Faire comme si c’était des progressistes alors que la transition (et mutilation sexuelle qui va avec) sont imposées aux gay sous la menace de peine de mort (c’est le cas pour l’Iran contemporain). Ce que l’article ne mentionne pas car il s’interesse pas à la réalité et instrumentalise les gay iraniens pour le lobby des autogynophiles occidentaux.

      Le texte mentionne qu’il y aurait 20% de femmes dans ces catégories de « trans » mais bien sur jamais un mot sur elles et vu les critères sexistes pour faire ces sois disants « 3eme sexe » n’importe quelle femme guerrière, ou femme armée sera traité de trans par ces idéologues.

      #misogynie #homophobie #prostitution #invisibilisation

  • High Court to make secret ruling on Israeli arms sales to Myanmar - Israel News -

    Israel’s High Court is set to rule on Wednesday on a petition against weapons sales to Myanmar.

    The UN has declared that the government of Myanmar is engaging in “textbook ethnic cleansing” of the Rohingya, a Muslim minority.

    The court decision will remain secret because the judges hearing the case – Yoram Danziger, Anat Baron and David Mintz – issued a gag order on it at the request of the state.

    At a Monday hearing, state representatives reiterated their position that the court shouldn’t interfere with Israel’s foreign relations and not tell it which countries it is permitted to sell arms to.
    read more:

    #armement #israël #birmanie

  • The Israeli Right Will Bring About Justice for the Palestinians

    When the right gathers the courage to declare a one-state solution, the world will gain the courage to declare a war on its regime

    Gideon Levy Sep 24, 2017 1:35 AM

    Perhaps the right will be the one to bring about true, egalitarian justice in Israel. Maybe it will bring about the only possible solution left. After the right proved that only it dares to evacuate settlements, maybe the next stage will come and the right will once more prove it can do so, even if unintentionally. That would be a huge irony of fate. Those who insist on not returning to the Palestinians 22 percent of their land will give them (and us) all of it, egalitarian and just, on the silver platter of both peoples.

    The road is long, of course, and even its beginning is not yet in sight. But the defeated and desperate speech by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday proves there’s a chance this is the direction.

    Abbas spoke of one state as a possible solution and of equal rights for all inhabitants of historic Palestine. As far can be remembered, he never publicly made such a statement before. Bound by his historic way and the establishment he heads, he has not yet given up the two-state solution for good. But he also knows, like any politician who recognizes reality, that the two-state solution has expired and only the declaration of its death remains. Some Europeans and perhaps even also the Americans know this, but don’t dare admit it. President Donald Trump mumbled something about it, possibly inadvertently.

    Abandoning the two-state solution is a fateful reboot. It is not simple to do. But when Abbas and the others finally resolve to cross the Rubicon, the wildfire they ignite could spread with amazing speed.

    When the Palestinians abandon the “two states for two peoples” solution and move on to “one person, one vote,” the world will not remain indifferent. It will begin with the Palestinians, 57 percent of whom already don’t believe in the two-state solution, according to a recent Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll, and will then move on to Israeli Arabs, most of whom still hold fast to that solution.

    The easy-to-grasp message will then go out to the world. Just and familiar from another historic struggle: “One man, one vote.” Who can oppose it? And what can Israel say in its own defense? Jewish-democratic? Where? A just apartheid?

    This revolution might also blow away the smokescreen and confusion around the arbitrary and baseless division Israel has made between an “Israeli Arab” and “Palestinian” – sometimes members of the same family; between East Jerusalem and residents of the West Bank; between residents of the West Bank and Gaza; it will reunify the people that Israel maliciously cut apart. It will also eliminate the confusion around the artificial distinction between the Jewish democracy with the Arab High Court of Justice and the third largest party in the Knesset, and zero human rights for most of the other members of that people, who live under the government of that same state, in the same country. It will cancel out all discrimination and all privilege, from the Law of Return to the right of return. Can any true democrat oppose this?

    The left will not do so. It is bound by slogans of the past – two states – most of the left was never serious about anyhow. The right wing, which talks more and more about annexation and non-occupation, is taking giant steps toward this state. Of course, it doesn’t mean democracy or equal rights – what does the right have to do with that?

    But when the right gathers the courage to declare a one-state solution, the world will gain the courage to declare a war on its regime, against the new apartheid state in the 21st century. What other choice will the world have in the face of a declared apartheid? It will be a much more determined struggle than the hollow one against the establishment of the outpost in the “illegal” expansion of Mitzpeh Rehavam Gimel.

