• A Seattle, une invasion de super-héros embarrasse la police | Big Browser

    Affublés de capes et de masques de Superman, Spider-Man ou autres héros de la culture de masse, ils entendent compléter l’action de la police en agissant en justiciers dans leur ville. Mais à Seattle, dans le nord-ouest des Etats-Unis, la police s’en inquiète plutôt, relate un article de Slate. En témoigne un rapport indépendant sur l’action des forces de l’ordre locales, qui évoque la présence embarrassante de ces énergumènes déterminés à rétablir l’ordre public.

    Seattle Is Overrun With People Who Dress Up Like Superheroes and Cause Trouble

    What’s that? You haven’t heard of the superhero menace? Seattle, being a somewhat silly place, is the home town of the Rain City Superhero Movement, a group of eccentric citizens who roam the streets wearing homemade superhero costumes, occasionally attempting to stop crime but mostly posing for photographs. Last year, several of the Rain City members inserted themselves into the protests, attempting to stop the anarchists from causing trouble. The independent review on May Day 2012 found that the superheroes just made things worse: “Rain City Superhero Movement individuals were allowed to participate in the melee at 1010 5th Avenue (U.S. Appeals Federal Courthouse). Their participation resulted in allegations of assaults/crimes.” That’s just what that stupid J. Jonah Jameson said about Spider-Man. At least Spider-Man gets results!
