• Germany fears revolution if Europe scraps welfare model | Reuters

    German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned on Tuesday that (...) dropping the continent’s welfare model in favor of tougher U.S. standards would spark a revolution.


    If U.S. welfare standards were introduced in Europe, “we would have revolution, not tomorrow, but on the very same day,” Schaeuble [said].

  • Report : US drone attacks via US bases in Germany | News | DW.DE | 31.05.2013

    Les frappes de drones étasuniennes en Afrique seraient opérées à partir de l’Allemagne.

    The US military’s use of unmanned aircraft to kill terror suspects in foreign countries has come under media scrutiny in Germany. US bases in Germany may be involved in drone killings.
    German ARD public television and the national daily paper Süddeutsche Zeitung have claimed that a satellite link located at the US air force base at Ramstein in southern Germany plays a key role in American drone attacks on targets in Africa.

    The reports also raised questions about how much the German government has known about the controversial practice.

    “The killing of a terror suspect using an armed drone outside of an armed conflict could - if the federal government knows about it and doesn’t protest against it - make it complicit in a human rights offence,” German human rights lawyer Thilo Marauhn told ARD.
    Killing via satellite?

    The two reports cite an internal US military document said to indicate that the Ramstein satellite facility provides the vital link between the US drone pilot, who operates from a base in the United States, with the drone itself in missions conducted over Africa.

    • L’article (traduit) de la Süddeutsche Zeitung

      Exclusive : US Armed Forces Piloting Drones From Bases In Germany - All News Is Global |

      Ten deadly drone attacks killing up to 29 people have so far been carried out in Somalia by US forces. Most of those killed were believed to be members of the militant Al Shabab, which aims to create an Islamic state on the Horn of Africa.
      Since 2011 an air mission control center in Ramstein has been guiding US Air Force attacks in Africa including Somalia. Up to 650 staff at the Ramstein control center monitor African air space, evaluate pictures taken by drone and satellite, and plan new missions. Without the special satellite relay station for unmanned flying objects in Ramstein the drone attacks in Africa “could not be carried out,” according to a US Air Force internal memo.
      Documents make clear that there are plans to replace an old facility with a better, permanent one. U.S. Congress approved the equivalent of 8.4m euros for this in 2011. “Realizing this project will improve satellite communication with drones long-term,” says the document.
      When asked, a US military spokesperson said that generally responsibility for all military operations in Africa — including the drone missions — lay with Africom in Stuttgart. An internal memo shows that Africom is seeking to hire “secret service analysts” whose task would be to “nominate” targets for drone missions in Africa.

      Le porte-parole états-unien explique benoîtement que l’analyse et la décision sont faites à Stuttgart mais que le pilotage et le contrôle des drones non. (On est en plein dans la dilution de la responsabilité telle que décrite par Chamayou…)
      Quant au gouvernement allemand, il n’est au courant de rien.

      Berlin not aware of U.S. drone strikes from German bases | Reuters

      Thomas Oppermann, parliamentary floor leader of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), said German law prohibited targeted attacks outside of armed conflicts and demanded an explanation from the government.

      “The German government has no knowledge of such operations being planned or carried out by U.S. armed forces,” Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, told a regular government news conference.

      Asked about the reports, Major Ryan Donald of United States European Command (EUCOM) based in Stuttgart said: “We maintain robust civilian and military cooperation with Germany and manage all base activities in accordance with the agreements made between the United States and German governments.”

      “The Air and Space Operations Center at Ramstein Air Base monitors and assesses assigned airpower missions throughout Europe and Africa, but does not directly fly or control any manned or remotely piloted aircraft,” he said in a statement.

  • Israël a fait part de son scepticisme devant les informations rapportées par la presse selon lesquelles la Syrie aurait acquis des missiles S-300. Le discours du président Assad était beaucoup plus vague. Quoiqu’il en soit, il faudrait des mois avant que ces missiles deviennent opérationnels. La question est de savoir dans quelle mesure les Russes sont partie prenante de cette déclaration du président Assad.

