¿Cómo han sido hackeadas las Google Glass por primera vez ?


  • Les Google Glass hackées, ou comment obtenir un accès root…

    ¿Cómo han sido hackeadas las #Google_Glass por primera vez ? - ComputerHoy.com

    En el blog de Saurik, explica detalladamente los pasos que deben de llevarse a cabo para conseguir este hackeo. El modo: acceder al dispositivo para poder entrar en él y a través de unos códigos, instalar un software que permite grabar imágenes y audio sin que el usuario se de cuenta. Las únicas consecuencias que acarrea el hackeo, es que los datos de las bibliotecas de imágenes y vídeo del dispositivo son eliminados antes de que el usuario externo pueda acceder a las gafas de Google. Algo que según este hacker, podría ser perfeccionado hasta el punto de que el usuario no no se percate de ninguna manera.

    Le blog du hacker Saurik (Jay Freeman) explique comment obtenir une accès root aux lunettes… http://www.saurik.com/id/16

    Sadly, due to the way Glass is currently designed, it is particularly susceptible to the kinds of security issues that tend to plague Android devices. The one saving grace of Android’s track record on security is that most of the bugs people find in it cannot be exploited while the device is PIN-code locked. Google’s Glass, however, does not have any kind of PIN mechanism: when you turn it on, it is immediately usable.
    Even if you wear Glass constantly, you are unlikely to either sleep or shower while wearing it; most people, of course, probably will not wear it constantly: it is likely to be left alone for long periods of time. If you leave it somewhere where someone else can get it, it is easy to put the device into Debug Mode using the Settings panel and then use adb access to launch into a security exploit to get root.
    The person doing this does not even need to be left alone with the device: it would not be difficult to use another Android device in your pocket to launch the attack (rather than a full computer). A USB “On-The-Go” cable could connect from your pocket under your shirt to your right sleeve. With only some momentary sleight-of-hand, one could “try on” your Glass, and install malicious software in the process.