• Are we all Muslim now? Assata Shakur and the Terrordome

    Organised confusion

    By all credible accounts, Assata is not guilty of killing Officer Forester in 1973. But the focus by many on her innocence as the reason why she is not a “terrorist” misses the point completely. Because whether she’s innocent or not, the labelling of her as a “terrorist” has more to do with her political beliefs and the liberation struggles that she was a part of. In fact, it’s those very beliefs and activities that led to her (and others) being targeted under the FBI’s COINTELPRO, persecuted, put on trial, convicted and then forced to ultimately flee the country and live in exile in Cuba. For the US state, when it comes to labelling a “terrorist”, innocence or guilt are simply irrelevant details.

    For her supporters and those on the Left who deny that she’s a “terrorist”, we have to understand that to the US government that’s exactly what she is. But instead of denying it, it’s high time that we instead challenge the prevailing logic of “terrorism”, refuse to normalise it, and recognise it for what it is: not only a political label used to discredit and undermine struggles for self-determination, but also a legal frame that then gives the state the sanction and power to narrow the scope of dissent and violently crackdown and arrest, incarcerate, torture, bomb, drone, invade, and even assassinate those deemed threats to state interests.