    Israel doubts Assad possesses S-300 system, but has good reason to worry
    By Amos Harel


    Israel treated the report skeptically, saying it had no information to confirm it, suspecting it was merely a crude attempt at psychological warfare. And in fact, this skepticism proved warranted: When the full text of Assad’s interview with Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television station was published, it turned out that all he said, when asked whether the S-300 had been delivered yet, was, “All of our agreements with Russia will be implemented, some have been implemented during the past period and, together with the Russians, we will continue to implement these contracts in the future.”

    • Un journal russe confirme ce scepticisme

      Russia has not yet supplied S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Syria and it is not clear if they will be supplied this year, influential business daily Vedomosti reported on 31 May, quoting a source in the Russian defence industry.

      The source said that the Russian authorities’ reluctance to make public promises not to supply S-300 missiles to Syria did not necessarily mean that the deliveries would take place. “Moscow’s official position - that it will fulfil its contracts signed with Syria - is caused by the recent experience with Iran and Libya when in exchange for the decision not to supply S-300 systems to Iran in 2010 and the support for the UN Security Council arms embargo on Libya after the start of the civil war there in 2011 Russia got nothing, while its reputation of a reliable supplier has been damaged,” the paper said, citing the source.

      The source went on to say that S-300 missile systems would not help the Syrian government to prevent air strikes by NATO and Israel, should they take place.

      The Vedomosti article, headlined “S-300s have not arrived yet”, also quoted arms experts Konstantin Makiyenko as saying that following the EU’s decision to lift the arms embargo on the Syrian opposition, Russia should not back out of its contracts for providing Damascus with the weapons that it really needs, namely firearms and light weapons, as well as with fuel, rather than with expensive S-300PMU-2 missile systems.

      Source: Vedomosti, Moscow, in Russian 31 May 13

    • cf. Haaretz

      Le quotidien Haaretz indique, pour sa part, jeudi que le conseiller à la sécurité nationale Yaakov Amidror, un proche collaborateur de M. Nétanyahou, a affirmé la semaine dernière qu’Israël « ne stopperait pas la livraison [des S-300] mais empêcherait que ces systèmes deviennent opérationnels ». Selon le Haaretz, M. Amidror a fait ces déclarations lors d’un briefing devant les ambassadeurs de l’Union européenne.

      cité par Le Monde hier http://seenthis.net/messages/143161

    • On oublie un peu vite la réaction des israéliens à l’annonce des russes de livrer les S-300. C’était le 13 mai dernier, déjà. Autant dire l’éternité. C’était tellement loin qu’on en vient déjà à conclure, parmi les journalistes bien au fait des choses, que les S-300 sont une riposte à la fin de l’embargo européen.

      Et pourtant, le 13 mai, ces annonces de livraisons - qui doivent avoir lieu depuis longtemps déjà, bien avant la guerre - ne sont qu’une riposte aux bombardements israéliens sur la Syrie.

      Pour se souvenir de ce qui se disait le 13 mai...

      Et pour un résumé de ce qui se dit aujourd’hui un peu partout...

    • Ca fait bien longtemps que le gouvernement Syrien est fort marri de voir l’IAF faire du tourisme dans son espace aérien défendu par des pièces de musée (http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Syria-SAM-Deployment.html) - les S-300 sont certainement depuis de nombreuses années sur la lettre de Bachar au père Noël .

      Il serait intéressant de savoir de quelle version du système il est question : la dénomination S-300 désigne une famille plutôt étendue... En fonction du mix de missiles, radars, systèmes de commande etc. les performances attendues sont variées. Les Russes vendraient-ils les variantes les plus performantes à ce genre de client export risqué ?

      Admettons que le gouvernement Syrien parvienne à obtenir une batterie de S-300 et à la déployer sans se la faire démolir par le Sayeret Shaldag... Qui va opérer ce matériel ? Certes des habitués d’un truc aussi compliqué à opérer qu’un S-125 (il faut voir la tronche des interfaces...) devraient avoir la capacité à être converti sur S-300, mais il faut du temps pour monter en compétence sur un nouveau matériel et l’intégrer efficacement dans un réseau de défense anti-aérienne existant. Tout ça laisse penser que les annonces concernant les S-300 sont de l’esbroufe médiatique, autant côté gouvernement que côté insurgé.

    • Un point complet de Reuters, aujourd’hui, citant des sources de l’industrie d’armement russe.

      “Regarding the deliveries of the S-300, they can begin no earlier than the autumn,” the arms industry source told Interfax on Friday, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

      “Technically it’s possible, but much will depend on how the situation develops in the region and the position of Western countries.”