    The racist MK Bezalel Smotrich is doing more for justice and the Palestinian people than Labor Party leader Avi Gabbay. The nationalists, Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, are doing immeasurably more than Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid or even the peace-seeking Meretz Chairwoman Zehava Galon.

    The right is moving ahead on the only solution. We should keep our fingers crossed.

  • Au Kurdistan irakien, un référendum à haut risque pour la région,2011

    Le 7 juin dernier, Massoud Barzani, président de facto du gouvernement régional du Kurdistan annonçait unilatéralement la tenue d’un référendum, prévu le 25 septembre, pour décider de l’indépendance et se séparer de la fédération irakienne. Contre toute attente, il semble déterminé à aller au bout de son ambition, malgré l’opposition unanime des acteurs régionaux et internationaux à cette initiative. Si la question de l’autodétermination est pour les Kurdes une vieille aspiration, savoir comment et quand y parvenir ne fait pas l’objet d’un consensus.

    • L’opposition d’Erdoğan au “référendum d’indépendance” proposé par Barzani au Kurdistan irakien a rencontré l’assentiment de la quasi majorité des Etats, hors Israël.

      Le président français s’est lui-même exprimé sur le sujet et a réfuté le droit des Kurdes d’Irak à se prononcer sur une autodétermination dans le contexte régional de guerre, les incitant à “renforcer l’Etat irakien et ses institutions démocratiques”.

      Erdoğan ne s’est pas contenté de mettre en garde les dirigeants kurdes irakiens sur la “responsabilité qu’ils prendrait dans la déstabilisation des bonnes relations actuelles“, il a, depuis quelques jours, fait masser ostensiblement des blindés de l’armée turque aux frontières avec l’Irak.

      La presse turc aux ordres du pouvoir AKP a entrepris, titres à l’appui, de dénoncer le “référendum” et de renforcer l’opération “gros yeux et menaces” engagée par le régime.
      “L’intervention est prête, si les Kurdes irakiens osent” clament-ils, en gros. Cliquetis de tourelles de char.

      Rıza Altun, du KCK, s’exprime sur le référendum d’indépendance

    • Leaked E-mails: Israel, Kurds May Have Destroyed Iranian Facilities
      Anshel Pfeffer and Ron Ben-Tovim Feb 28, 2012 2:00 AM

      In exchange released by website, worker at Stratfor intelligence firm doubts validity of a source claiming an Israeli ground force had already wiped out Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

      Israeli commandos and Kurdish fighters destroyed some Iranian nuclear installations last year, according to a hacked e-mail from a U.S. global intelligence analysis company revealed yesterday by WikiLeaks.

      WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will hold a press conference today in London where he plans to reveal new details about the emails, from U.S. security company Stratfor.

  • The Palestinians who didn’t flee during the #Nakba
    Historian #Adel_Manna tells the story of the 120,000 Palestinians who remained in Israel in 1948 while 750,000 were driven out

    Did Prime Minister David #Ben-Gurion pursue a policy or issue an order aimed at getting rid of the Muslims?

    “I am not looking for a directive or a document bearing Ben-Gurion’s signature. He addressed the subject often, and I quote his statements in the book. For example, on September 26, 1948, he declared, ‘Only one task remains for the Arabs in the Land of Israel: to flee.’ The Israeli leadership understood and also concurred that, for the Jewish state, the fewer Arabs the better. The subject was mooted already in the late 1930s. Yosef Weitz, a senior official of the Jewish National Fund, supported extensive expulsion of Arabs and advocated a population transfer. The IDF commanders at different levels knew what the leadership wanted and acted accordingly. Massacres were not perpetrated everywhere. When you shell a village or a city neighborhood, the residents flee. In the first half of 1948, at least, they believed they would be able to return. When the fighting in Haifa ended, many residents tried to return from Acre in boats, but the Haganah blocked them.”

    Does your study confirm, or prove, that ethnic cleansing took place?

    “The book’s goal is not to prove whether ethnic cleansing occurred. My disagreement with [the review of my book in Haaretz by] #Benny_Morris did not revolve around the question of ‘whether ethnic cleansing took place or not,’ but deals with the question of whether the leadership did or did not make a decision in a particular meeting to implement a policy of ethnic cleansing.” In this connection, Manna quotes Daniel Blatman’s response (Haaretz, Aug. 4) to a review of his book by Morris (Haaretz, July 29). One might think from Morris’ book, Blatman noted, that “when Ratko Mladic decided to slaughter over 7,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995, he made his orders public.”

    Indeed, Manna points out, “The first historian who uncovered the fact that ethnic cleansing occurred and that there were also cases of massacre, rape and expulsion was Benny Morris. He reached the conclusion that there was no [official] policy, in light of the fact that no authoritative archival documentation exists. In one village, they decided a certain way and in another, differently. Still, there is a pattern: The soldiers perpetrated another massacre and carried out another expulsion, and another #massacre and another expulsion, and no one was brought to trial. If there was no policy, why weren’t these war criminals tried?”

  • Two years in Syria : Putin’s success story - Middle East News -

    “It’s easy to make a military success when you have no problem bombing schools, mosques and bakeries,” says one Western diplomat stationed in Moscow, but it’s impossible to ignore that Putin’s Syrian gamble has paid off.

    Pourtant les #Etats-Unis font (sans compter le bombardement des célébrations de mariage) très régulièrement la même chose depuis plus de 15 ans en Afghanistan : pour que dalle.

  • Israel’s Message to U.S. Jews: If You’re Against the Occupation, You’re Not Welcome
    Libby Lenkinski Sep 20, 2017 4:39 PM
    With the Jewish Agency now surrendering to the extremist right-wing witch-hunt, more and more of Israel’s institutions are closing their doors to U.S. Jewish progressives. We must refuse to be excluded

    (...) This week the Jewish Agency for Israel withdrew its funding for Achvat Amim, a Masa-funded program overseen by Hashomer Hatzair based on spurious allegations by a shadowy group called Ad Kan.

    Ad Kan is an arm of the most extreme elements of Israel’s settler movement. It has been called “Israel’s volunteer thought police,” a group that recruits Israelis to become citizen-spies, reporting on their fellow Israelis in a two-bit McCarthyist attempt to weed out anyone who doesn’t fit their vision of an Israel for Jews only.

    Armed with hidden cameras and microphones, Ad Kan members lie about their identities, join left-wing organizations and try to capture “gotcha” moments with members. Other times they scrutinize and “investigate” individual activists and then offer their deceptive material to Israel’s mainstream news.

    In this case, Ad Kan was incensed that Jews would participate in nonviolent activism alongside Palestinians in the West Bank. So they got to work identifying individual activists to name, shame, and blame.

    This is the settler-Right’s tried and true tactic: guilt by association. Ad Kan and other extreme right-wing organizations like it understand that when the public conversation focuses on how policies like the occupation affect people’s lives, they lose. So instead, they create bogeymen and come up with convoluted chains of association among them to imply some nefarious cabal.

    Sound familiar? These are the same types of fantasies about power and treason that anti-Semites used for generations to target Jews. It’s eerily similar to the implication of the cartoon posted by Yair Netanyahu to Facebook – for which he has been embraced by neo-Nazis in America.

    Ad Kan and its settler-Right allies, like Im Tirtzu and the Samaria Settlers’ Committee, have been reading from the same anti-Semitic playbook for some time. In 2009, Im Tirtzu created a campaign designed to topple the New Israel Fund using imagery of NIF’s then-president, Naomi Chazan, with a horn on her head.

    The attacks on NIF by Im Tirtzu and others did nothing to hamper our activities to promote democracy and equality for all Israelis. But this time, guilt-by-association tactics led the Jewish Agency to withdraw funding from a Hashomer Hatzair-affiliated volunteer program.

    This is a disappointing surrender to the settler-Right, and not just because of its underhanded and dishonest tactics. These decisions determine what kind of Zionism is acceptable in today’s Israel, and the answer is far narrower than ever before in Israel’s history. The incremental witch-hunting that attempts to mark and silence undesirable elements often starts in organizations like Ad Kan. But dropping the Hashomer Hatzair program is just the latest example of how these actions influence policy.

    There can be no mistake: the Jewish Agency canceled its support of Achvat Amim because of the leaders’ progressive political perspective – though plenty of right-wing programs receive Jewish Agency support.(...)


  • #Israel demanded 60km buffer but Russia let Iranian forces in Syria approach the border - Syria -

    No such Iranian presence has been identified over the past few months, but Israeli intelligence expects the Iranians to infiltrate the border area gradually, and that over the long term the Iranians intend on building a military and intelligence presence along the border with Israel. The Iranians intend on using the Syrian Golan Heights as a secondary front against Israel in the case of another war breaking out between Israel and #Hezbollah, experts say.