      Without naming Israel specifically, Interfax paraphrased the source as saying: “Air attacks on Syria from the side of a neighboring government or the introduction of a so-called no-fly zone above Syria may serve as a pretext for speeding up the deliveries of the S-300.”

      Quant au modèle

      Russian daily Vedomosti has reported that Assad bought four units of the modernized S-300PMU-2 system for nearly $1 billion.

      et pour la mise en œuvre et la formation

      The Defence Ministry source said Syrian troops would need to be trained on the S-300 in Russia’s southern province of Astrakhan.

      Former Russian Air Force Commander General Anatoly Kornukov told Interfax that such training would need a minimum of two to four weeks depending on the diligence of the recipients.

      The S-300s themselves would be ready for use “within five minutes after the delivery”, he said.

    • « Ready for use within five minutes after the delivery » - on sent le discours commercial... C’est un système mobile, mais quand même.

      On peut imaginer que la formation des utilisateurs en Russie a déjà eu lieu - comment n’y ai-je pas pensé ?

      Plus discret que le déploiement d’un nouveau système : l’amélioration des systèmes existants... Une spécialité Russe dont voici un aperçu pertinent compte tenu du parc Syrien : http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Legacy-SAM-Upgrades.html - on peut imaginer que les livraison continuent sans le moindre bruit médiatique.

      Pour les amateurs de défense aérienne vintage Guerre Froide, je ne saurais trop recommander le SAM Simulator - https://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972 dont SimHQ a une bonne revue : http://www.simhq.com/_air14/air_512a.html

  • L’Armée syrienne libre avait annoncé qu’elle bombarderait des populations civiles chiites au Liban, elle l’a à nouveau revendiqué ce matin, et évidemment ce soir elle dément et accuse le Hezbollah d’un plan bizarre.

    L’enchaînement est assez clair.

    1. Le 22 mai, un communiqué de l’Armée syrienne libre prétend avoir découvert un plan du Hezbollah de commettre des attentats contre des régions chiites au Liban pour se poser en victime et faire accuser les rebelles syriens. Évidemment, c’est idiot : comment peut-on « découvrir » un tel plan ? Des dirigeants du Hezbollah l’ont annoncé à leurs troupes en Syrie et ça a fuité ? Les dirigeants du Hezbollah s’échangent leurs plans machiavéliques via Facebook ? Hassan Nasrallah l’a dit en « off » à des journalistes du Guardian qui ont ensuite violé leur NDA ? Quoi ? « Nous avons découvert que… » et ça suffit ?

    Comme l’avait alors noté As‘ad Abukhalil, cette fumeuse découverte revenait en réalité pour l’Armée syrienne libre à annoncer maladroitement qu’elle prévoyait elle-même d’attaquer les civils chiites libanais et ensuite d’accuser le Hezbollah d’en être l’auteur « secret ».

    2. Dimanche matin, deux roquettes Grad tombent sur Chiyah et blessent 4 personnes. (Comme à la parade, les dépêches des agences présentent le quartier comme un « fief » du « Hezbollah chiite », alors que Chiyah est un quartier anciennement chrétien avec une municipalité maronite, avec une très forte population chiite, mais plutôt fief du parti Amal depuis les années 90. Cette façon de justifier immédiatement le bombardement d’un quartier civil de Beyrouth est déjà scandaleux, mais le faire unanimement avec un argument faux me semble particulièrement suspect.)

    Selon une source sécuritaire citée par Reuters, une roquette de 107mm, qui ne s’est pas déclenchée, visait l’aéroport de Beyrouth.

    3. Le même jour, deux roquettes du même type tirées depuis la Syrie tombent sur la région du Hermel dans le Bekaa, sans faire de victimes.

    4. Dans la semaine, un commandant rebelle d’Alep, « apparemment en route pour Qusayr », avait menacé explicitement de bombarder Dahiyeh dans une vidéo postée sur le Web :


    Earlier this week, a rebel commander threatened to strike Beirut’s southern suburbs in retaliation for Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria. The threat was made in a video showing Col. Abdul-Jabbar al-Aqidi, commander of the Syrian rebels’ Military Council in Aleppo, while apparently en route to Qusair.

    “We used to say before, We are coming Bashar.' Now we say, We are coming Bashar and we are coming Hassan Nasrallah,’” the commander says in the video.

    “We will strike at your strongholds in Dahiyeh,” he says, using the Lebanese name for Hezbollah’s power center in south Beirut. The video was still posted online on Youtube on Sunday.

    4. Surtout, dimanche matin, un responsable de l’Armée syrienne libre justifie l’attaque et menace explicitement le Liban. Personne ne peut lire les propos d’Ammar al-Wawi autrement que comme une revendication et une menace purement terroriste (menacer les civils pour obtenir un gain politique).

    Earlier on Sunday, FSA secretary Wawi called on President Michel Suleiman and the Lebanese government to “put an end to what Hizbullah is committing in Syria or else the fire raging in Syria will spread into Lebanon.”

    “The Syrian people will not stand idly by regarding what Hizbullah is doing in Syria,” Wawi said in an interview with LBCI television.

    “Should the Lebanese government fail to stop Hizbullah, there will be repercussions against Beirut, Tripoli and the Rafik Hariri International Airport,” Wawi said, claiming that the airport “has become a corridor for Iranian planes that are shipping weapons to Syria.”

    He added: “Our honorable people in Lebanon from all sects will not stand idly by regarding what Hizbullah is doing in Syria, and therefore there will be repercussions, such as what happened today in the rocket attack on the southern suburbs.”

    5. Évidemment (c’est une habitude après chaque attentat), après avoir explicitement menacé, puis indirectement revendiqué en menaçant à nouveau, l’Armée syrienne libre condamne les attentats « dans les termes les plus forts » :

    “We condemn in the strongest terms the act of sabotage and terrorism that targeted Dahiyeh and reiterate our commitment to Lebanon’s security, sovereignty and stability,” Fahd al-Masri, head of FSA’s Central Media Department, said in an interview with MTV.

    In another interview with Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5), Masri strongly denied any role for the FSA in the rocket attack, describing remarks voiced by FSA secretary Ammar al-Wawi as “irresponsible.”

    6. Et revoici comme prévu la très fumeuse théorie du complot des attentats « false flag » commis par le Hezbollah :

    He described the incident as “deeply worrisome,” noting that “it confirms what we had revealed about an Iranian plot to make bombings in Shiite areas to cover up for Hizbullah’s failure in (the Syrian town of) Qusayr.”

    7. À cette heure, aucune mention de tout ceci dans aucun média occidental, malgré une rapide mention des menaces dans une dépêche Reuters :

    But another Syrian rebel, Ammar al-Wawi, told Lebanon’s LBC Television the attack was a warning to authorities in Beirut to restrain Hezbollah. “In coming days we will do more than this. This is a warning to Hezbollah and the Lebanese government to keep Hezbollah’s hands off Syria,” he said.

  • À l’instant, Angry Arab se moque de Reuters, qui prétend qu’un combattant du Hezbollah lui téléphone direcement depuis Qusayr :

    A fighter from Hezbollah forces in Qusair told Reuters by telephone that advances were happening at a very slow pace.

    Voir ma remarque précédente sur l’AFP :

    C’est tellement ridicule que j’ai voulu vérifier, et j’ai découvert que c’est encore plus amusant : il existe désormais au moins trois versions de cette phrase.

    Sur ces sites :
    la mention « par téléphone » apparaît bien :

    A fighter from Hezbollah forces in Qusair told Reuters by telephone that advances were happening at a very slow pace.

    En revanche, sur ces sites :
    la mention du coup de bigophone a disparu :

    A fighter from Hezbollah forces in Qusair told Reuters that advances were happening at a very slow pace.

    Et la dépêche d’origine chez Reuters :
    ça n’est plus par téléphone, et ça n’est plus un combattant mais « un officiel proche du Hezbollah » :

    An official close to Hezbollah told Reuters that the fighters’ advances in Qusair were happening at a very slow pace.

    L’explication est confirmée par le lien « United Jerusalem » ci-dessus : la version sur ce site contient la mention du téléphone, tout en indiquant que sa source est l’article de Reuters référencé ici, lequel ne contient pas la mention du téléphone et où le « combattant » est remplacé par « un officiel ». Il est donc clair que Reuters a sucré la mention.