    #Syrie #Iran #Israël #Russie

  • Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox clash with police in Jerusalem over arrest of draft dodgers
    Aaron Rabinowitz Sep 17, 2017 5:57 PM

    Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox protesters from the most extreme factions of their community demonstrated on Sunday outside the Israeli army enlistment center on Rashi Street in Jerusalem over the arrest of about 40 ultra-Orthodox men on allegations of desertion. A particular focus of the protest was the arrest of the grandson of the rabbi of the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Hasidic sect, who was detained two weeks ago by military police for desertion on landing at Ben-Gurion International Airport. Eight protesters were detained after demonstrators threw stones at the police.

    Earlier the protesters gathered at Jerusalem’s Shabbat Square in the heart of the ultra-Orthodox community. The area was closed to traffic and a large contingent of police was deployed in advance of the demonstration.


  • Israeli party approves annexation plan to coerce Palestinian departure

    The conference of the National Union faction, which has MKs in the Habayit Hayehudi Knesset party, approved a plan Tuesday for essentially annexing the territories while either facilitating the exit of Palestinian residents or allowing them to remain but without voting rights.

    #israël #Israel #vol #Palestine

  • #Qatar trying to arrange meeting with Jewish American leaders as part of PR push- Haaretz.Com

    According to a report published last week on O’Dwyer’s PR Report, a website specializing in advertising industry news, Qatar is paying Muzin’s PR firm Stonington Strategies $50,000 a month to improve its image in the U.S. Jewish community. 

    One Jewish leader who refused to meet with the Qataris is Mort Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization of America, who told Haaretz, “It looks very much like this is a public relations attempt to moderate Qatar’s image as a country that supports and funds terrorism.”

    #dirigeants_arabes #indigents_arabes

  • In first, Israel will penalize Amnesty International for anti-settlements campaign - Israel News -

    Israel plans to punish Amnesty International for its recent campaign, which encourages people to lobby companies and governments to boycott settlement products, by denying tax benefits to Israelis who donate to the human rights organization.
    It is the first time the government will apply the so-called anti-boycott law, which penalizes organizations and individuals calling for a boycott of Israel or the settlements. The controversial law was passed in 2011.
    Free daily newspaper Israel Hayom, which is widely seen as a mouthpiece of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reported in its main story Tuesday that Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon has resolved to take action against Amnesty International for its summer campaign “Israel’s Occupation: 50 Years of Dispossession," marking the 50th anniversary of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The campaign urges people to call on foreign companies and governments to end their trade ties with the settlements.
    Haaretz has confirmed that representatives of the organization will be summoned to a hearing at the Finance Ministry. At press time, a spokesman for Kahlon did not respond to a request by Haaretz for comment.
    The campaign’s website states: “We want governments to stop enabling the economy that keeps these illegal settlements growing and fuels the suffering of Palestinians: and you can help.

    #Israel #Amnesty #settlements #colonies

  • Israel dare not allow Hezbollah to strike first - Israel News -

    Ces gens là, comme les nostalgiques de l’agression contre le Vietnam, n’apprennent, ne reconnaissent, jamais rien, et présentent toujours leurs ennemis comme suffisamment fous pour se prêter à leurs bombes nucléaires,

    There’s a reason why some people call Israel’s army the “Israel Containment Forces.” For many years, including (or especially) the Second Lebanon War, the IDF did not truly aspire, as an army going to war must aspire, to defeat the enemy once and for all, in other words to neutralize its capacity to further endanger the lives of Israel’s citizens, soldiers and infrastructure.

    #folie #sioniste #Israël #insane

  • Air strikes are the bomb
    Gideon Levy Sep 10, 2017 3:47 AM

    One issue unites Israeli society: Every aggressive Israeli act is applauded – whether it’s clear what it was about or not, One issue unites Israeli society: Every aggressive Israeli act is applauded – whether it’s clear what it was about or not, whether the operation was necessary or not. Just as long as we bomb something. What could be bad about another bombing in Syria? We’ve already done it a hundred times and everything went well, so what’s wrong with another go?

    Why not shove another stick into that bleeding bull? It can’t respond, after all. So if we can bomb, why not? It keeps the air force alert, after not having a real fight for decades. When all is said and done, it’s a bit difficult to use an F-35 against a girl with scissors at the Qalandiyah checkpoint, and a bombing gives the air force a halo of heroism.

    Everybody cheers it. The commentators parrot that the bombing of weapons making their way to Hezbollah “creates deterrence.” But Hezbollah already has 150,000 missiles and rockets from all that bombing and deterrence.