    Alors quoi, Reuters, tu trouves qu’écrire que tu obtiens les confidences d’un combattant du Hezbollah à Qusayr par téléphone, ça fait pingouin, donc tu changes la mention de ta source ; mais ça ne remet pas en cause l’« information » elle-même ?

  • En Alabama, 10 cas dont 2 mortels d’une maladie respiratoire non identifiée
    Health officials probe deadly respiratory illness in Alabama | Reuters

    U.S. and state health authorities are investigating an unidentified respiratory illness that has killed two of 10 people hospitalized with it in Alabama since last week.

    A priori , il ne s’agit pas d’une variante de grippe (bien qu’il y ait 2 porteurs du H1N1 de la grippe aviaire). Une bactérie multirésistante est envisagée, le nouveau coronavirus ne l’est pas, aucun des patients n’ayant voyagé.

  • H7N9, déjà un impact de 6,5 Mds de dollars, essentiellement sur la volaille chinoise.
    (et, accessoirement, 36 morts à ce jour)

    #H7N9 bird flu outbreak costs more than $6.5 billion so far -U.N | Reuters

    “The economic impacts of H7N9 have been astounding,” Juan Lubroth said during a presentation at the World Health Assembly in Geneva.

    “Over $6.5 billion has been lost in the agriculture sector because of prices, consumer confidence and trade. So poultry industry losses in China have been high,” he said.

    H7N9 Confirmed in Chicken — CRI English (avec Xinhua) http://english.cri.cn/6909/2013/05/21/2702s766066.htm

    A poultry sample has tested positive for the H7N9 virus in Zengcheng City in the southern province of Guangdong, the country’s agriculture ministry said yesterday.

    The avian flu virus, which has so far led to the deaths of 36 people nationwide, was detected in a sample of chicken from a market in Zengcheng.

    The ministry ordered Guangdong to properly dispose of the sample and increase monitoring efforts.

  • Donations, lobbying by high-speed traders on the rise: report

    .Perhaps what is more surprising is that the largest single recipient of donations from high-speed trading is Illinois Republican Senator Mark Kirk.

    While Kirk does hail from a state that is home to the CME Group and sits on the Senate Banking Committee in charge of overseeing the issue, he has publicly said very little if anything on the topic of high-speed trading compared with some of his other Senate colleagues.

    By contrast, the lawmaker who has received the second-largest chunk of change from high-speed trading firms - New York Democratic Senator Charles Schumer - has been very vocal.

    On several different occasions, Schumer has pushed for more regulation of high-speed firms, including a proposal that would force them to take on “market maker” obligations so they could not pull out of markets during a crisis the way they did in the flash crash.

  • Publication des prix pratiqués par les hôpitaux états-uniens

    U.S. makes data available on wide disparity in hospital charges | Reuters

    The Obama administration revealed what over 3,000 hospitals charge for common medical procedures in an early effort to challenge healthcare costs by showing consumers how prices for the same service can vary by tens of thousands of dollars.

    Le gouvernement publie les prix pratiqués dans 3337 hôpitaux pour les 100 actes les plus courants. Les prix sont ceux déclarés à Medicare (tous les hôpitaux ne le font pas). Les données (2011) sont issues de presque 7 millions de factures, soit 60% de ce que traite Medicare.

    Le site du gouvernement http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/Medicare-Provider-Charge-Data/index.html avec un lien vers un fichier Excel et un fichier texte (csv) (163 000 lignes).

    Les critiques font remarquer
    • que les données (brutes) sont difficiles à exploiter,
    • qu’il n’y a pas d’indication quant à la qualité des interventions
    • que la liste des interventions n’est pas pertinente

    La publication est favorablement accueillie par les associations de consommateurs et sera suivie de la publication d’autres informations.

    #santé #hôpital #open_data

  • L’agence de presse iranienne Fars News Agency commente longuement la cybe-rattaque syrienne contre Israël.

    Fars News Agency : : Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Israel’s Main Infrastructure (SCADA)

    The SEA said it has hacked into the Haifa infrastructural system at around 22:00 (local time) Monday night, underlining that the hacking was done in retaliation for the recent Israeli strike on a research center in suburban Damascus.