    Behind all this is the yearning to strike the Arabs, strike as much as possible, strike as much as we can, strike as long as it doesn’t exact a price – by air, sea or land. Never mind where, when and why, as long as we strike.

    The Israel Defense Forces has long become the Israel Attack Forces. Israel is allowed to do anything. After all, Israel is a pacifist, peace-seeking country merely defending itself. In its arrogance, Israel also takes the liberty of violating the sovereignty of its neighbor Lebanon as much as it likes, invading its sky daily and even bombing Syria from it. Because who’s Lebanon to tell Israel where to fly?

    Nothing is easier than imagining what would happen if a Lebanese reconnaissance balloon entered Israel’s skies, not to mention a plane. Lebanon’s skies would tremble and shake; how dare it breach our sovereignty? But Israel is allowed.

    It’s also allowed to bomb weapons convoys everywhere, because Israel itself never acquires arms. It’s allowed to do so because it can. Here too it’s not hard to imagine what would happen if a country’s air force decided to bomb an arms shipment to Israel.

    Israel is allowed to equip itself with any weapon, whether they’re permitted and prohibited. It’s allowed to bomb weapons development centers because the weapons produced there are an “equilibrium breaker.” This term is a bit of comic relief used by the military and yes-men reporters, as if there were any equilibrium that these weapons were breaking. Israel even uses this absurd term when it talks about Hamas in Gaza. Just imagine.

    According to Israeli logic, only Israel is allowed to arm itself in the region, and it has the right to prevent any other group or country from doing so, whether by force or international pressure. Distant Saudi Arabia wanted AWACS spy planes, so Israel went bonkers; it has to thwart almost any arms deal. If it were up to Israel, all the Arab states would be demilitarized, and only Israel would continue to arm itself with every kind of weapon.

    On the face of it, there’s nothing to complain about. Israel is a regional power and wants to preserve its strength. The Middle East is extremely violent, the threats to Israel are substantial, at least partly, and if Israel can neutralize its enemies, it must do so. But this is shortsighted. These frequent bombings of Syria could have a price. This is how wars are stoked, from one successful bombing to another.

    Also, the idea that the side with the stronger military will prevail forever isn’t borne out by history. Israel, which bases its entire presence in the Middle East on its sword, can’t lean on it forever. Syria will remember that in its most difficult hour Israel humiliated it. Nations and statesmen don’t forget that. Now Russia is around as well.

    The bombing at the end of the week was a bombshell of an operation. Hats off to the IDF. But after the 102nd bombing, or maybe the 200th, there could be payback.


  • Why Syria hasn’t retaliated to the alleged Israeli strike

    Syria and allies practice restraint after alleged Israeli attack on missile plant

    Amos Harel Sep 10, 2017
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    It appears, however, that the timing isn’t convenient for sabre rattling by the Assad regime and its supporters. The regime scored an important victory last week when the Syrian army and Shi’ite militias took over Deir el-Zour in eastern Syria and drove out Islamic State fighters. Iran is explaining its active military involvement in Syria with the need to help the Assad regime, more than opening a front with Israel, while Hezbollah is playing down the assistance it receives from Iran and Syria.
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    A military retaliation against Israel could create difficulties for the parties bolstering Hezbollah. The response could come at a later stage and indirectly, like the tightening of Russian-Iranian cooperation.
    Recently, reports have said Russia will provide air defense in western Syria, mainly via S-400 missiles, for Iranian arms plants as well. As far as is known, Iran operates such facilities in Syria in coordination with the Assad regime, but so far hasn’t implemented plans to set up similar ones in Lebanon.

    Syrian soccer fans hold a portrait of President Bashar Assad before a match with Iran in a World Cup qualifier, Tehran, September 6, 2017.Vahid Salemi / AP
    On Sunday, Israel’s military will continue the large drill in the north that began last week; numerous infantry units and aircraft will be involved. The exercise, which is taking place in a Lower Galilee area that simulates Lebanon, will move this week from defense to offense. Presumably, Hezbollah and Syria will also have to take the Israeli army’s high alert into account if they’re considering a retaliation to the airstrike.
    Former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said he didn’t know who attacked the plant in Syria, “but whoever it was did Israel an excellent service.”
    As Ya’alon put it, “The Russians, even if they think we did it, aren’t saying a word. There’s a hotline between our defense establishments and understandings that we won’t get in their way and they won’t get in ours. I don’t see a fear of an escalation, but we have to keep evaluating the situation.”