    “We would like to announce that in response to the unfair and illegal attacks of Israel on DATE, the SEA has penetrated one of the main infrastructural systems (SCADA) in Haifa and managed to gain access to some sensitive data,” SEA said in a message left for the Israeli operators of Haifa SCADA system.

    “Also, the SEA is now able to cause irrecoverable damage to the Israelis’ infrastructural systems,” it added.

    Israel staged an airstrike on Syria on Sunday, hitting the Jamraya research center in the vicinity of the Syrian capital, Damascus. Syria said the Israeli regime had carried out the airstrike - the third in the last few months - after heavy losses were inflicted on al-Qaeda-affiliated groups by the Syrian army.

    The SEA warned that it could cause a major blast by continuing the attack on the servers of the Haifa infrastructural systems, but avoided further move due to inescapable human casualties as it did not want a story like the recent accident in Texas which claimed the lives of dozens of the people.

    “This message carries a serious warning to the Israeli statesmen. They should know that not receiving a quick reaction to such childish ventures does not show the Syrian inability in doing so, but it is based on wisdom and humanity considerations. We do not approve of killing civilians and innocent people as this is an Israeli type of solution,” added the message.

    “Also an advice to those who left their homelands for many years, dreaming a happy and safe life, deceived by politicians whose deed is much far from their slogans; Do the best to express your objection to Israeli policies, since we do not like to see innocent people getting killed like in Texas, US, but this time in Haifa.”

    The SEA has recently gathered a name for itself in the hacking market by successful attacks on a wide range of the western media, most notably the hacking of AP Twitter accounts and sending of bogus messages which wreaked havoc on stock exchanges. The hackers tweeted that President Obama had been injured in a bomb attack at the White House, causing a temporary 143-point drop on the Dow Jones industrial average.

    In an apparent effort to cause disruption and embarrassment in the West and to spread support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the SEA has so far hacked the Guardian, the BBC (including BBC weather, BBC Arabic Online and BBC Radio Ulster), France 24 TV, the National Public Radio in the United States, al-Jazeera, the government of Qatar, E!, and Sepp Blatter, the president of football’s governing body Fifa, whose Twitter account was hacked.

    Cybersecurity experts told the Guardian that the SEA attacks are designed to disrupt and embarrass the West and pro-Israeli lobbies, states and entities.

    In the BBC case, the SEA, which emerged two years ago, hacked into the Twitter accounts of the British broadcaster and sent nine bogus tweets in an hour, including some with anti-Israeli sentiments, and others saying “Long Live Syria”, and the “Syrian Electronic Army Was Here”.

    Guardian itself believes that the SEA attack was a reprisal for a number of leaked emails from the Assads and their inner circle that it had published.

    Hours after the cyber-attack began, the SEA said it has targeted the Guardian for spreading “lies and slander about Syria” and said it was in a “state of war with the security team of Twitter”.

    But this last cyberattack is certainly a boost in the platform of SEA operations as it required much more sophisticated knowledge and capabilities compared with the previous hackings; giving the Syrian Electronic Army the opportunity to rise to a different level of fame.

    SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a type of industrial control system (ICS). Industrial control systems are computer controlled systems that monitor and control industrial processes that exist in the physical world. SCADA systems historically distinguish themselves from other ICS systems by being large scale processes that can include multiple sites, and large distances. These processes include industrial, infrastructure, and facility-based processes.

    Industrial processes include those of manufacturing, production, power generation, fabrication, and refining, and may run in continuous, batch, repetitive, or discrete modes.

    Infrastructure processes may be public or private, and include water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, oil and gas pipelines, electrical power transmission and distribution, wind farms, civil defense siren systems, and large communication systems.

    Facility processes occur both in public facilities and private ones, including buildings, airports, ships, and space stations. They monitor and control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC), access, and energy consumption.

    Hackers usually leave a couple of files for their colleagues to prove that their allegations are true. The SEA has left the following files on its website to show others in the hacking industry that it has had a successful security breach and hacking into the Haifa SCADA system.

  • Number of names on U.S. counter-terrorism database jumps | Reuters

    Karen Greenberg, an expert in counter-terrorism policy at Fordham University, questioned whether the growth in the database’s size made it easier for officials to spot threats before they materialize.

    “What you want is more focus, not less focus. It can’t be just about quantity. It has to be about specificity,” she said.